247 research outputs found

    Cell genesis and dendritic plasticity: a neuroplastic pas de deux in the onset and remission from depression

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    Brain neuroplasticity is increasingly considered to be an important component of both the pathology and treatment of depressive spectrum disorders. Recent studies shed light on the relevance of hippocampal cell genesis and cortico-limbic dendritic plasticity for the development and remission from depressive-like behavior. However, the neurobiological significance of neuroplastic phenomena in this context is still controversial. Here we summarize recent developments in this topic and propose an integrative interpretation of data gathered so far

    Adult hippocampal neuroplasticity triggers susceptibility to recurrent depression

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    Depression is a highly prevalent and recurrent neuropsychiatric disorder associated with alterations in emotional and cognitive domains. Neuroplastic phenomena are increasingly considered central to the etiopathogenesis of and recovery from depression. Nevertheless, a high number of remitted patients experience recurrent episodes of depression, remaining unclear how previous episodes impact on behavior and neuroplasticity and/or whether modulation of neuroplasticity is important to prevent recurrent depression. Through re-exposure to an unpredictable chronic mild stress protocol in rats, we observed the re-appearance of emotional and cognitive deficits. Furthermore, treatment with the antidepressants fluoxetine and imipramine was effective to promote sustained reversion of a depressive-like phenotype; however, their differential impact on adult hippocampal neuroplasticity triggered a distinct response to stress re-exposure: while imipramine re-established hippocampal neurogenesis and neuronal dendritic arborization contributing to resilience to recurrent depressive-like behavior, stress re-exposure in fluoxetine-treated animals resulted in an overproduction of adult-born neurons along with neuronal atrophy of granule neurons, accounting for an increased susceptibility to recurrent behavioral changes typical of depression. Strikingly, cell proliferation arrest compromised the behavior resilience induced by imipramine and buffered the susceptibility to recurrent behavioral changes promoted by fluoxetine. This study shows that previous exposure to a depressive-like episode impacts on the behavioral and neuroanatomical changes triggered by subsequent re-exposure to similar experimental conditions and reveals that the proper control of adult hippocampal neuroplasticity triggered by antidepressants is essential to counteract recurrent depressive-like episodes.FCT (IF/01079/2014). This article has been developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the FCT, under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proteome-wide analysis and diel proteomic profiling in the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis PCC 8005

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    The filamentous cyanobacteriumArthrospira platensishas a long history of use as a food supply and it has been used by the European Space Agency in the MELiSSA project, an artificial microecosystem which supports life during long-term manned space missions. This study assesses progress in the field of cyanobacterial shotgun proteomics and light/dark diurnal cycles by focusing onArthrospira platensis. Several fractionation workflows including gel-free and gel-based protein/peptide fractionation procedures were used and combined with LC-MS/MS analysis, enabling the overall identification of 1306 proteins, which represents 21% coverage of the theoretical proteome. A total of 30 proteins were found to be significantly differentially regulated under light/dark growth transition. Interestingly, most of the proteins showing differential abundance were related to photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle and translation processes. A novel aspect and major achievement of this work is the successful improvement of the cyanobacterial proteome coverage using a 3D LC-MS/MS approach, based on an immobilized metal affinity chromatography, a suitable tool that enabled us to eliminate the most abundant protein, the allophycocyanin. We also demonstrated that cell growth follows a light/dark cycle inA. platensis. This preliminary proteomic study has highlighted new characteristics of theArthrospira platensisproteome in terms of diurnal regulation

