396 research outputs found

    Sardinian Fiction at End of the Twentieth and Beginning of the Twenty-first Century: an Overview and First Assessment

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    L’articolo presenta una panoramica e una prima valutazione della narrativa sarda in italiano – ossia testi scritti da autori sardi per nascita o per formazione e accomunati dalla presenza dell’isola tra i temi o simboli principali – tra la fine del ventesimo e l’inizio del ventunesimo secolo. Nella prima parte sono delineate le caratteristiche principali della narrativa sarda, quali l’urgenza documentaria e autorappresentativa, la scelta delle ambientazioni, l’immagine dell’isola proposta, e la tendenza al plurilinguismo. Sono poi tracciate le varianti e invarianti nello sviluppo di tali elementi, e vengono sottolineate in particolare le ragioni di poetica e ideologia che sorreggono le scelte linguistiche, l’espansione della tradizionale geografia letteraria oltre il centro dell’isola, con l’inclusione delle coste e delle aree urbane, la coesistenza di diversi modelli autorappresentativi, e da ultimo l’apertura a scenari (post-)moderni e globalizzati. La fase contemporanea della narrativa sarda risulta quindi caratterizzata dalla molteplicità e varietà delle storie, delle voci e dei punti di vista, come si dimostra con riferimento alle figure di Maria Giacobbe, Salvatore Mannuzzu, Giulio Angioni, Sergio Atzeni, Marcello Fois, Salvatore Niffoi, Milena Agus, Alessandro De Roma, Michela Murgia, Flavio Soriga e Paola Soriga

    'Dare voce alle vite marginali: plurilinguismo di genere nella narrativa di Laura Pariani'

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    This article analyses the literary work of Laura Pariani (1951-), a writer who, over the last twenty years, has gained a niche position in the contemporary canon. After situating Pariani in the context of Italian fiction in the years 1990s-2010s, the analysis focuses on the ‘centrality of margins’ as the inspiring principle underpinning her production. In Pariani’s writings marginality – geographical, gender-based, generational, linguistic – becomes a privileged point of view from which to assess the world. The protagonists of her works are women, but also children, immigrants, the socially marginalised, often dialect speakers, or those caught in situations of opposition to or compromise with the ‘language of power’, covering a chronological range from the sixteenth century to today. The decision to place those whom History has ignored at the centre of the stories, to give voice to the voiceless, is investigated here with a focus on multilingualism, on the places of narration and on narrative structures, and is related back to the author’s youthful militancy in the youth movements of the 1970s, above all Milan’s feminist collectives. [10,303 words

    The Profile of Distal Radius Fracture Colles\u27 Type at Dr. Soetomo Hospital in 2013

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    The fracture cases become increase because the rapid development of transportation and human mobility today is not offset by good vigilance in conducting the activity. One of the most common location is in the hand and involves distal radius part, named Colles\u27 fracture. Colles\u27 fracture is the most common wrist fracture (almost 80% of the forearm fractures and the incidence rise in elderly people especially woman. The adequate distribution data of Colles\u27 Fracture is not available yet. If this situation keeps going, it will have impacts on the lack of preventive measures and recovery methods. The study was design as descriptive and used secondary data from medical records in Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. Total 37 patients that included in inclusion criteria. Distal radius fracture Colles\u27 type was common in woman. The most common age was 45-64 years old. Most common causes of fracture was traffic accidents. Left forearm become major affected side. The incidence dominantly occurred at the street. The incidence often occurred at 12.00-18.00. The onset of admission from the incidence place to hospital was less than 8 hours

    Employment protection and firm-provided training in dual labour markets

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    In this paper we leverage a labour market reform (Fornero Law) which reduced firing restrictions for open-ended contracts in the case of firms with more than 15 employees in Italy. The results from a Difference in Regression Discontinuities design demonstrate that after the reform, the number of trained workers increased in firms just above the threshold by approximately 1.5 additional workers. We show that this effect can be explained by the reduction in worker turnover and a higher use of permanent contracts. Our study highlights the potentially adverse effects of employment protection legislation on training in dual labour markets

    Sunk capital, unions and the hold-up problem: Theory and evidence from cross-country sectoral data

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    In this paper we study the hold-up problem by considering the effect of union bargaining power on the level of investment per worker across sectors characterised by different levels of sunk capital investment. We develop a search and matching model with heterogeneous sectors and ex-post collective wage bargaining and test the predictions of the model using a difference-in-difference approach on manufacturing sector data in a set of OECD countries during the period 1980-2000. We find that union power reduces investment per worker particularly in sunk capital intensive industries. We refine our empirical analysis showing that the underlying hold-up problem is exacerbated when strikes are not regulated after a collective contract is signed and there is no arbitration, while the presence of social pacts may sustain cooperative equilibria that alleviate the hold-up problem. Our results are robust to a series of controls and possible endogeneity of union power

    From global to local scale: where is the best for conservation purpose?

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    Demographic analysis of plant populations represents an essential conservation tool allowing to identify the population trends both at global and at the local level. In this study, the population dynamics of Helianthemum caput-felis (Cistaceae) was investigated at the local level by monitoring six populations distributed in Sardinia, Balearic Islands and Ibero-Levantine coast (Alicante). Demographic data for each population were analysed by performing Integral Projection Models (IPMs). Our results showed that, although the local trend of the main basic demographic functions was similar, vital rates and demographic dynamics varied among populations indicating high variability. In fact, asymptotic growth rate in Spanish populations widely varied both between years and populations (some populations growth, decline or strongly decline), while Sardinian populations showed greater equilibrium or a slight increase. Also, the typical pattern of a long-lived species was not supported by the results at the local scale. These results indicated that different populations of the same species can present extremely different population dynamics and support the belief that, for conservation needs, local studies are more informative than global ones: the conservation status of H. caput-felis could notably vary at a small spatial scale and, accordingly, the conservation efforts must be planned at the population level and supported by local analysis

    Assessing the global conservation status of the rock rose Helianthemum caput-felis

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    The assessment of the conservation status of a species is the first step in developing a conservation strategy. IUCN Red Lists assessments are an important starting point for conservation actions and the most commonly applied method for assessing the extinction risk of a species. In this study, the global conservation status of the rock rose Helianthemum caput-felis Boiss. (Cistaceae), a perennial Mediterranean plant, was evaluated using the Red List criteria. The distribution of the species was determined by monitoring historical localities and all other suitable sites along the western Mediterranean coasts for 6 years. For each confirmed locality, the ecological and population parameters and the main threats were recorded; these data were used in a quantitative analysis of the species' extinction risk. Our findings indicate there have been several recent extinctions, and there is a continuing decline in the species' area of occurrence, habitat quality and number of reproductive plants. The main threats are related to human activities. Extinction models indicate a probability of quasi-extinction risk of c. 30% in five generations or c. 45% in three generations, with the species likely to become extinct in seven currently known localities within the next 10 years. Application of the Red List criteria indicates H. caput-felis should be categorized as Endangered. This study confirms that legal protection and passive conservation measures are insufficient to guarantee the persistence of a plant species. Active conservation and management actions are needed to protect this and other threatened species of the Mediterranean Basin
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