131 research outputs found

    The conceptual relevance of assessment measures in patients with mild/mild-moderate Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the conceptual relevance of four measures of disease activity in patients with mild/mild-moderate Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD): (1) the Alzheimer\u27s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognitive Subscale; (2) the Alzheimer\u27s Disease Cooperative Study–Activities of Daily Living Inventory; (3) the Neuropsychiatry Inventory; and (4) the Dependence Scale. Methods: A conceptual model depicting patient experience of mild AD was developed via literature review; concepts were compared with the items of the four measures. Relevance of the concepts included in the four measures was evaluated by patients with mild AD in a survey and follow-up interviews. Results: The four measures assessed few of the symptoms/impacts of mild AD identified within the literature. Measured items addressing emotional impacts were deemed most relevant by participants but were included in the measures only superficially. Discussion: The four assessment measures do not appear to capture the concepts most relevant to/important to patients with mild/mild-moderate AD. © 2018 The Author

    Step-wedge cluster-randomised community-based trials: An application to the study of the impact of community health insurance

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.BACKGROUND: We describe a step-wedge cluster-randomised community-based trial which has been conducted since 2003 to accompany the implementation of a community health insurance (CHI) scheme in West Africa. The trial aims at overcoming the paucity of evidence-based information on the impact of CHI. Impact is defined in terms of changes in health service utilisation and household protection against the cost of illness. Our exclusive focus on the description and discussion of the methods is justified by the fact that the study relies on a methodology previously applied in the field of disease control, but never in the field of health financing. METHODS: First, we clarify how clusters were defined both in respect of statistical considerations and of local geographical and socio-cultural concerns. Second, we illustrate how households within clusters were sampled. Third, we expound the data collection process and the survey instruments. Finally, we outline the statistical tools to be applied to estimate the impact of CHI. CONCLUSION: We discuss all design choices both in relation to methodological considerations and to specific ethical and organisational concerns faced in the field. On the basis of the appraisal of our experience, we postulate that conducting relatively sophisticated trials (such as our step-wedge cluster-randomised community-based trial) aimed at generating sound public health evidence, is both feasible and valuable also in low income settings. Our work shows that if accurately designed in conjunction with local health authorities, such trials have the potential to generate sound scientific evidence and do not hinder, but at times even facilitate, the implementation of complex health interventions such as CHI

    Evaluation de l’efficacité d’un bio-fongicide à base de Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimmerm) sur les cercosporioses de l’arachide (Arachis hypogaea L.) en milieu réel

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    La lutte biologique est une méthode alternative à la lutte chimique ayant des effets néfastes sur la santé des producteurs, des consommateurs et de l’environnement. Les maladies foliaires, en l’occurrence les cercosporioses causées par Cercospora arachidicola et Phaeoisariopsis personata handicapent la production arachidière dans le monde en général, et particulièrement au Burkina Faso. Cette étude a consisté à utiliser une souche A de Lecanicillium lecanii, à des traitements différents contre le développement des cercosporioses. Pour ce faire, quatre traitements, T1, T2, T3 et T4, ont été appliqués sur deux variétés, la TS32-1 et la PC79-79 respectivement chaque deux jour, chaque semaine, chaque dix jour et chaque deux semaine. Le dispositif expérimental est un bloc de Fisher complètement randomisé à trois répétitions, constituée chacune de 5 blocs dont 4 blocs correspondant chacun à un traitement et un bloc constituant le témoin. L’étude, conduite à Gampèla, au Burkina Faso a permis de mesurer les paramètres tels que la levée au 21ème JAS, la densité de peuplement au 32ème JAS, l’incidence des cercosporioses et l’envahissement foliaire, le taux de survie, le pourcentage de défoliation et les composantes de rendement. L’étude a permis de montrer que les traitements ont eu un effet réductif sur le développement des cercosporioses au niveau des deux variétés, surtout sur la variété sensible TS32-1. Le traitement effectué chaque deux jour a donné le meilleur contrôle des cercosporioses avec une note moyenne de 3,5 sur TS32- 1 et de 2,75 sur PC79-79. Sur les composantes du rendement, les traitements ont également permis d’obtenir de bons résultats comparés aux résultats du témoin pour les deux variétés. En effet, le témoin a enregistré de 318,7 et 402,3 kg/ha respectivement pour les variétés TS32-1 et PC79-79 et les autres traitements ont obtenu des rendements compris entre 507,7 et 1656,7 kg/ha. Biological control is an alternative method to chemical control, which has adverse effects on the health of producers, consumers and the environment. Foliar diseases, in this case cercosporioses caused by Cercospora arachidicola and Phaeoisariopsis personata, handicap peanut production in the world in general, and particularly in Burkina Faso. This study consisted in using a Lecanicillium lecanii strain A, with different treatments against the development of cercosporioses. To do this, four treatments, T1, T2, T3 and T4, were applied to two varieties, TS32-1 and PC79-79 respectively every two days, every week, every ten days and every two weeks. The experimental set-up was a completely randomised Fisher block with three replicates, each consisting of five blocks, four of which corresponded to a treatment and one to a control. The study, conducted in Gampèla, Burkina Faso, measured parameters such as emergence at 21 days after planting, stand density at 32 days after planting, incidence of cercosporiosis and leaf invasion, survival rate, defoliation percentage and yield components. The study showed that the treatments had a reducing effect on cercosporium development in both varieties, especially in the susceptible variety TS32-1. The treatment applied every second day gave the best cercospora control with an average score of 3.5 on TS32-1 and 2.75 on PC79- 79. On the output components, the treatments also performed well compared to the control for both varieties. Indeed, the control recorded 318.7 and 402.3 kg/ha for TS32-1 and PC79-79 respectively and the other treatments obtained yields between 507.7 and 1656.7 kg/ha