    Methods to study splicing from high-throughput RNA Sequencing data

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    The development of novel high-throughput sequencing (HTS) methods for RNA (RNA-Seq) has provided a very powerful mean to study splicing under multiple conditions at unprecedented depth. However, the complexity of the information to be analyzed has turned this into a challenging task. In the last few years, a plethora of tools have been developed, allowing researchers to process RNA-Seq data to study the expression of isoforms and splicing events, and their relative changes under different conditions. We provide an overview of the methods available to study splicing from short RNA-Seq data. We group the methods according to the different questions they address: 1) Assignment of the sequencing reads to their likely gene of origin. This is addressed by methods that map reads to the genome and/or to the available gene annotations. 2) Recovering the sequence of splicing events and isoforms. This is addressed by transcript reconstruction and de novo assembly methods. 3) Quantification of events and isoforms. Either after reconstructing transcripts or using an annotation, many methods estimate the expression level or the relative usage of isoforms and/or events. 4) Providing an isoform or event view of differential splicing or expression. These include methods that compare relative event/isoform abundance or isoform expression across two or more conditions. 5) Visualizing splicing regulation. Various tools facilitate the visualization of the RNA-Seq data in the context of alternative splicing. In this review, we do not describe the specific mathematical models behind each method. Our aim is rather to provide an overview that could serve as an entry point for users who need to decide on a suitable tool for a specific analysis. We also attempt to propose a classification of the tools according to the operations they do, to facilitate the comparison and choice of methods.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, 9 tables. Small corrections adde

    Relative frequencies of inherited retinal dystrophies and optic neuropathies in Southern France: assessment of 21-year data management

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    PURPOSE: Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) and inherited optic neuropathies (IONs) are rare diseases defined by specific clinical and molecular features. The relative prevalence of these conditions was determined in Southern France. METHODS: Patients recruited from a specialized outpatient clinic over a 21-year period underwent extensive clinical investigations and 107 genes were screened by polymerase chain reaction/sequencing. RESULTS: There were 1957 IRD cases (1481 families) distributed in 70% of pigmentary retinopathy cases (56% non-syndromic, 14% syndromic), 20% maculopathies and 7% stationary conditions. Patients with retinitis pigmentosa were the most frequent (47%) followed by Usher syndrome (10.8%). Among non-syndromic pigmentary retinopathy patients, 84% had rod-cone dystrophy, 8% cone-rod dystrophy and 5% Leber congenital amaurosis. Macular dystrophies were encountered in 398 cases (30% had Stargardt disease and 11% had Best disease). There were 184 ION cases (127 families) distributed in 51% with dominant optic neuropathies, 33% with recessive/sporadic forms and 16% with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Positive molecular results were obtained in 417/609 families with IRDs (68.5%) and in 27/58 with IONs (46.5%). The sequencing of 5 genes (ABCA4, USH2A, MYO7A, RPGR and PRPH2) provided a positive molecular result in 48% of 417 families with IRDs. Except for autosomal retinitis pigmentosa, in which less than half the families had positive molecular results, about 75% of families with other forms of retinal conditions had a positive molecular diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Although gene discovery considerably improved molecular diagnosis in many subgroups of IRDs and IONs, retinitis pigmentosa, accounting for almost half of IRDs, remains only partly molecularly defined

    Raphe-mediated signals control the hippocampal response to SRI antidepressants via miR-16

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    Serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac), promote hippocampal neurogenesis. They also increase the levels of the bcl-2 protein, whose overexpression in transgenic mice enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis. However, the mechanisms underlying SRI-mediated neurogenesis are unclear. Recently, we identified the microRNA miR-16 as an important effector of SRI antidepressant action in serotonergic raphe and noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC). We show here that miR-16 mediates adult neurogenesis in the mouse hippocampus. Fluoxetine, acting on serotonergic raphe neurons, decreases the amount of miR-16 in the hippocampus, which in turn increases the levels of the serotonin transporter (SERT), the target of SRI, and that of bcl-2 and the number of cells positive for Doublecortin, a marker of neuronal maturation. Neutralization of miR-16 in the hippocampus further exerts an antidepressant-like effect in behavioral tests. The fluoxetine-induced hippocampal response is relayed, in part, by the neurotrophic factor S100β, secreted by raphe and acting via the LC. Fluoxetine-exposed serotonergic neurons also secrete brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Wnt2 and 15-Deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2. These molecules are unable to mimic on their own the action of fluoxetine and we show that they act synergistically to regulate miR-16 at the hippocampus. Of note, these signaling molecules are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of depressed patients upon fluoxetine treatment. Thus, our results demonstrate that miR-16 mediates the action of fluoxetine by acting as a micromanager of hippocampal neurogenesis. They further clarify the signals and the pathways involved in the hippocampal response to fluoxetine, which may help refine therapeutic strategies to alleviate depressive disorders

    Genetic Tests for Ecological and Allopatric Speciation in Anoles on an Island Archipelago

