2,757 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Sylvester, Esther G. (Mars Hill, Aroostook County)

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    Economic Loss: Commercial Contract Law Lives

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    Space environmental effects on LDEF composites: A leading edge coated graphite epoxy panel

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    The electronics module cover for the leading edge (Row D 9) experiment M0003-8 was fabricated from T300 graphite/934 epoxy unidirectional prepreg tape in a (O(sub 2), +/- 45, O(sub 2), +/- 45, 90, 0)(sub s) layup. This 11.75 in x 16.75 in panel was covered with thermal control coatings in three of the four quadrants with the fourth quadrant uncoated. The composite panel experienced different thermal cycling extremes in each quadrant due to the different optical properties of the coatings and bare composite. The panel also experienced ultraviolet (UV) and atomic oxygen (AO) attack as well as micrometeoroid and space debris impacts. An AO reactivity of 0.99 x 10(exp -24) cm(sup 3)/atom was calculated for the bare composite based on thickness loss. The white urethane thermal control coatings (A276 and BMS 1060) prevented AO attack of the composite substrate. However, the black urethane thermal control coating (Z306) was severely eroded by AO, allowing some AO attack of the composite substrate. An interesting banding pattern on the AO eroded bare composite surface was investigated and found to match the dimensions of the graphite fiber tow widths as prepregged. Also, erosion depths were greater in the darker bands. Five micrometeoroid/space debris impacts were cross sectioned to investigate possible structural damage as well as impact/AO interactions. Local crushing and delaminations were found to some extent in all of the impacts. No signs of coating undercutting were observed despite the extensive AO erosion patterns seen in the exposed composite material at the impact sites. An extensive microcrack study was performed on the panel along with modeling of the thermal environment to estimate temperature extremes and thermal shock. The white coated composite substrate displayed almost no microcracking while the black coated and bare composite showed extensive microcracking. Significant AO erosion was seen in many of the cracks in the bare composite

    Flow around a cylinder with non-uniform approach velocity numerical techniques of integration: preliminary results

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    CER68-69GD7.August 1968.Includes bibliographical references

    Sylvester's question and the Random Acceleration Process

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    Let n points be chosen randomly and independently in the unit disk. "Sylvester's question" concerns the probability p_n that they are the vertices of a convex n-sided polygon. Here we establish the link with another problem. We show that for large n this polygon, when suitably parametrized by a function r(phi) of the polar angle phi, satisfies the equation of the random acceleration process (RAP), d^2 r/d phi^2 = f(phi), where f is Gaussian noise. On the basis of this relation we derive the asymptotic expansion log p_n = -2n log n + n log(2 pi^2 e^2) - c_0 n^{1/5} + ..., of which the first two terms agree with a rigorous result due to Barany. The nonanalyticity in n of the third term is a new result. The value 1/5 of the exponent follows from recent work on the RAP due to Gyorgyi et al. [Phys. Rev. E 75, 021123 (2007)]. We show that the n-sided polygon is effectively contained in an annulus of width \sim n^{-4/5} along the edge of the disk. The distance delta_n of closest approach to the edge is exponentially distributed with average 1/(2n).Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; references added and minor change

    Sub-millimeter images of a dusty Kuiper belt around eta Corvi

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    We present sub-millimeter and mid-infrared images of the circumstellar disk around the nearby F2V star eta Corvi. The disk is resolved at 850um with a size of ~100AU. At 450um the emission is found to be extended at all position angles, with significant elongation along a position angle of 130+-10deg; at the highest resolution (9.3") this emission is resolved into two peaks which are to within the uncertainties offset symmetrically from the star at 100AU projected separation. Modeling the appearance of emission from a narrow ring in the sub-mm images shows the observed structure cannot be caused by an edge-on or face-on axisymmetric ring; the observations are consistent with a ring of radius 150+-20AU seen at 45+-25deg inclination. More face-on orientations are possible if the dust distribution includes two clumps similar to Vega; we show how such a clumpy structure could arise from the migration over 25Myr of a Neptune mass planet from 80-105AU. The inner 100AU of the system appears relatively empty of sub-mm emitting dust, indicating that this region may have been cleared by the formation of planets, but the disk emission spectrum shows that IRAS detected an additional hot component with a characteristic temperature of 370+-60K (implying a distance of 1-2AU). At 11.9um we found the emission to be unresolved with no background sources which could be contaminating the fluxes measured by IRAS. The age of this star is estimated to be ~1Gyr. It is very unusual for such an old main sequence star to exhibit significant mid-IR emission. The proximity of this source makes it a perfect candidate for further study from optical to mm wavelengths to determine the distribution of its dust.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. Scheduled for publication in ApJ 10 February 2005 issu

    Earthquake swarm in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, 1968

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    Sixty-three minor earthquakes (maximum magnitude = 5.2) occurred in the Santa Barbara Channel during the period June 26 to August 3 1968. The epicenters form a shot-scatter pattern upon a broad, high-standing fault block in the channel midway between Santa Cruz Island and the City of Santa Barbara. Focal mechanism studies indicate that oblique-slip movement occurred along a northwest-striking fault even though the major folds and faults strike nearly east-west. Preliminary studies of the areal hydrocarbon production data show no compelling evidence for a causal relationship with the swarm

    Dense medium machine processing method for palm kernel/ shell separation

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    A machine processing method for the separation of cracked palm kernel from the shells using dense medium is presented. Cracked palm kernel is a mixture of kernels, broken shells, dusts and other impurities. In order to produce quality palm kernel oil, clean palm kernel nuts must be used, therefore the need for the separation of the palm kernel nuts from the shells. Several methods are used in the separation. The handpicking method yields good quality kernels but the method is slow, laborious and unsuitable for large scale productions. Salt solution method is unsuitable because of acidity of concentrated solution of salt used which affects the palm kernel as well as the quality of the oil produced. The clay suspension method is time consuming, laborious and cumbersome. The limitations of the above-stated methods of separation gave rise to the need for alternative methods of separation. A machine processing method using dense medium, a separator, a shell collector and a kernel collector was proposed. A machine was developed which produced kernels that contain 6.5% moisture content, 51% fat, 8.9% protein, 7% free fatty acid and 1.9% ash content. The kernels from the machine separation method were compared with the kernels produced by the other methods. The results revealed that the kernels obtained by hand picking method contains 7% moisture content, 52% fat, 9% protein, 7% free fatty acid and 2% ash content. The ones obtained using salt solution bath method contain 6% moisture content, 45% fat, 8% protein, 4.5% free fatty acid and 1.7% ash content. The ones obtained using conventional clay bath method contain 8% moisture content, 48% fat, 8.5% protein, 5.5% free fatty acid and 1.8% ash content. From the results obtained, the dense medium separation and clay suspension methods provide a better and cleaner means of palm kernel nut and shell separation because of the low moisture content and high fat, protein and ash contents among the methods of separation used.Keywords: Palm Kernel, Shell, Separation, Machine Processing Method, Dense Mediu

    Identification of nonlinearity in conductivity equation via Dirichlet-to-Neumann map

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    We prove that the linear term and quadratic nonlinear term entering a nonlinear elliptic equation of divergence type can be uniquely identified by the Dirichlet to Neuman map. The unique identifiability is proved using the complex geometrical optics solutions and singular solutions