192 research outputs found

    Editorialā€”Special issue of the 7th European workshop on lipid mediators

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    The Seventh European Workshop on Lipid Mediators (7EWLM) was held at UniversitƩ catholique de Louvain in Brussels, Belgium September 12-14, 2018. The aim of the workshop was to bring together those researchers and students interested in the field of bioactive lipid mediators. The seventh edition of this biennial workshop was organized by Giulio Muccioli, Mireille Alhouayek, Gerard Bannenberg, Joan ClƠria, Per-Johan Jakobsson, Xavier Norel, Nils Helge Schebb and Chengcan Yao. The three-day event provided a good opportunity for participants to present their work, and enjoy a variety of presentations by experts, a session for young scientists, an educational session on analytical chemistry of lipid mediators, and poster sessions (see full program and download the abstract book athttps://workshop-lipid.eu//7EWLM/index.php?cat=Program) [...

    Bronchodilation induced by PGE2 is impaired in Group-III pulmonary hypertension

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with lung disease and/or hypoxia (Group III), a reduction of pulmonary vascular tone and tissue hypoxia are considered therapeutically beneficial. Prostaglandin (PG) E2 and PGI2 induce potent relaxation of human bronchi from non-PH (control) patients via EP4 and IP receptors, respectively. However, the effects of PGE2 /PGI2 and their mimetics on human bronchi from PH-patients are unknown. Our aim was to compare the relaxant effects of several PGI2 -mimetics approved for treating PH-Group I with several PGE2 -mimetics in bronchial preparations derived from PH-Group III and control patients. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Using an organ bath system, the tone of bronchial muscle was investigated in tissue from either control or PH-Group III patients. Expression of prostanoid receptors were analyzed by Western blot and real-time PCR and endogenous PGE2 , PGI2 and cAMP levels were determined by ELISA. KEY RESULTS: Maximal relaxations induced by different EP4 agonists (PGE2 , L-902688, ONO-AE1-329) were significantly decreased in human bronchi from PH-patients versus controls. In contrast, the maximal relaxations produced by PGI2 -mimetics (iloprost, treprostinil, beraprost) were similar for both groups of patients. Both EP4 and IP receptor protein and mRNA expressions were significantly lower in human bronchi from PH-patients. cAMP levels significantly correlated with PGI2 but not with PGE2 levels. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: This study shows that PGI2 -mimetics have preserved maximal bronchodilation in PH-Group III patients. The decreased bronchodilation induced by EP4 agonists suggests that restoration of EP4 expression in airways of PH-patients with respiratory diseases could bring additional therapeutic benefit

    Industrial methodology for process verification in research (IMPROVER): toward systems biology verification

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    Motivation: Analyses and algorithmic predictions based on high-throughput data are essential for the success of systems biology in academic and industrial settings. Organizations, such as companies and academic consortia, conduct large multi-year scientific studies that entail the collection and analysis of thousands of individual experiments, often over many physical sites and with internal and outsourced components. To extract maximum value, the interested parties need to verify the accuracy and reproducibility of data and methods before the initiation of such large multi-year studies. However, systematic and well-established verification procedures do not exist for automated collection and analysis workflows in systems biology which could lead to inaccurate conclusions

    Residential exposure to plasticizers and its possible role in the pathogenesis of asthma.

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    The plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is widely used in building materials. DEHP is identified as the major plasticizer exposure in dwellings. We provide evidence that inhalation exposure to DEHP as aerosols adsorbed to particulate matter is as important, or more important, than vapor phase exposure. The particulate inhalation exposure to DEHP is considered to be significant due to its low clearance and extensive penetration into the pulmonary region. DEHP is capable of creating high local concentrations in the airways at the deposition site with subsequent local effects. The proposed mechanism of effect states that mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), the primary hydrolysis product of DEHP, mimics the inducing prostaglandins (PG) PGD(2), 9alpha,11betaPGF2, and PGF2alpha, and thromboxanes in the lungs, thereby increasing the risk of inducing inflammation in the airways, which is a characteristic of asthma

    A crowd-sourcing approach for the construction of species-specific cell signaling networks

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    Motivation: Animal models are important tools in drug discovery and for understanding human biology in general. However, many drugs that initially show promising results in rodents fail in later stages of clinical trials. Understanding the commonalities and differences between human and rat cell signaling networks can lead to better experimental designs, improved allocation of resources and ultimately better drugs. Results: The sbv IMPROVER Species-Specific Network Inference challenge was designed to use the power of the crowds to build two species-specific cell signaling networks given phosphoproteomics, transcriptomics and cytokine data generated from NHBE and NRBE cells exposed to various stimuli. A common literature-inspired reference network with 220 nodes and 501 edges was also provided as prior knowledge from which challenge participants could add or remove edges but not nodes. Such a large network inference challenge not based on synthetic simulations but on real data presented unique difficulties in scoring and interpreting the results. Because any prior knowledge about the networks was already provided to the participants for reference, novel ways for scoring and aggregating the results were developed. Two human and rat consensus networks were obtained by combining all the inferred networks. Further analysis showed that major signaling pathways were conserved between the two species with only isolated components diverging, as in the case of ribosomal S6 kinase RPS6KA1. Overall, the consensus between inferred edges was relatively high with the exception of the downstream targets of transcription factors, which seemed more difficult to predict. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Computation of protein geometry and its applications: Packing and function prediction