    Using contextual clues to infer EFL word meanings

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    Abstract: The present exploratory study investigates the use of contextual clues to infer unknown/unfamiliar words meanings through reading. It involves two classroom observers and a sample of 55 secondary school EFL students. The students’ sample is composed of 1ère A students from Lycée Provincial Dimdolobsom de Boussé, in ‘la Région du Plateau Central’, Burkina Faso. These students have spent at least six years in the learning of English as a foreign language. This sample is obtained through a convenient and purposive sampling technique by considering all the students in the classroom. A classroom observation protocol and a semi-structured interview are used as data collection instruments. The teaching materials are 14 reading comprehension texts containing unknown/unfamiliar words and 14 vocabulary lesson plans based on reading. The data are analysed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Some data are first processed manually and the SPSS 17.0 (2008) is deployed for others. The results indicate that the students approve learning EFL vocabulary using contextual clues. They also reveal important strengths and weaknesses with pedagogical implication regarding the use of contextual clues to infer the meanings of unknown/unfamiliar words through reading. Keywords: Contextual Clues, Vocabulary Teaching/Learning, Reading Comprehension, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Word Meaning Inferencing, Unknown/Unfamiliar words

    Traumatismes de L’abdomen en Milieu Africain : Aspects Épidémiologiques, Diagnostiques, et Thérapeutiques

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    Introduction : La prise en charge des plaies et contusions del’abdomen est bien codifiée avec l’existence d’algorithmes. Au Burkina Faso,les ressources humaines, les moyens diagnostiques et thérapeutiques sontlimités. A cet égard, l’objectif de cette étude était d’étudier les aspectsépidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des traumatismes del’abdomen. Patients et méthodes : L’étude en question était descriptiverétrospective, durant deux ans allant de janvier 2017 à décembre 2018 au CHUSourô Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso. Les patients inclus avaient un diagnostic deplaie ou de contusion de l’abdomen. Les patients ayant un dossier incompletont été exclus. Résultats : Durant l’étude l’information de 63 patients a étécolligée, 51 hommes et 12 femmes. L’âge moyen était de 22 ans. Les accidentsde la circulation routière étaient au nombre de 25. Parmi ces traumatismesfiguraient 39 contusions et 24 plaies de l’abdomen. Une instabilitéhémodynamique était présente chez 15 patients. Les présentations cliniquesétaient : 25 cas de douleurs abdominales, 14 cas d’hémopéritoine, 12 cas desyndrome péritonéal, 9 cas d’éviscération. Les lésions de la rate étaient présentes dans huit cas. Les polytraumatismes étaient au nombre de 16.L’échographie abdominale était réalisée dans 19 cas, l’ASP dans 22 cas. Letraitement chirurgical a été réalisé chez 26 patients. La laparotomie était nonthérapeutique (ne nécessitant pas de geste chirurgical spécifique) chez 15patients. Les complications postopératoires comportaient cinq cas desuppuration pariétale, un cas de péritonite postopératoire. Le décès étaitsurvenu chez huit (12,7%) patients et la durée d’hospitalisation moyenne étaitde 8,5 jours. Conclusion : Les traumatismes de l’abdomen concernent lesadultes jeunes de sexe masculin, et sont dus aux accidents de la circulationroutière. L’ASP et l’échographie au lit du patient ne sont pasréalisées. Le tauxde laparotomie non thérapeutique est élevé ainsi que la mortalité. Introduction: The management of wounds and contusions of theabdomen is well codified with the existence of algorithms. In Burkina Faso,human resources, diagnostic and therapeutic means are limited. This paperfocuses on studying the epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of trauma in the abdomen. Patients and Methods: This study employs adescriptive retrospective for two years beginning from January 2017 toDecember 2018 in Sourô Sanou University Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso. Thepatients included in the study were diagnosed with a wound or contusion ofthe abdomen. Patients with incomplete records were excluded. Results:During the study, the data of 63 patients were collected, 51 men and 12women. The mean age was 22 years old. There were 25 road traffic accidents.Among these injuries were 39 bruises and 24 abdominal wounds.Hemodynamic instability was present in 15 patients. The clinical presentationswere: 25 cases of abdominal pain, 14 cases of hemoperitoneum, 12 cases ofperitoneal syndrome, and 9 cases of evisceration. Lesions of the spleen werepresent in 8 cases and there were 16 polytrauma cases. Abdominal ultrasoundwas performed in 19 cases, abdominal X-rays in 22 cases. Surgical treatmentwas carried out in 26 patients. Laparotomy was non-therapeutic (not requiringa specific surgical procedure) in 15 patients. Postoperative complicationsincluded five cases of parietal suppuration, one case of postoperativeperitonitis. Death occurred in eight (12.7%) patients. The average length ofhospital stay was 8.5 days. Conclusion: Trauma to the abdomen is of interestto young adult males, and it occurs majorly due to traffic accidents. Abdominalx-rays and patient bedside ultrasound are not performed. The rate of nontherapeutic laparotomy is high as well as the mortality. &nbsp

