27 research outputs found

    Distribuci\uf3n de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) en la planta del guayabo ( Psidium guajava L.) en La Coruba, municipio Mara, estado Zulia, Venezuela

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    P\uc9REZ B, SEGNINI S. 2004. Spatial variations of composition and diversity of Ephemeroptera genera in a high Andean tropical stream. Entomotropica 20(1): 49-57. The composition of the benthic macroinvertebrates in stream habitats is in\ufb02uenced mainly by the quality of the substrate and the current. The ri\ufb04es are stable lotic habitats, with heterogeneous substrates and detritus accumulation that should maintain abundant and diverse communities. However, in mountain streams diversity doesn't seem to differ among given habitats, by the predominance of the gravels, boulders and cobbles of varied size. With the purpose of proving these hypotheses, composition and the diversity of the nymphs of the Orden Ephemeroptera in rapids and pools of the stream La Pic\uf3n, Merida State, located 2 274 m above sea level into Sierra Nevada NP were analyzed comparatively. During one year, with a biweekly frequency, three samples of the benthos for each habitat were collected using Surber Net. Jointly with the sampling of the fauna, the current was measured and samples of \ufb01ne organic matter were collected. Current and \ufb01ne organic matter differed signi\ufb01cantly between habitats (Mann-Whitney P 64 0.01). According to PCA, for the Orden Ephemeroptera, the composition differed between ri\ufb04es and pools, prevailing in the \ufb01rst: Baetodes, Leptohyphes, Prebaetodes, Thraulodes and Andesiops, and in the second Haplohyphes, Farrodes, Trichorythodes, and Americabaetis. The largest may\ufb02y density was observed in the ri\ufb04es (Mann-Whitney p 64 0.05). Diversity based on numbers of Hill didn't evidence differences between both habitats (Mann-Whitney: p>0.05). As for the whole macroinvertebrates community the TWINSPAN revealed particular associations among taxa, for each habitat and for each sampling date.P\uc9REZ B, SEGNINI S. 2005. Variaci\uf3n espacial de la composici\uf3n y diversidad de g\ue9neros de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) en un r\uedo tropical altiandino. Entomotropica 20(1): 49-57. La composici\uf3n de los macroinvertebrados bent\uf3nicos en h\ue1bitats de r\uedo, est\ue1 in\ufb02uenciada principalmente por la calidad del sustrato y la velocidad de la corriente. Los r\ue1pidos son h\ue1bitats l\uf3ticos estables, con sustratos heterog\ue9neos y acumulaci\uf3n de detritus, que deben albergar comunidades m\ue1s abundantes y diversas. Sin embargo en los r\uedos de monta\uf1a la diversidad no parece diferir entre h\ue1bitats dada la predominancia de los sustratos rocosos de variado tama\uf1o. Con el \ufb01n de probar estas hip\uf3tesis se analiz\uf3 comparativamente, la composici\uf3n y la diversidad de las ninfas del orden Ephemeroptera en r\ue1pidos y remansos del R\uedo La Pic\uf3n, Estado M\ue9rida, ubicado a 2 274 msnm en el PN Sierra Nevada. Durante un a\uf1o, con una frecuencia quincenal se recolectaron, mediante una red de Surber, tres muestras del bentos por cada h\ue1bitat. Conjuntamente se midi\uf3 la velocidad de la corriente y se tomaron muestras de materia org\ue1nica \ufb01na. Estas dos variables fueron signi\ufb01cativamente diferentes a nivel de los habitats (Mann-Whitney P 64 0,01). En cuanto a los efemer\uf3pteros, en el An\ue1lisis de Componentes Principales se evidenci\uf3 que la composici\uf3n de g\ue9neros di\ufb01ri\uf3 entre r\ue1pidos y remansos, predominado en los primeros los g\ue9neros Baetodes, Leptohyphes, Prebaetodes, Thraulodes y Andesiops, y en los segundos Haplohyphes, Farrodes, Trichorythodes y Americabaetis. En los r\ue1pidos se observ\uf3 la mayor densidad de efemer\uf3pteros (Mann-Whitney p 64 0,05). La diversidad basada en n\ufameros de Hill no evidenci\uf3 diferencias entre ambos h\ue1bitats (Mann-Whitney: p 65 0,05). En cuanto a toda la comunidad de macroinvertebrados el TWINSPAN revel\uf3 asociaciones particulares entre taxa, para cada h\ue1bitat y para cada \ue9poca de muestreo