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    From Darwin's study of the Galapagos and Wallace's study of Indonesia, islands have played an important role in evolutionary investigations, and radiations within archipelagos are readily interpreted as supporting the conventional view of allopatric speciation. Even during the ongoing paradigm shift towards other modes of speciation, island radiations, such as the Lesser Antillean anoles, are thought to exemplify this process. Geological and molecular phylogenetic evidence show that, in this archipelago, Martinique anoles provide several examples of secondary contact of island species. Four precursor island species, with up to 8 mybp divergence, met when their islands coalesced to form the current island of Martinique. Moreover, adjacent anole populations also show marked adaptation to distinct habitat zonation, allowing both allopatric and ecological speciation to be tested in this system. We take advantage of this opportunity of replicated island coalescence and independent ecological adaptation to carry out an extensive population genetic study of hypervariable neutral nuclear markers to show that even after these very substantial periods of spatial isolation these putative allospecies show less reproductive isolation than conspecific populations in adjacent habitats in all three cases of subsequent island coalescence. The degree of genetic interchange shows that while there is always a significant genetic signature of past allopatry, and this may be quite strong if the selection regime allows, there is no case of complete allopatric speciation, in spite of the strong primae facie case for it. Importantly there is greater genetic isolation across the xeric/rainforest ecotone than is associated with any secondary contact. This rejects the development of reproductive isolation in allopatric divergence, but supports the potential for ecological speciation, even though full speciation has not been achieved in this case. It also explains the paucity of anole species in the Lesser Antilles compared to the Greater Antilles

    Hypericum perforatum treatment: effect on behaviour and neurogenesis in a chronic stress model in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extracts of <it>Hypericum perforatum </it>(St. John's wort) have been traditionally recommended for a wide range of medical conditions, in particular mild-to-moderate depression. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of Hypericum perforatum treatment in a mouse model of anxiety/depressive-like behavior, induced by chronic corticosterone administration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CD1 mice were submitted to 7 weeks corticosterone administration and then behavioral tests as Open Field (OF), Novelty-Suppressed Feeding (NSF), Forced Swim Test (FST) were performed. Cell proliferation in hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) was investigated by both 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and doublecortin (DCX) immunohistochemistry techniques and stereological procedure was used to quantify labeled cells. Golgi-impregnation method was used to evaluate changes in dendritic spines in DG. Hypericum perforatum (30 mg/Kg) has been administered for 3 weeks and then neural development in the adult hippocampus and behavioral changes have been examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The anxiety/depressive-like state due to chronic corticosterone treatment was reversed by exogenous administration of Hypericum perforatum; the proliferation of progenitor cells in mice hippocampus was significantly reduced under chronic corticosterone treatment, whereas a long term treatment with Hypericum perforatum prevented the corticosterone-induced decrease in hippocampal cell proliferation. Corticosterone-treated mice exhibited a reduced spine density that was ameliorated by Hypericum perforatum administration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results provide evidence of morphological adaptations occurring in mature hippocampal neurons that might underlie resilient responses to chronic stress and contribute to the therapeutic effects of chronic Hypericum perforatum treatment.</p

    The first transcriptome of Italian wall lizard, a new tool to infer about the Island Syndrome

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    Some insular lizards show a high degree of differentiation from their conspecific mainland populations, like Licosa island lizards, which are described as affected by Reversed Island Syndrome (RIS). In previous works, we demonstrated that some traits of RIS, as melanization, depend on a differential expression of gene encoding melanocortin receptors. To better understand the basis of syndrome, and providing raw data for future investigations, we generate the first de novo transcriptome of the Italian wall lizard. Comparing mainland and island transcriptomes, we link differences in life-traits to differential gene expression. Our results, taking together testis and brain sequences, generated 275,310 and 269,885 transcripts, 18,434 and 21,606 proteins in Gene Ontology annotation, for mainland and island respectively. Variant calling analysis identified about the same number of SNPs in island and mainland population. Instead, through a differential gene expression analysis we found some putative genes involved in syndrome more expressed in insular samples like Major Histocompatibility Complex class I, Immunoglobulins, Melanocortin 4 receptor, Neuropeptide Y and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen
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