20 research outputs found

    Radio-frequency dressed atoms beyond the linear Zeeman effect

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    We evaluate the impact that nonlinear Zeeman shifts have on resonant radio-frequency (RF) dressed traps in an atom-chip configuration. The degeneracy of the resonance between Zeeman levels is lifted at large intensities of a static field, modifying the spatial dependence of the atomic adiabatic potential. In this context, we find effects that are important for the next generation of atom chips with tight trapping: in particular, that the vibrational frequency of the atom trap is sensitive to the RF frequency and, depending on the sign of the Landé factor, can produce significantly weaker, or tighter trapping when compared to the linear regime of the Zeeman effect. We take 87 Rb as an example and find that it is possible for the trapping frequency on F = 1 to exceed that of the F = 2 hyperfine manifold

    Atom chips with two-dimensional electron gases: theory of near surface trapping and ultracold-atom microscopy of quantum electronic systems

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    We show that current in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) can trap ultracold atoms <1μ<1 \mum away with orders of magnitude less spatial noise than a metal trapping wire. This enables the creation of hybrid systems, which integrate ultracold atoms with quantum electronic devices to give extreme sensitivity and control: for example, activating a single quantized conductance channel in the 2DEG can split a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) for atom interferometry. In turn, the BEC offers unique structural and functional imaging of quantum devices and transport in heterostructures and graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor change

    Addressed qubit manipulation in radio-frequency dressed lattices

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    Precise control over qubits encoded as internal states of ultracold atoms in arrays of potential wells is a key element for atomtronics applications in quantum information, quantum simulation and atomic microscopy. Here we theoretically study atoms trapped in an array of radio-frequency dressed potential wells and propose a scheme for engineering fast and high-fidelity single-qubit gates with low error due to cross-talk. In this proposal, atom trapping and qubit manipulation relies exclusively on long-wave radiation making it suitable for atom-chip technology. We demonstrate that selective qubit addressing with resonant microwaves can be programmed by controlling static and radio-frequency currents in microfabricated conductors. These results should enable studies of neutral-atom quantum computing architectures, powered by low-frequency electromagnetic fields with the benefit of simple schemes for controlling individual qubits in large ensembles

    Non-adiabatic pumping in an oscillating-piston model

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    We consider the prototypical "piston pump" operating on a ring, where a circulating current is induced by means of an AC driving. This can be regarded as a generalized Fermi-Ulam model, incorporating a finite-height moving wall (piston) and non trivial topology (ring). The amount of particles transported per cycle is determined by a layered structure of phase-space. Each layer is characterized by a different drift velocity. We discuss the differences compared with the adiabatic and Boltzmann pictures, and highlight the significance of the "diabatic" contribution that might lead to a counter-stirring effect.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, improved versio

    Atom chips with free-standing two-dimensional electron gases: advantages and challenges

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    In this work, we consider the advantages and challenges of using free-standing two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) as active components in atom chips for manipulating ultracold ensembles of alkali atoms. We calculate trapping parameters achievable with typical high-mobility 2DEGs in an atom chip configuration and identify advantages of this system for trapping atoms at submicron distances from the atom chip. We show how the sensitivity of atomic gases to magnetic field inhomogeneity can be exploited for controlling the atoms with quantum electronic devices and, conversely, using the atoms to probe the structural and transport properties of semiconductor devices

    Decoherence-free radiofrequency dressed subspaces

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    We study the spectral signatures and coherence properties of radiofrequency dressed hyperfine Zeeman sub-levels of 87Rb. Experimentally, we engineer combinations of static and RF magnetic fields to modify the response of the atomic spin states to environmental magnetic field noise. We demonstrate analytically and experimentally the existence of 'magic' dressing conditions where decoherence due to electromagnetic field noise is strongly suppressed. Building upon this result, we propose a bi-chromatic dressing configuration that reduces the global sensitivity of the atomic ground states to low-frequency noise, and enables the simultaneous protection of multiple transitions between the two ground hyperfine manifolds of atomic alkali species. Our methods produce protected transitions between any pair of hyperfine sub-levels at arbitrary (low) DC-magnetic fields.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Zone-plate focusing of Bose-Einstein condensates for atom optics and erasable high-speed lithography of quantum electronic components

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    We show that Fresnel zone plates, fabricated in a solid surface, can sharply focus atomic Bose-Einstein condensates that quantum reflect from the surface or pass through the etched holes. The focusing process compresses the condensate by orders of magnitude despite inter-atomic repulsion. Crucially, the focusing dynamics are insensitive to quantum fluctuations of the atom cloud and largely preserve the condensates' coherence, suggesting applications in passive atom-optical elements, for example zone plate lenses that focus atomic matter waves and light at the same point to strengthen their interaction. We explore transmission zone-plate focusing of alkali atoms as a route to erasable and scalable lithography of quantum electronic components in two-dimensional electron gases embedded in semiconductor nanostructures. To do this, we calculate the density profile of a two-dimensional electron gas immediately below a patch of alkali atoms deposited on the surface of the nanostructure by zone-plate focusing. Our results reveal that surface-induced polarization of only a few thousand adsorbed atoms can locally deplete the electron gas. We show that, as a result, the focused deposition of alkali atoms by existing zone plates can create quantum electronic components on the 50 nm scale, comparable to that attainable by ion beam implantation but with minimal damage to either the nanostructure or electron gas.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Nonadiabatic pumping in classical and quantum chaotic scatterers

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    We study directed transport in periodically forced scattering systems in the regime of fast and strong driving where the dynamics is mixed to chaotic and adiabatic approximations do not apply. The model employed is a square potential well undergoing lateral oscillations, alternatively as two- or single-parameter driving. Mechanisms of directed transport are analyzed in terms of asymmetric irregular scattering processes. Quantizing the system in the framework of Floquet scattering theory, we calculate directed currents on basis of transmission and reflection probabilities obtained by numerical wavepacket scattering. We observe classical as well as quantum transport beyond linear response, manifest in particular in a non-zero current for single-parameter driving where according to adiabatic theory, it should vanish identically.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Recent developments in trapping and manipulation of atoms with adiabatic potentials

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    A combination of static and oscillating magnetic fields can be used to ‘dress’ atoms with radio-frequency (RF), or microwave, radiation. The spatial variation of these fields can be used to create an enormous variety of traps for ultra-cold atoms and quantum gases. This article reviews the type and character of these adiabatic traps and the applications which include atom interferometry and the study of low-dimensional quantum systems. We introduce the main concepts of magnetic traps leading to adiabatic dressed traps. The concept of adiabaticity is discussed in the context of the Landau–Zener model. The first bubble trap experiment is reviewed together with the method used for loading it. Experiments based on atom chips show the production of double wells and ring traps. Dressed atom traps can be evaporatively cooled with an additional RF field, and a weak RF field can be used to probe the spectroscopy of the adiabatic potentials. Several approaches to ring traps formed from adiabatic potentials are discussed, including those based on atom chips, time-averaged adiabatic potentials and induction methods. Several proposals for adiabatic lattices with dressed atoms are also reviewed