5,323 research outputs found

    Web based learning on KBSM chemical formulae incorporating selected multiple intelligences

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    Vision 2020 aspires our nation to establish a progressive and resourceful society that is able to contribute to the scientific and technological civilisation of the future. One of the strategies to achieve this aspiration would be through the system of education whereby web based learning would be a good platform to begin with. The aim of this project is to develop a website for KBSM Chemistry Form Four for the subtopic Chemical Formulae, which is under the topic Chemical Formulae and Equations, Chapter 3. The aim of this website is to provide a web based learning platform for students to learn Chemical Formulae. The theory of Multiple Intelligences has been incorporated in the development of this website. However, only four multiple intelligences are selected in delivering the learning contents. The four intelligences selected are Verbal Linguistics, Logical Mathematical, Visual Spatial and Interpersonal. The Hannafin & Peck Model was adapted throughout the development process, which includes Needs Assessment, Design and Development/ Implementation Phase. Evaluation was carried out simultaneously during all three phases of development. The primary software used in developing this website is Microsoft Office Frontpage. Integration of multimedia elements such as graphics, video and animation are used to enhance the process of learning. It is hoped that this website would benefit students with the selected four intelligences at an optimum level in learning Chemical Formulae

    Absolute electrical impedance tomography (aEIT) guided ventilation therapy in critical care patients: simulations and future trends

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    Thoracic electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive, radiation-free monitoring technique whose aim is to reconstruct a cross-sectional image of the internal spatial distribution of conductivity from electrical measurements made by injecting small alternating currents via an electrode array placed on the surface of the thorax. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the fundamentals of EIT and demonstrate the principles of mechanical ventilation, lung recruitment, and EIT imaging on a comprehensive physiological model, which combines a model of respiratory mechanics, a model of the human lung absolute resistivity as a function of air content, and a 2-D finite-element mesh of the thorax to simulate EIT image reconstruction during mechanical ventilation. The overall model gives a good understanding of respiratory physiology and EIT monitoring techniques in mechanically ventilated patients. The model proposed here was able to reproduce consistent images of ventilation distribution in simulated acutely injured and collapsed lung conditions. A new advisory system architecture integrating a previously developed data-driven physiological model for continuous and noninvasive predictions of blood gas parameters with the regional lung function data/information generated from absolute EIT (aEIT) is proposed for monitoring and ventilator therapy management of critical care patients

    Kesulitan Siswa dalam Memahami Konsep Trigonometri di Lihat dari Learning Obstacles

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    —Studi ini mengungkapkan bagaimana pemahaman konseptual siswa tentang konsep triginometri. Meskipun guru telah menjelaskan prosedur operasi dalam konsep trigonometri, tetapi siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep trigonometri, sehingga prosedur yang ditempuh selanjutnya menjadi terhambat. Kemudian mengembangkan desain didaktis berdasarkan kesulitan siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian desain menggunakan kerangka didactical design research dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui uji kemampuan siswa melalui tes tertulis, wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mengalami kesulitan disebabkan karena hambatan belajar konsep trigonometri, Hasil implementasi dari desain didaktis awal ini secara umum sesuai dengan prediksi respon siswa yang telah dibuat sebelumnya. Selama proses pengimplementasian ada beberapa respon siswa yang tidak sesuai dengan prediksi sebelumnya, namun hal ini dapat diatasi dengan bai

