2,313 research outputs found

    The use of provenance in information retrieval

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    The volume of electronic information that users accumulate is steadily rising. A recent study [2] found that there were on average 32,000 pieces of information (e-mails, web pages, documents, etc.) for each user. The problem of organizin

    Surface circulation in the Great Lakes as observed by LANDSAT-1 August 1972 - December 1973: Southern Lake Michigan

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    The surface current circulation patterns of southern Lake Michigan were charted for all cardinal and subcardinal wind directions, employing LANDSAT-1 observations of the distribution of natural tracing material borne in the surface waters. These colorants consist chiefly of river discharges composed of suspended sediments, pollutants, and algae; extensive chemical precipitations proved valuable for areas farther from shore. Comparison of the satellite-derived surface current charts with previous theoretical and empirical studies shows good agreement

    Model of host-pathogen Interaction dynamics links In vivo optical imaging and immune responses

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    Tracking disease progression in vivo is essential for the development of treatments against bacterial infection. Optical imaging has become a central tool for in vivo tracking of bacterial population development and therapeutic response. For a precise understanding of in vivo imaging results in terms of disease mechanisms derived from detailed postmortem observations, however, a link between the two is needed. Here, we develop a model that provides that link for the investigation of Citrobacter rodentium infection, a mouse model for enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). We connect in vivo disease progression of C57BL/6 mice infected with bioluminescent bacteria, imaged using optical tomography and X-ray computed tomography, to postmortem measurements of colonic immune cell infiltration. We use the model to explore changes to both the host immune response and the bacteria and to evaluate the response to antibiotic treatment. The developed model serves as a novel tool for the identification and development of new therapeutic interventions

    Interdisciplinary Learning in an EMBA: Making it Happen

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    The Executive MBA (EMBA) market, once a niche market served by the most elite schools, has become highly competitive. This competition is being driven by an increase in the number of B-schools offering an EMBA, corporations reducing their level of support for employees interested in an EMBA, and changes in the work histories and occupations of EMBA applicants. With the increased competition, EMBA programs have had to actively market and sell their programs to corporations and prospective students. Most B-schools have chosen one of three approaches: [1] promote the B-School brand while offering essentially the same curriculum to MBAs and EMBAs. [2] offer a low-cost, time-efficient program, or [3] offer a program quite distinct from the MBA that employers and students believe to be more relevant to their needs

    Effect of Nest Box Temperature Mitigation Treatments on Nest Success and Nestling Condition in a Southeastern Population of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis)

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    Understanding behavioral responses of wildlife to climate change will be important as global temperatures continue to rise. Effects of rising temperatures may impact many species, including those that breed in seemingly protected nests, such as cavity nesting birds. Variations in nest cavity microclimate during the early development of secondary cavity nesting passerines may affect the growth of offspring and impact nesting success and survival. We examined the effect of two heat mitigation treatments (white exterior, n=11, and an internal foil heat shield, n=16) and nest box opening orientation (north, south, east, west) on internal nest box temperatures and the effect of internal nest box temperature on nest success and nestling development in a population of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) at a restored grassland in central Georgia. We predicted that nest boxes receiving a heat treatment would experience cooler internal temperatures and fledge more offspring of higher body condition compared to control next boxes (n=23). Nest boxes were checked approximately every 3 to 4 days between April and mid-August 2020 and 2021 to record nesting activity and nestling measurements (tarsus and weight). Internal nest box temperature was recorded hourly between April 1st and June 28th using remote data loggers installed on the inside wall of each box. We calculated the maximum daily, minimum nightly and overall averages per nesting attempt and examined the relations of each variable with nestling weight and tarsus length to test the effect of temperature on nest success. White paint applied to the exterior of nest boxes was effective in producing cooler thermal environments compared to control and foil boxes. However, both painted nest boxes and boxes that experienced cooler nightly low temperatures were less likely to be successful. This study highlight the importance of investigating species-specific responses to increasing temperatures before implementing wide-scale habitat modifications
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