    Venezuela, April 2002: Coup or Popular Rebellion? The Myth of a United Venezuela

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    This article assesses the merits of opposing National Assembly reports into the coup against President Chavez of Venezuela in April 2002. Looking at the historical context and the content of the reports, it argues that the two opposing accounts reflect a class division that has always existed in Venezuela but has been officially denied. It concludes that a possible exit from the stalemate could be that the opposition accept the reality of this class division and therefore the Chavez government as a legitimate representative of the popular classes. This, however, is unlikely in the present circumstances

    Aquaponics: alternative types and approaches

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    Whilst aquaponics may be considered in the mid-stage of development, there are a number of allied, novel methods of food production that are aligning alongside aquaponics and also which can be merged with aquaponics to deliver food efficiently and productively. These technologies include algaeponics, aeroponics, aeroaquaponics, maraponics, haloponics, biofloc technology and vertical aquaponics. Although some of these systems have undergone many years of trials and research, in most cases, much more scientific research is required to understand intrinsic processes within the systems, efficiency, design aspects, etc., apart from the capacity, capabilities and benefits of conjoining these systems with aquaponics

    JSetL: Declarative Programming in Java with Sets

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    Rapporto di Ricerca "Quaderno del Dipartimento di Matematica", Università di Parma, n. 33

    The JSetL library: supporting declarative programming in Java

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    Rapporto di Ricerca "Quaderno del Dipartimento di Matematica", n. 390, Università di Parm

    JSetL User's Manual - Version 1.0.

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    Rapporto di ricerca "Quaderno del Dipartimento di Matematica", n. 384, Universita' di Parm

    Reconocimiento de malezas presentes en el huerto de guayabo (Psidium guajava L.) tipo Criolla Roja, del Centro Frutícola del Zulia, Municipio Mara, Venezuela

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    An inventory of weeds associated with guava (Psidium guajava L.) type Criolla Roja at the experimental orchard of the Centro Frutícola of Zulia (CENFRUZU/CORPOZULIA) (10º49�98�� LN y 71º46�33�� LW), Mara Co., Venezuela, was carried out to identify the weeds to family, genus and species level and their frequency of appearance. Two hundred and twenty six (226) specimens of angiosperm weeds in 21 families, 44 genera and 67 species were collected. The family Poaceae (Graminae) was the most diverse with 9 genera and 12 species, followed by Malvaceae and Fabaceae (3 genera and 6 spp. each one), Amaranthaceae and Euphorbiaceae (3 genera and 5 spp. each one), Convolvulaceae (4 genera and 5 spp.), Sterculiaceae (2 genera and 4 spp.), Boraginaceae, Nyctaginaceae and Rubiaceae (1 genus and 3 spp. each one). The most common weeds according to their frequency of appearance were Boerhavia erecta, Euphorbia hirta, Heliotropium indicum, Anthephora hermaphrodita, Sida acuta, Mollugo verticillata , Merremia glabra, Portulaca oleracea y Tribulus cistoides. This information is a basic reference and fundamental to evaluate alternatives and strategies of management of the weeds in this crop.Se realizó un inventario de las malezas presentes en el huerto experimental de guayabo (Psidium guajava L.) tipo Criolla Roja, ubicado en el Centro Frutícola del Zulia (CENFRUZU-CORPOZULIA), (10º49�46,6� LN y 71º46�29,2� LO), Municipio Mara, Venezuela, con la finalidad de identificar a nivel de familia, género y especie las principales malezas asociadas a este cultivo y su frecuencia de aparición en el huerto. Se colectaron 226 ejemplares de malezas angiospermas, correspondientes a 21 familias, 44 géneros y 67 especies. La familia Poaceae (Graminae) fue la más diversa con 9 géneros y 12 especies, seguidas por Malvaceae y Fabaceae (3 géneros y 6 spp. c/u), Amaranthaceae y Euphorbiaceae (3 géneros y 5 spp. c/u), Convolvulaceae (4 géneros y 5 spp.), Sterculiaceae (2 géneros y 4 spp.), Boraginaceae, Nyctaginaceae y Rubiaceae (1 género y 3 spp. c/u). Asimismo, las malezas más comunes dada su frecuencia de aparición en los muestreos realizados fueron Boerhavia erecta L., Euphorbia hirta L., Heliotropium indicum L., Anthephora hermaphrodita (L.) Kuntze, Sida acuta Burm. f., Mollugo verticillata L., Merremia glabra Hallier f., Portulaca oleracea L. y Tribulus cistoides L. Esta información puede ser útil para evaluar alternativas de manejo en este cultivo y diseñar estrategias relacionadas con el manejo de las malezas