174,576 research outputs found

    Phase Diffusion in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Josephson Transistors

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    We investigate electronic transport in Josephson junctions formed by single-walled carbon nanotubes coupled to superconducting electrodes. We observe enhanced zero-bias conductance (up to 10e^2/h) and pronounced sub-harmonic gap structures in differential conductance, which arise from the multiple Andreev reflections at superconductor/nanotube interfaces. The voltage-current characteristics of these junctions display abrupt switching from the supercurrent branch to resistive branch, with a gate-tunable switching current ranging from 50 pA to 2.3 nA. The finite resistance observed on the supercurrent branch and the magnitude of the switching current are in good agreement with calculation based on the model of classical phase diffusion

    Design and analysis of a wire-driven flexible manipulator for bronchoscopic interventions

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    Bronchoscopic interventions are widely performed for the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases. However, for most endobronchial devices, the lack of a bendable tip restricts their access ability to get into distal bronchi with complex bifurcations. This paper presents the design of a new wire-driven continuum manipulator to help guide these devices. The proposed manipulator is built by assembling miniaturized blocks that are featured with interlocking circular joints. It has the capability of maintaining its integrity when the lengths of actuation wires change due to the shaft flex. It allows the existence of a relatively large central cavity to pass through other instruments and enables two rotational degrees of freedom. All these features make it suitable for procedures where tubular anatomies are involved and the flexible shafts have to be considerably bent in usage, just like bronchoscopic interventions. A kinematic model is built to estimate the relationship between the translations of actuation wires and the manipulator tip position. A scale-up model is produced for evaluation experiments and the results validate the performance of the proposed mechanism

    Urban Regeneration of Industrial Areas: Affordable Housing for Low Income Populations in Cities

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    The UK-China Sustainable Development Dialogue (SDD) is a partnership between the UK and Chinese Governments to promote collaboration and good practice on sustainable development. It is framed by a 2004 joint Prime Ministerial declaration and was formally established in 2005 by an agreement signed by UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and State Councillor Tang. The SDD was founded on the recognition that, in an interdependent world, international co-operation is needed to ensure that learning is shared and efforts are made collectively towards achieving common goals. This report is the 13th and Final Paper in the SDD (Urban Strand. It draws together the core conclusions from the previous twelve papers and offers recommendations for taking the dialogue forward

    Information filtering via biased heat conduction

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    Heat conduction process has recently found its application in personalized recommendation [T. Zhou \emph{et al.}, PNAS 107, 4511 (2010)], which is of high diversity but low accuracy. By decreasing the temperatures of small-degree objects, we present an improved algorithm, called biased heat conduction (BHC), which could simultaneously enhance the accuracy and diversity. Extensive experimental analyses demonstrate that the accuracy on MovieLens, Netflix and Delicious datasets could be improved by 43.5%, 55.4% and 19.2% compared with the standard heat conduction algorithm, and the diversity is also increased or approximately unchanged. Further statistical analyses suggest that the present algorithm could simultaneously identify users' mainstream and special tastes, resulting in better performance than the standard heat conduction algorithm. This work provides a creditable way for highly efficient information filtering.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Local spin polarisation of electrons in Rashba semiconductor nanowires: effects of the bound state

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    The local spin polarisation (LSP) of electrons in two typical semiconductor nanowires under the modulation of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is investigated theoretically. The influence of both the SOI- and structure-induced bound states on the LSP is taken into account via the spin-resolved lattice Green function method. It is discovered that high spin-density islands with alternative signs of polarisation are formed inside the nanowires due to the interaction between the bound states and the Rashba effective magnetic field. Further study shows that the spin-density islands caused by the structure-induced bound state exhibit a strong robustness against disorder. These findings may provide an efficient way to create local magnetic moments and store information in semiconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Charge Inversion of Divalent Ionic Solutions in Silica Channels

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    Recent experiments (F.H.J. Van Der Heyden et al., PRL 96, 224502 (2006)) of streaming currents in silica nanochannels with divalent ions report charge inversion, i.e. interfacial charges attracting counterions in excess of their own nominal charge, in conflict with existing theoretical and simulation results. We reveal the mechanism of charge inversion by using all-atomic molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show excellent agreement with experiments, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We further discuss the implications of our study for the general problem of ionic correlations in solutions as well as in regards of the properties of silica-water interfaces.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A study of the parity-odd nucleon-nucleon potential

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    We investigate the parity-violating nucleon-nucleon potential as obtained in chiral effective field theory. By using resonance saturation we compare the chiral potential to the more traditional one-meson exchange potential. In particular, we show how parameters appearing in the different approaches can be compared with each other and demonstrate that analyses of parity violation in proton-proton scattering within the different approaches are in good agreement. In the second part of this work, we extend the parity-violating potential to next-to-next-to-leading order. We show that generally it includes both one-pion- and two-pion-exchange corrections, but the former play no significant role. The two-pion-exchange corrections depend on five new low-energy constants which only become important if the leading-order weak pion-nucleon constant hπh_\pi turns out to be very small.Comment: Published versio

    The Numerical Solution of Scalar Field for Nariai Case in 5D Ricci-flat SdS Black String Space with Polynomial Approximation

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    As one exact candidate of the higher dimensional black hole, the 5D Ricci-flat Schwarzschild-de Sitter black string space presents something interesting. In this paper, we give a numerical solution to the real scalar field around the Nariai black hole by the polynomial approximation. Unlike the previous tangent approximation, this fitting function makes a perfect match in the leading intermediate region and gives a good description near both the event and the cosmological horizons. We can read from our results that the wave is close to a harmonic one with the tortoise coordinate. Furthermore, with the actual radial coordinate the waves pile up almost equally near the both horizons.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Chemical abundance analysis of 19 barium stars

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    We aim at deriving accurate atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances of 19 barium (Ba) stars, including both strong and mild Ba stars, based on the high signal-to-noise ratio and high resolution Echelle spectra obtained from the 2.16 m telescope at Xinglong station of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The chemical abundances of the sample stars were obtained from an LTE, plane-parallel and line-blanketed atmospheric model by inputting the atmospheric parameters (effective temperatures, surface gravities, metallicity and microturbulent velocity) and equivalent widths of stellar absorption lines. These samples of Ba stars are giants indicated by atmospheric parameters, metallicities and kinematic analysis about UVW velocity. Chemical abundances of 17 elements were obtained for these Ba stars. Their light elements (O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn and Ni) are similar to the solar abundances. Our samples of Ba stars show obvious overabundances of neutron-capture (n-capture) process elements relative to the Sun. Their median abundances of [Ba/Fe], [La/Fe] and [Eu/Fe] are 0.54, 0.65 and 0.40, respectively. The YI and ZrI abundances are lower than Ba, La and Eu, but higher than the light elements for the strong Ba stars and similar to the iron-peak elements for the mild stars. There exists a positive correlation between Ba intensity and [Ba/Fe]. For the n-capture elements (Y, Zr, Ba, La), there is an anti-correlation between their [X/Fe] and [Fe/H]. We identify nine of our sample stars as strong Ba stars with [Ba/Fe]>0.6 where seven of them have Ba intensity Ba=2-5, one has Ba=1.5 and another one has Ba=1.0. The remaining ten stars are classified as mild Ba stars with 0.17<[Ba/Fe]<0.54