611 research outputs found

    Detection of Parietaria Mottle Virus by RT-qPCR: An Emerging Virus Native of Mediterranean Area That Undermine Tomato and Pepper Production in Southern Italy

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    Parietaria mottle virus (PMoV) is considered an emerging virus in many countries of the Mediterranean basin, especially on tomato and pepper crops. Symptoms on tomato leaves and fruits can be easily confused with those induced by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) with necrogenic satellite RNA (CMV-satRNA), tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) or tomato mosaic virus (ToMV). Mixed infection of these viruses has been also reported in some tomato cultivars, with an increase in the complexity of the symptoms and severity of the disease. Although a specific serum and riboprobes have been produced, nowadays no sensitive diagnostic methods are available for the rapid PMoV detection. Here, we have developed a RT-qPCR assay with the aim to establish a more sensitive and specific method for PMoV detection. Specific primers and TaqMan probe were designed and in silico tested with all PMoV isolates available in GenBank. Moreover, this method was evaluated on tomato naturally infected samples from Sicily region (Italy). Results obtained showed that the RT-qPCR assay developed in this work is extremely sensitive, in fact, it is able to detect as few as 10 PMoV RNA copies in tomato total RNA; moreover, it will be a particularly valuable tool for early detection of PMoV. Furthermore, the analyzes on field samples show how this pathogen is increasingly present in tomato crops in the last years, helping to undermine the Italian horticultural sector

    Caracterização dos açúcares em diferentes partes dos colmos do sorgo sacarino.

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    O sorgo sacarino (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) tem sido motivo de investigação como fonte complementar de matéria-prima para a produção de etanol em microdestilaria. Planta semelhante ao milho e à cana-de-açúcar, apresenta uma série de vantagens que elegem o sorgo como de grande potencial energético, a saber: os seus colmos podem ser processados na mesma instalação destinada à produção de etanol de cana-de-açúcar, apresenta um ciclo fotossintético extremamente eficiente com inúmeras vantagens com relação a outras plantas sendo capaz de produzir elevado teor de açucares fermentáveis com alto rendimento de biomassa e um alto valor nutricional em seu bagaço para ruminantes, alem de possui potencial de adaptação a regiões mais secas com capacidade de resistir a prolongados períodos de seca e se recuperar após receber umidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os teores de glicose, frutose, sacarose no caldo do sorgo sacarino extraído da base, meio e ápice dos colmos do sorgo sacarino BRS 506, BRS 508, BRS 509, BRS 511 desenvolvidos pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo de Sete Lagoas. Pode-se observar após as análies que em todas as cultivares a maior quantidade de açúcares está concentrada na base dos colmos. Em sequência, em ordem crescente de concentração está o meio e o ápice dos colmos

    Cryosphere Applications

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) provides large coverage and high resolution, and it has been proven to be sensitive to both surface and near-surface features related to accumulation, ablation, and metamorphism of snow and firn. Exploiting this sensitivity, SAR polarimetry and polarimetric interferometry found application to land ice for instance for the estimation of wave extinction (which relates to sub surface ice volume structure) and for the estimation of snow water equivalent (which relates to snow density and depth). After presenting these applications, the Chapter proceeds by reviewing applications of SAR polarimetry to sea ice for the classification of different ice types, the estimation of thickness, and the characterisation of its surface. Finally, an application to the characterisation of permafrost regions is considered. For each application, the used (model-based) decomposition and polarimetric parameters are critically described, and real data results from relevant airborne campaigns and space borne acquisitions are reported

    First Report of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus Causing Yellow Leaf Curl of Pepper in Europe

