40 research outputs found

    Systeme zur Nutzung von Solar-, Wind- und Biogas-Energie in der Volksrepublik China. Phase 4 Nachbetreuung. Schlussbericht

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    Object of the German-Chinese cooperation program was to mutually develop plants for the utilization of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and bio-energy. The follow-up service comprised supply of spare parts for the operation of all plants, as well as a yearly inspection, combined with a training program for the Chinese partner, thus ensuring the operation of the plants. The project includes the following sub-projects ''Photovoltaic systems'', ''Thermal systems'', ''Wind energy'', ''Biogas plants'' and ''Planning of housing-estates''. Data recording and experiences gained with both operators and organizers have been valuable for existing and future plants. The results of follow-up service and operation of the plants very much depend on the Chinese partner in the sub-projects. Based upon experiences gained with the sub-projects, increased activities in the field of photovoltaic and wind energy in China were undertaken during the period of follow-up service. (orig.)Das deutsch-chinesische Kooperationsprogramm hatte zum Ziel, gemeinsam die Anlagen zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen, wie Solar-, Wind- und Bioenergie weiterzuentwickeln. Waehrend der Nachbetreuung wurden Ersatzteile zum Betrieb aller Anlagen zur Verfuegung gestellt sowie eine jaehrliche Inspektion, verbunden mit einer Nachschulung der chinesischen Partner vorgenommen, um den Betrieb zu gewaehrleisten. Das Vorhaben umfasst folgende Teilprojekte: ''Photovoltaische Anlagen'', ''Thermische Anlagen'', ''Windenergie'', ''Biogasanlagen'' sowie ''Siedlungsplanung''. Aus den Messungen und Erfahrungen mit den Anwendern und Organisationen konnten fuer die vorhandenen und fuer zukuenftige Anlagen umfangreiche Erkenntnisse gezogen werden. Die Ergebnisse der Nachbetreuung und des Betriebes der Anlagen haengen stark von den chinesischen Partnern bei den Teilprojekten ab. Waehrend der Nachbetreuungsphase dieses Vorhabens begannen - aufbauend auf den Erfahrungen der Teilprojekte -verstaerkte Aktivitaeten auf dem Gebiet der Photovoltaik und Windenergie in China. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F95B1053+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Automatischer Aufbau von Wissensbanken durch Wissensakquisition aus Texten

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    SIGLETIB: RO 3459(1988,4) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Morphology of porous hosts directs preferred polymorph formation and influences kinetics of solid/solid transitions of confined pharmaceuticals

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    The pore morphology of a porous host may determine which polymorph a crystallizable guest preferentially forms and may influence the kinetics of solid/solid transitions. Slow cooling of the drug acetaminophen (ACE) inside the straight cylindrical pores of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO, tortuosity = 1) in contact with a bulk ACE surface film preferentially yields uniformly oriented form II and/or form III crystals. The occurring orientations of form II and form III crystals are characterized by high structural registry along the AAO pores. The uniformly oriented form III crystals inside the AAO pores were readily converted into likewise uniformly oriented form II crystals by a solid/solid transition. Thus, we obtained uniformly oriented form II crystals in AAO at high yields. We suggest that sporadic heterogeneous nucleation at bulk crystals formed in the bulk surface film on top of the AAO coupled with kinetic selection of crystal orientations results in fast growth of pro perly oriented crystals along the 100 m deep AAO pores. This mechanism is suppressed in controlled porous glass (CPG) having isotropic spongelike pores (tortuosity > 1.5) with free growth paths on the order of 100 nm, where form I formed instead. Moreover, the transition from form III to form II is suppressed in CPG. Possible reasons may include impingement of the propagation front of the solid/solid transition on the CPG pore walls after short propagation paths and inevitable formation of form II grains with different orientations separated by energetically disadvantageous grain boundaries. The results reported here are relevant to mesoscopic crystal engineering aimed at controlled drug release from nanoscale delivery systems. Polymorphs not accessible otherwise in nanoscale containers may be produced at high yields. The principles reported here may be transferred to areas such as nanowire-based organic electronics

    Correction to Multiconfiguration Pair-Density Functional Theory Outperforms Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory and Multireference Perturbation Theory for Ground-State and Excited-State Charge Transfer

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    Correction to Multiconfiguration Pair-Density Functional Theory Outperforms Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory and Multireference Perturbation Theory for Ground-State and Excited-State Charge Transfe

    Multiconfiguration Pair-Density Functional Theory: Barrier Heights and Main Group and Transition Metal Energetics

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    Kohn–Sham density functional theory, resting on the representation of the electronic density and kinetic energy by a single Slater determinant, has revolutionized chemistry, but for open-shell systems, the Kohn–Sham Slater determinant has the wrong symmetry properties as compared to an accurate wave function. We have recently proposed a theory, called multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory (MC-PDFT), in which the electronic kinetic energy and classical Coulomb energy are calculated from a multiconfiguration wave function with the correct symmetry properties, and the rest of the energy is calculated from a density functional, called the on-top density functional, that depends on the density and the on-top pair density calculated from this wave function. We also proposed a simple way to approximate the on-top density functional by translation of Kohn–Sham exchange-correlation functionals. The method is much less expensive than other post-SCF methods for calculating the dynamical correlation energy starting with a multiconfiguration self-consistent-field wave function as the reference wave function, and initial tests of the theory were quite encouraging. Here, we provide a broader test of the theory by applying it to bond energies of main-group molecules and transition metal complexes, barrier heights and reaction energies for diverse chemical reactions, proton affinities, and the water dimerization energy. Averaged over 56 data points, the mean unsigned error is 3.2 kcal/mol for MC-PDFT, as compared to 6.9 kcal/mol for Kohn–Sham theory with a comparable density functional. MC-PDFT is more accurate on average than complete active space second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) for main-group small-molecule bond energies, alkyl bond dissociation energies, transition-metal–ligand bond energies, proton affinities, and the water dimerization energy