    Plants used traditionally to treat malaria in Brazil: the archives of Flora Medicinal

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    The archives of Flora Medicinal, an ancient pharmaceutical laboratory that supported ethnomedical research in Brazil for more than 30 years, were searched for plants with antimalarial use. Forty plant species indicated to treat malaria were described by Dr. J. Monteiro da Silva (Flora Medicinal leader) and his co-workers. Eight species, Bathysa cuspidata, Cosmos sulphureus, Cecropia hololeuca, Erisma calcaratum, Gomphrena arborescens, Musa paradisiaca, Ocotea odorifera, and Pradosia lactescens, are related as antimalarial for the first time in ethnobotanical studies. Some species, including Mikania glomerata, Melampodium divaricatum, Galipea multiflora, Aspidosperma polyneuron, and Coutarea hexandra, were reported to have activity in malaria patients under clinical observation. In the information obtained, also, there were many details about the appropriate indication of each plant. For example, some plants are indicated to increase others' potency. There are also plants that are traditionally employed for specific symptoms or conditions that often accompany malaria, such as weakness, renal failure or cerebral malaria. Many plants that have been considered to lack activity against malaria due to absence of in vitro activity against Plasmodium can have other mechanisms of action. Thus researchers should observe ethnomedical information before deciding which kind of screening should be used in the search of antimalarial drugs

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation of roots of grass species differing in invasiveness

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    Recent research indicates that the soil microbial community, particularly arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), can influence plant invasion in several ways. We tested if 1) invasive species are colonised by AMF to a lower degree than resident native species, and 2) AMF colonisation of native plants is lower in a community inhabited by an invasive species than in an uninvaded resident community. The two tests were run in semiarid temperate grasslands on grass (Poaceae) species, and the frequency and intensity of mycorrhizal colonisation, and the proportion of arbuscules and vesicles in plant roots have been measured. In the first test, grasses representing three classes of invasiveness were included: invasive species, resident species becoming abundant upon disturbance, and non-invasive native species. Each class contained one C3 and one C4 species. The AMF colonisation of the invasive Calamagrostis epigejos and Cynodon dactylon was consistently lower than that of the non-invasive native Chrysopogon gryllus and Bromus inermis, and contained fewer arbuscules than the post-disturbance dominant resident grasses Bothriochloa ischaemum and Brachypodium pinnatum. The C3 and C4 grasses behaved alike despite their displaced phenologies in these habitats. The second test compared AMF colonisation for sand grassland dominant grasses Festuca vaginata and Stipa borysthenica in stands invaded by either C. epigejos or C. dactylon, and in the uninvaded natural community. Resident grasses showed lower degree of AMF colonisation in the invaded stand compared to the uninvaded natural community with F. vaginata responding so to both invaders, while S. borysthenica responding to C. dactylon only. These results indicate that invasive grasses supposedly less reliant on AMF symbionts have the capacity of altering the soil mycorrhizal community in such a way that resident native species can establish a considerably reduced extent of the beneficial AMF associations, hence their growth, reproduction and ultimately abundance may decline. Accumulating evidence suggests that such indirect influences of invasive alien plants on resident native species mediated by AMF or other members of the soil biota is probably more the rule than the exception
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