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    Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), a bipartite begomovirus (family Geminiviridae) with two circular ssDNA genome components (DNA-A and DNA-B), is transmitted in a circulative nonpropagative manner by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Although it was first reported in Asia on tomato and other solanaceous crops such as eggplant, potato, and chilli pepper in the Mediterranean basin, this virus was mainly detected on cucurbits and only sporadically on tomato and on two wild solanaceous species, Datura stramonium L. and Solanum nigrum L. (Juárez et al. 2019). In 2018, separate surveys were carried out in protected cultivations of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in two Italian regions: Lazio and Campania. The greenhouses were in areas with high density of B. tabaci and where ToLCNDV outbreaks occurred on cucurbits since 2016 (Panno et al. 2019). Some plants showing symptoms of yellowing and leaf curling were found in both regions, whereas fruit symptoms were neither observed nor reported by farmers. This disease syndrome, known as yellow leaf curl disease (YLCD), can be caused in pepper by several begomoviruses, as reported recently in a review listing the viruses causing YLCD in peppers in Thailand (Chiemsombat et al. 2018). Symptomatic leaves were collected during late summer 2018 from different pepper plants as well as from the neighboring zucchini cultivations, showing the typical symptomatology induced by ToLCNDV. Total DNA was extracted (DNeasy Plant Mini kit, Qiagen, Germany), and the presence of ToLCNDV was ascertained by PCR with the specific primers ToLCNDV-CP1 and ToLCNDV-CP2 (Panno et al. 2019; Parrella et al. 2018). ToLCNDV infection was further ascertained in three symptomatic leaf samples from Campania by using specific ToLCNDV ImmunoStrips (Agdia, Elkhart, IN). Successively, one symptomatic pepper sample from each greenhouse was selected and amplified by rolling circle amplification technique (RCA; Inoue-Nagata et al. 2004). The amplicons were cloned, and the DNA-A and DNA-B were full-length sequenced. The sequences were deposited in GenBank NCBI database (MK732932 DNA-A and MK732933 DNA-B, pepper sample from Campania; MK756106 DNA-A and MK756107 DNA-B, pepper sample from Lazio). The RCA analysis was performed also on a ToLCNDV-infected zucchini sample collected in the same area in Lazio region (MK756108 DNA-A and MK756109 DNA-B). The analysis of the ToLCNDV sequences showed a low level of genetic variability between the two pepper isolates from Lazio and Campania regions (rate of substitutions: 0.016 for DNA-A and 0.023 for DNA-B). A high genetic similarity was recorded between the zucchini isolate and both the pepper isolates from Campania (0.019 for DNA-A and 0.023 for DNA-B) and Lazio (0.003 for both DNA-A and B). The three characterized isolates showed a high sequence homology also with both the DNA-A (MH577751 from a melon isolate) and DNA-B (MH577673 from a zucchini isolate) of the ToLCNDV-ES genotype (Fortes et al. 2016), which differed in 15 and 13 nucleotide substitutions from pepper sample from Lazio, 29 and 51 substitutions from Campania sample, and 10 and 5 substitutions from zucchini sample. High homology was also identified compared with the other Spanish isolates collected since the first appearance of the virus (2014) and to the Tunisian (2015) and Moroccan (2018) isolates, confirming the hypothesis that the Mediterranean population of ToLCNDV is highly conserved (Juárez et al. 2019). To our knowledge, this is the first report of ToLCNDV infection on pepper in Europe and indicates that sweet pepper could also act as a reservoir of the virus for further spread to other solanaceous plants and cucurbits

    Evaluation of potential ethanol production and nutrients for four varieties of sweet sorghum during maturation.

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    Sweet sorghum was investigated to an alternate feedstock for fuel ethanol production. juices from 4 sorghum varieties (BRS 506, BRS 508, BRS 509, BRS 511 and BRS); all developed by Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) Maize and Sorghum) were evaluated for sugar, starch and nutrient contents and theoretical ethanol yields. The levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, starchand sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) were measured weekly over a period of 70 days. Fermentations were performed using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BRS 508, BRS 509 and BRS 511 showed potential to be useful for industrial applications for maturities exceeding 30 days. BRS 511 showed the highest sugar production, with levels higher than 140 g/L during the majority of the experiment and reaching a maximum of 191 g/L. All varieties showed similar behaviors with respect to nutrient content, which was characterized by a decrease in nutrient concentrations over the period analyzed. Juice from BRS 508 was successfully fermented within 8 h with a productivity (9.0 g/L h) and yield (90.5% of theoretical) similar to those observed for sugar cane juice

    COVID-19 and the elderly: insights into pathogenesis and clinical decision-making

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    The elderly may represent a specific cluster of high-risk patients for developing COVID-19 with rapidly progressive clinical deterioration. Indeed, in older individuals, immunosenescence and comorbid disorders are more likely to promote viral-induced cytokine storm resulting in life-threatening respiratory failure and multisystemic involvement. Early diagnosis and individualized therapeutic management should be developed for elderly subjects based on personal medical history and polypharmacotherapy. Our review examines the pathogenesis and clinical implications of ageing in COVID-19 patients; finally, we discuss the evidence and controversies in the management in the long-stay residential care homes and aspects of end-of-life care for elderly patients with COVID-19