696 research outputs found

    Massless and massive graviton spectra in anisotropic dilatonic braneworld cosmologies

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    We consider a braneworld model in which an anisotropic brane is embedded in a dilatonic background. We solve the background solutions and study the behavior of the perturbations when the universe evolves from an inflationary Kasner phase to a Minkowski phase. We calculate the massless mode spectrum, and find that it does not differ from what expected in standard four-dimensional cosmological models. We then evaluate the spectrum of both light (ultrarelativistic) and heavy (nonrelativistic) massive modes, and find that, at high energies, there can be a strong enhancement of the Kaluza-Klein spectral amplitude, which can become dominant in the total spectrum. The presence of the dilaton, on the contrary, decrease the relative importance of the massive modes.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Typos correction

    Induced cosmology on a codimension-2 brane in a conical bulk

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    We study the cosmology of a 5-dimensional brane, which represents a regularization of a 4-dimensional codimension-2 brane, embedded in a conical bulk. The brane is assumed to be tensional, and to contain a curvature term. Cosmology is obtained by letting the brane move trough the bulk, and implementing dynamical junction conditions. Our results shows that, with suitable choices of the parameters, the resulting cosmological dynamics mimics fairly well standard 4-dimensional cosmology.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Corrections and clarifications troughout the text. Match the published version on NP


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    This paper describes a study aimed at analyzing whether and how certain technologies usage practices can lead to the construction of different perceptions in relation to social phenomena. In particular, the study enquires how the evolution in the way young people get informed, can lead to different attitudes towards a phenomenon such as immigration. The work aims to understand what kind of relationship exists between different media usage types and (over)exposure to the news – made possible by the web, particularly social media – and the perception (in cognitive and evaluative terms) of the presence of immigrants in Italy. To answer these questions, an empirical research was conducted using a qualitative and quantitative approach. In particular, the quantitative study was carried through a survey on a sample of 200 subjects and illustrates how the information system, new information technologies and media consumption strongly influence the way young Italian see the world, confirming a bias between their perception and what statistical data say about the environment in which they are living

    Classical tests of general relativity in brane world models

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    The classical tests of general relativity (perihelion precession, deflection of light and the radar echo delay) are considered for several spherically symmetric static vacuum solutions in brane world models. Generally, the spherically symmetric vacuum solutions of the brane gravitational field equations have properties quite distinct as compared to the standard black hole solutions of general relativity. As a first step a general formalism that facilitates the analysis of general relativistic Solar System tests for any given spherically symmetric metric is developed. It is shown that the existing observational Solar System data on the perihelion shift of Mercury, on the light bending around the Sun (obtained using long-baseline radio interferometry), and ranging to Mars using theViking lander constrain the numerical values of the parameters of the specific models. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.postprin

    An Investigation of Clustering Algorithms in the Identification of Similar Web Pages

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    In this paper we investigate the effect of using clustering algorithms in the reverse engineering field to identify pages that are similar either at the structural level or at the content level. To this end, we have used two instances of a general process that only differ for the measure used to compare web pages. In particular, two web pages at the structural level and at the content level are compared by using the Levenshtein edit distances and Latent Semantic Indexing, respectively. The static pages of two web applications and one static web site have been used to compare the results achieved by using the considered clustering algorithms both at the structural and content level. On these applications we generally achieved comparable results. However, the investigation has also suggested some heuristics to quickly identify the best partition of web pages into clusters among the possible partitions both at the structural and at the content level

    Development of a novel CO2splitting fixed-bed reactor based on copper-doped cerium oxide

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    Global warming has received widespread attention in recent years due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide. Looking at the current energy landscape, new technologies must be developed to reduce CO2 emissions. The present work is aimed to develop and test a new prototype of an innovative reactor for the conversion of CO2 into CO, operating according to a two-phase thermochemical cycle. The innovative and main aspect of this study was the use of a reactor coupled with a new type of catalyst, a copper-doped cerium oxide (Cuδ+2Ce(1-δ)O2), which allowed to decrease the temperature of the reaction up to 850°C, much lower than the models present in the literature, tested on 1300/1400°C and even beyond

    A component-level methodology to evaluate the seismic repair costs of infills and services for Italian RC buildings

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    The reliable estimation of seismic losses due to damage to buildings is paramount for the post-emergency management and the planning of recovery activities. For residential reinforced concrete (RC) infilled buildings, a significant role in the computation of seismic loss is played by non-structural components, above all infills, partitions and services, as shown in past earthquakes. In this work, a component-based methodology is proposed to assess seismic losses for residential RC buildings in Mediterranean region. The attention is focused on the repairing activities for masonry infills (typical enclosure or partitions elements in Italian and Mediterranean RC buildings), and for services (plumbing systems, electric equipment, floor/wall tiles…), commonly enclosed within the infill panels for the considered building typology. The described methodology can be used starting from the expected damage level to infills and partitions. It adopts given repair unit costs at different damage states of infills. The loss estimation methodology has been, first, validated by comparing predicted and actual repair costs for specific case-study buildings damaged by L’Aquila (Italy) 2009 earthquake. Then, the methodology has been applied to a wide dataset of RC buildings (about 2500 residential buildings) damaged by L’Aquila earthquake available from the literature, to show its possible application at a large-scale level. A good agreement between observed and predicted costs is obtained both for specific case-study buildings and for the wider building stock, especially when damage to structural components is very limited

    Compensation Admittance Load Flow: A Computational Tool for the Sustainability of the Electrical Grid

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    Compensation Admittance Load Flow (CALF) is a power flow analysis method that was developed to enhance the sustainability of the power grid. This method has been widely used in power system planning and operation, as it provides an accurate representation of the power system and its behavior under different operating conditions. By providing a more accurate representation of the power system, it can help identify potential problems and improve the overall performance of the grid. This paper proposes a new approach to the load flow (LF) problem by introducing a linear and iterative method of solving LF equations. The aim is to obtain fast results for calculating nodal voltages while maintaining high accuracy. The proposed CALF method is fast and accurate and is suitable for the iterative calculations required by large energy utilities to solve the problem of quantifying the maximum grid acceptance capacity of new energy from renewable sources and new loads, known as hosting capacity (HC) and load capacity (LC), respectively. Speed and accuracy are achieved through a properly designed linearization of the optimization problem, which introduces the concept of compensation admittance at the node. The proposed method was validated by comparing the results obtained with those coming from state-of-the-art methods
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