1,554 research outputs found

    Using off-diagonal confinement as a cooling method

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    In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 167201 (2010)] we proposed a new confining method for ultracold atoms on optical lattices, based on off-diagonal confinement (ODC). This method was shown to have distinct advantages over the conventional diagonal confinement (DC) that makes use of a trapping potential, including the existence of pure Mott phases and highly populated condensates. In this paper we show that the ODC method can also lead to temperatures that are smaller than with the conventional DC method, depending on the control parameters. We determine these parameters using exact diagonalizations for the hard-core case, then we extend our results to the soft-core case by performing quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for both DC and ODC systems at fixed temperatures, and analysing the corresponding entropies. We also propose a method for measuring the entropy in QMC simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Induced superfluidity of imbalanced Fermi gases near unitarity

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    The induced intraspecies interactions among the majority species, mediated by the minority species, is computed for a population-imbalanced two-component Fermi gas. Although the Feshbach-resonance mediated interspecies interaction is dominant for equal populations, leading to singlet s-wave pairing, we find that in the strongly imbalanced regime the induced intraspecies interaction leads to p-wave pairing and superfluidity of the majority species. Thus, we predict that the observed spin-polaron Fermi liquid state in this regime is unstable to p-wave superfluidity, in accordance with the results of Kohn and Luttinger, below a temperature that, near unitarity, we find to be within current experimental capabilities. Possible experimental signatures of the p-wave state using radio-frequency spectroscopy as well as density-density correlations after free expansion are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Atom-molecule coherence in a one-dimensional system

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    We study a model of one-dimensional fermionic atoms that can bind in pairs to form bosonic molecules. We show that at low energy, a coherence develops between the molecule and fermion Luttinger liquids. At the same time, a gap opens in the spin excitation spectrum. The coherence implies that the order parameters for the molecular Bose-Einstein Condensation and the atomic BCS pairing become identical. Moreover, both bosonic and fermionic charge density wave correlations decay exponentially, in contrast with a usual Luttinger liquid. We exhibit a Luther-Emery point where the systems can be described in terms of noninteracting pseudofermions. At this point, we provide closed form expressions for the density-density response functions.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, Revtex 4; (v2) added a reference to cond-mat/0505681 where related results are reported; (v3) Expression of correlation functions given in terms of generalized hypergeometric function

    Imaging of the Stellar Population of IC10 with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics and the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present adaptive optics (AO) images of the central starburst region of the dwarf irregular galaxy IC10. The Keck 2 telescope laser guide star was used to achieve near diffraction-limited performance at H and K' (Strehls of 18% and 32%, respectively). The images are centered on the putative Wolf-Rayet (W-R) object [MAC92]24. We combine our AO images with F814W data from HST. By comparing the K' vs. [F814W]-K' color-magnitude diagram (CMD) with theoretical isochrones, we find that the stellar population is best represented by at least two bursts of star formation, one ~ 10 Myr ago and one much older (150-500 Myr). Young, blue stars are concentrated in the vicinity of [MAC92]24. This population represents an OB association with a half-light radius of about 3 pc. We resolve the W-R object [MAC92]24 into at least six blue stars. Four of these components have near-IR colors and luminosities that make them robust WN star candidates. By matching the location of C-stars in the CMD with those in the SMC we derive a distance modulus for IC10 of about 24.5 mag. and a foreground reddening of E(B-V) = 0.95. We find a more precise distance by locating the tip of the giant branch in the F814W, H, and K' luminosity functions. We find a weighted mean distance modulus of 24.48 +/- 0.08. The systematic error in this measurement, due to a possible difference in the properties of the RGB populations in IC10 and the SMC, is +/- 0.16 mag.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, ApJ in pres

    Pure Mott phases in confined ultracold atomic systems

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    We propose a novel scheme for confining atoms to optical lattices by engineering a spatially-inhomogeneous hopping matrix element in the Hubbard-model (HM) description, a situation we term off-diagonal confinement (ODC). We show, via an exact numerical solution of the boson HM with ODC, that this scheme possesses distinct advantages over the conventional method of confining atoms using an additional trapping potential, including the presence of incompressible Mott phases at commensurate filling and a phase diagram that is similar to the uniform HM. The experimental implementation of ODC will thus allow a more faithful realization of correlated phases of interest in cold atom experiments.Comment: 4 Pages, 6 figure

    Universality of conductivity in interacting graphene

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    The Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice describes charge carriers in graphene with short range interactions. While the interaction modifies several physical quantities, like the value of the Fermi velocity or the wave function renormalization, the a.c. conductivity has a universal value independent of the microscopic details of the model: there are no interaction corrections, provided that the interaction is weak enough and that the system is at half filling. We give a rigorous proof of this fact, based on exact Ward Identities and on constructive Renormalization Group methods

    Density of states in d-wave superconductors disordered by extended impurities

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    The low-energy quasiparticle states of a disordered d-wave superconductor are investigated theoretically. A class of such states, formed via tunneling between the Andreev bound states that are localized around extended impurities (and result from scattering between pair-potential lobes that differ in sign) is identified. Its (divergent) contribution to the total density of states is determined by taking advantage of connections with certain one-dimensional random tight-binding models. The states under discussion should be distinguished from those associated with nodes in the pair potential.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur