45 research outputs found

    Universality class of criticality in the restricted primitive model electrolyte

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    The 1:1 equisized hard-sphere electrolyte or restricted primitive model has been simulated via grand-canonical fine-discretization Monte Carlo. Newly devised unbiased finite-size extrapolation methods using temperature-density, (T, rho), loci of inflections, Q = ^2/ maxima, canonical and C_V criticality, yield estimates of (T_c, rho_c) to +- (0.04, 3)%. Extrapolated exponents and Q-ratio are (gamma, nu, Q_c) = [1.24(3), 0.63(3); 0.624(2)] which support Ising (n = 1) behavior with (1.23_9, 0.630_3; 0.623_6), but exclude classical, XY (n = 2), SAW (n = 0), and n = 1 criticality with potentials phi(r)>Phi/r^{4.9} when r \to \infty

    Coexistence and Criticality in Size-Asymmetric Hard-Core Electrolytes

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    Liquid-vapor coexistence curves and critical parameters for hard-core 1:1 electrolyte models with diameter ratios lambda = sigma_{-}/\sigma_{+}=1 to 5.7 have been studied by fine-discretization Monte Carlo methods. Normalizing via the length scale sigma_{+-}=(sigma_{+} + sigma_{-})/2 relevant for the low densities in question, both Tc* (=kB Tc sigma_{+-}/q^2 and rhoc* (= rhoc sigma _{+-}^{3}) decrease rapidly (from ~ 0.05 to 0.03 and 0.08 to 0.04, respectively) as lambda increases. These trends, which unequivocally contradict current theories, are closely mirrored by results for tightly tethered dipolar dimers (with Tc* lower by ~ 0-11% and rhoc* greater by 37-12%).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Discretization Dependence of Criticality in Model Fluids: a Hard-core Electrolyte

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    Grand canonical simulations at various levels, ζ=5\zeta=5-20, of fine- lattice discretization are reported for the near-critical 1:1 hard-core electrolyte or RPM. With the aid of finite-size scaling analyses it is shown convincingly that, contrary to recent suggestions, the universal critical behavior is independent of ζ\zeta (\grtsim 4); thus the continuum (ζ)(\zeta\to\infty) RPM exhibits Ising-type (as against classical, SAW, XY, etc.) criticality. A general consideration of lattice discretization provides effective extrapolation of the {\em intrinsically} erratic ζ\zeta-dependence, yielding (\Tc^ {\ast},\rhoc^{\ast})\simeq (0.0493_{3},0.075) for the ζ=\zeta=\infty RPM.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    Asymmetric Fluid Criticality II: Finite-Size Scaling for Simulations

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    The vapor-liquid critical behavior of intrinsically asymmetric fluids is studied in finite systems of linear dimensions, LL, focusing on periodic boundary conditions, as appropriate for simulations. The recently propounded ``complete'' thermodynamic (L)(L\to\infty) scaling theory incorporating pressure mixing in the scaling fields as well as corrections to scaling [arXiv:condmat/0212145]{[arXiv:cond-mat/0212145]}, is extended to finite LL, initially in a grand canonical representation. The theory allows for a Yang-Yang anomaly in which, when LL\to\infty, the second temperature derivative, (d2μσ/dT2)(d^{2}\mu_{\sigma}/dT^{2}), of the chemical potential along the phase boundary, μσ(T)\mu_{\sigma}(T), diverges when T\to\Tc -. The finite-size behavior of various special {\em critical loci} in the temperature-density or (T,ρ)(T,\rho) plane, in particular, the kk-inflection susceptibility loci and the QQ-maximal loci -- derived from QL(T,L)L2/<m4>LQ_{L}(T,_{L}) \equiv ^{2}_{L}/< m^{4}>_{L} where mρLm \equiv \rho - _{L} -- is carefully elucidated and shown to be of value in estimating \Tc and \rhoc. Concrete illustrations are presented for the hard-core square-well fluid and for the restricted primitive model electrolyte including an estimate of the correlation exponent ν\nu that confirms Ising-type character. The treatment is extended to the canonical representation where further complications appear.Comment: 23 pages in the two-column format (including 13 figures) This is Part II of the previous paper [arXiv:cond-mat/0212145

    Asymmetric Fluid Criticality I: Scaling with Pressure Mixing

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    The thermodynamic behavior of a fluid near a vapor-liquid and, hence, asymmetric critical point is discussed within a general ``complete'' scaling theory incorporating pressure mixing in the nonlinear scaling fields as well as corrections to scaling. This theory allows for a Yang-Yang anomaly in which \mu_{\sigma}^{\prime\prime}(T), the second temperature derivative of the chemical potential along the phase boundary, diverges like the specific heat when T\to T_{\scriptsize c}; it also generates a leading singular term, |t|^{2\beta}, in the coexistence curve diameter, where t\equiv (T-T_{\scriptsize c}) /T_{\scriptsize c}. The behavior of various special loci, such as the critical isochore, the critical isotherm, the k-inflection loci, on which \chi^{(k)}\equiv \chi(\rho,T)/\rho^{k} (with \chi = \rho^{2} k_{\scriptsize B}TK_{T}) and C_{V}^{(k)}\equiv C_{V}(\rho,T)/\rho^{k} are maximal at fixed T, is carefully elucidated. These results are useful for analyzing simulations and experiments, since particular, nonuniversal values of k specify loci that approach the critical density most rapidly and reflect the pressure-mixing coefficient. Concrete illustrations are presented for the hard-core square-well fluid and for the restricted primitive model electrolyte. For comparison, a discussion of the classical (or Landau) theory is presented briefly and various interesting loci are determined explicitly and illustrated quantitatively for a van der Waals fluid.Comment: 21 pages in two-column format including 8 figure

    Dipolar origin of the gas-liquid coexistence of the hard-core 1:1 electrolyte model

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    We present a systematic study of the effect of the ion pairing on the gas-liquid phase transition of hard-core 1:1 electrolyte models. We study a class of dipolar dimer models that depend on a parameter R_c, the maximum separation between the ions that compose the dimer. This parameter can vary from sigma_{+/-} that corresponds to the tightly tethered dipolar dimer model, to R_c --> infinity, that corresponds to the Stillinger-Lovett description of the free ion system. The coexistence curve and critical point parameters are obtained as a function of R_c by grand canonical Monte Carlo techniques. Our results show that this dependence is smooth but non-monotonic and converges asymptotically towards the free ion case for relatively small values of R_c. This fact allows us to describe the gas-liquid transition in the free ion model as a transition between two dimerized fluid phases. The role of the unpaired ions can be considered as a perturbation of this picture.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Phase Diagram of the Two Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations to map out the phase diagram of the two dimensional Coulomb gas on a square lattice, as a function of density and temperature. We find that the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition remains up to higher charge densities than has been suggested by recent theoretical estimates.Comment: 4 pages, including 6 in-line eps figure

    Sine-Gordon mean field theory of a Coulomb Gas

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    Sine-Gordon field theory is used to investigate the phase diagram of a neutral Coulomb gas. A variational mean field free energy is constructed and the corresponding phase diagrams in two (2d) and three dimensions (3d) are obtained. When analyzed in terms of chemical potential, the Sine-Gordon theory predicts the phase diagram topologically identical with the Monte Carlo simulations and a recently developed Debye-H\"uckel-Bjerrum (DHBj) theory. In 2d we find that the infinite order Kosterlitz-Thouless line terminates in a tricritical point, after which the metal-insulator transition becomes first order. However, when the transformation from chemical potential to the density is made the whole of the insulating phase is mapped onto zero density.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex with twocolumn style, 2 Postscript figures. Submitted to PR

    Ginzburg Criterion for Coulombic Criticality

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    To understand the range of close-to-classical critical behavior seen in various electrolytes, generalized Debye-Hueckel theories (that yield density correlation functions) are applied to the restricted primitive model of equisized hard spheres. The results yield a Landau-Ginzburg free-energy functional for which the Ginzburg criterion can be explicitly evaluated. The predicted scale of crossover from classical to Ising character is found to be similar in magnitude to that derived for simple fluids in comparable fashion. The consequences in relation to experiments are discussed briefly.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 tables (latex2.09 required due to revtex's incompatibility with latex2e tables

    Criticality in confined ionic fluids

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    A theory of a confined two dimensional electrolyte is presented. The positive and negative ions, interacting by a 1/r1/r potential, are constrained to move on an interface separating two solvents with dielectric constants ϵ1\epsilon_1 and ϵ2\epsilon_2. It is shown that the Debye-H\"uckel type of theory predicts that the this 2d Coulomb fluid should undergo a phase separation into a coexisting liquid (high density) and gas (low density) phases. We argue, however, that the formation of polymer-like chains of alternating positive and negative ions can prevent this phase transition from taking place.Comment: RevTex, no figures, in press Phys. Rev.