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    This chapter discusses geometric models of biomolecules and geometric constructs, including the union of ball model, the weigthed Voronoi diagram, the weighted Delaunay triangulation, and the alpha shapes. These geometric constructs enable fast and analytical computaton of shapes of biomoleculres (including features such as voids and pockets) and metric properties (such as area and volume). The algorithms of Delaunay triangulation, computation of voids and pockets, as well volume/area computation are also described. In addition, applications in packing analysis of protein structures and protein function prediction are also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure

    Regulation of rat intrapulmonary arterial tone by arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 during hypoxia

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    Aims Arachidonic acid (AA) and its metabolites, prostaglandins (PG) are known to be involved in regulation of vascular homeostasis including vascular tone and vessel wall tension, but their potential role in Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) remains unclear. In this study, we examined the effects of AA and PGE2 on the hypoxic response in isolated rat intrapulmonary arteries (IPAs). Methods and Results We carried out the investigation on IPAs by vessel tension measurement. Isotetrandrine (20 ĀµM) significantly inhibited phase I, phase IIb and phase IIc of hypoxic vasoconstriction. Both indomethacin (100 ĀµM) and NS398 attenuated KPSS-induced vessel contraction and phase I, phase IIb and phase IIc of HPV, implying that COX-2 plays a primary role in the hypoxic response of rat IPAs. PGE2 alone caused a significant vasoconstriction in isolated rat IPAs. This constriction is mediated by EP4. Blockage of EP4 by L-161982 (1 ĀµM) significantly inhibited phase I, phase IIb and phase IIc of hypoxic vasoconstriction. However, AH6809 (3 ĀµM), an antagonist of EP1, EP2, EP3 and DP1 receptors, exerted no effect on KPSS or hypoxia induced vessel contraction. Increase of cellular cAMP by forskolin could significantly reduce KPSS-induced vessel contraction and abolish phase I, phase II b and phase II c of HPV. Conclusion Our results demonstrated a vasoconstrictive effect of PGE2 on rat IPAs and this effect is via activation of EP4. Furthermore, our results suggest that intracellular cAMP plays dual roles in regulation of vascular tone, depending on the spatial distribution of cAMP and its coupling with EP receptor and Ca2+ channels

    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum ā€“ Genetics, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is an autosomal-recessively inherited multisystem disease. Mutations in the ABCC6-gene are causative, coding for a transmembrane transporter mainly expressed in hepatocytes, which promotes the efflux of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This results in low levels of plasma inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), a critical anti-mineralization factor. The clinical phenotype of PXE is characterized by the effects of elastic fiber calcification in the skin, the cardiovascular system, and the eyes. In the eyes, calcification of Bruch's membrane results in clinically visible lesions, including peau d'orange, angioid streaks, and comet tail lesions. Frequently, patients must be treated for secondary macular neovascularization. No effective therapy is available for treating the cause of PXE, but several promising approaches are emerging. Finding appropriate outcome measures remains a significant challenge for clinical trials in this slowly progressive disease. This review article provides an in-depth summary of the current understanding of PXE and its multi-systemic manifestations. The article offers a detailed overview of the ocular manifestations, including their morphological and functional consequences, as well as potential complications. Lastly, previous and future clinical trials of causative treatments for PXE are discussed

    Retina-arrestin specific CD8+ T cells are not implicated in HLA-A29-positive birdshot chorioretinitis

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    Background: HLA-A29-positive birdshot chorioretinitis (BCR) is an inflammatory eye disorder that is generally assumed to be caused by an autoimmune response to HLA-A29-presented peptides from retinal arrestin (SAG), yet the epitopes recognized by CD8+ T cells from patients remain to be identified. Objectives: The identification of natural ligands of SAG presented by HLA-A29. To quantify CD8+ T cells reactive to antigenic SAG peptides presented by HLA-A29 in patients and controls. Methods: We performed mass-spectrometry based immunopeptidomics of HLA-A29 of antigen-presenting cell lines from patients engineered to express SAG. MHC-I Dextramer technology was utilised to determine expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells reactive to SAG peptides in complex with HLA-A29 in a cohort of BCR patients, HLA-A29-positive controls, and HLA-A29-negative controls. Results: We report on the naturally presented antigenic SAG peptides identified by sequencing the HLA-A29 immunopeptidome of antigen-presenting cells of patients. We show that the N-terminally extended SAG peptide precursors can be trimmed in vitro by the antigen-processing aminopeptidases ERAP1 and ERAP2. Unexpectedly, no enhanced antigen engagement by CD8+ T cells upon stimulation with SAG peptides was observed in patients or HLA-A29-positive controls. Multiplexed HLA-A29-peptide dextramer profiling of a case-control cohort revealed that CD8+ T cells specific for these SAG peptides were neither detectable in peripheral blood nor in eye biopsies of patients. Conclusions: Collectively, these findings demonstrate that SAG is not a CD8+ T cell autoantigen and sharply contrast the paradigm in the pathogenesis of BCR. Therefore, the mechanism by which HLA-A29 is associated with BCR does not involve SAG
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