    Implementasi Hukum Benda/kebendaan Terhadap Anak Menurut Hukum Perdata

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hak kebendaan terhadap anak menurut hukum perdata dan bagaimana jaminan hukum kebendaan terhadap anak menurut hukum perdata. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Kitab Undang-Undang Perdata membedakan terhadap benda/kebendaan dalam beberapa pasal yang berkenaan dengan benda bergerak dan benda tidak bergerak, pembedaan karena sifat daripada benda/kebendaan, pembedaan karena tujuan benda/kebendaan, pembedaan dilihat pada peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku. KUHPerdata memandang bahwa suatu kebendaan dapat merupakan benda/kebendaan yang tidak ada pemiliknya, benda/kebendaan milik negara, benda/kebendaan milik orang perorangan dan tidak dapat dilupakan tentang benda/kebendaan tidak saja diatur dalam KUHPerdata, namun diatur dalam berbagai peraturan Perundang-undangan. Salah satu subyek hukum adalah person, sebagaimana dalam pengertian KUHPerdata, sehingga anaklah yang memiliki hak kebendaan bercirikan tertentu. 2. Hukum Perdata menganut sistem terbuka, dikenal dengan kebebasan berkontrak (membuat perjanjian), termasuk anak yang diampu oleh walinya dengan obyek yang diperjanjikan (kontrak) yakni benda/kebendaan, hak kebendaan yang dijadikan objek perjanjian/berkontrak dalam perjanjian sebagaimana diatur pada Buku II dan Buku III KUHPerdata. Hak jaminan kebendaan banyak dipengaruhi oleh hukum benda yang dijadikan dasar dalam rangka membuat perjanjian (berkontrak) khusus yang berobjek tanah dan hak kebendaan lainnya diatur dalam UUPA, hak jaminan kebendaan dimaksud bersifat kebendaan yang dapat dinilai dengan uang atau bernilai ekonomi bila dijual

    Surface Fluorinated Polymeric Insulation for High Voltage DC Application

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    Charge accumulation under high voltage DC is a major issue as its presence distorts the electric field, leading to premature failure. We aim to chemically treat polymeric insulation and change charge transport characteristics of the material via fluorination process. In doing so, exceptional surface properties similar to fluoropolymers can be achieved without compromising the bulk characteristics of the original polymeric insulation. The modifications in chemical components at the surface of polymeric insulation should in turn lead to corresponding modifications in electrical properties of the surface and suppress the charge accumulation.Various fluorinating conditions will be experimentally investigated and the fluorinated samples will be electrically characterised and tested, so an optimal processing condition can be achieved to meet practical requirements as DC insulating material. Modelling and simulation of electric field distribution with new developed insulating material have been planned to help design an insulation spacer in high voltage DC GIS systems.In this present project, fluorination of epoxy resins were carried out to suppress charge accumulation and consequently enhance flashover voltage. A surface flashover experiment using a pair of finger electrodes has been developed for this purpose. The electrodes are placed firmly on top of fluorinated epoxy sample as illustrated in Figure 1. The distance between the two electrodes is 8mm apart and they are connected to a 200kV high voltage power supply. The voltage is ramped up until the sample underwent a flashover. Identifying the flashover voltages of fluorinated epoxy samples against the controlled non-fluorinated sample will help to determine the effects of fluorination modification on enhancing the electrical properties at the surface of polymeric insulation

    Theoretical studies of the phase transition in the anisotropic 2-D square spin lattice

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    The phase transition occurring in a square 2-D spin lattice governed by an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian has been studied according to two recently proposed methods. The first one, the Dressed Cluster Method, provides excellent evaluations of the cohesive energy, the discontinuity of its derivative around the critical (isotropic) value of the anisotropy parameter confirms the first-order character of the phase transition. Nevertheless the method introduces two distinct reference functions (either N\'eel or XY) which may in principle force the discontinuity. The Real Space Renormalization Group with Effective Interactions does not reach the same numerical accuracy but it does not introduce a reference function and the phase transition appears qualitatively as due to the existence of two domains, with specific fixed points. The method confirms the dependence of the spin gap on the anisotropy parameter occurring in the Heisenberg-Ising domain

    The Fight or Flight Response: A Look at Stand Your Ground

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    In addressing the historical importance—or lack thereof—of the Stand Your Ground law, this article discusses the evolution of self-defense laws. Specific landmark cases are discussed as they relate to establishing the foundation of self-defense. The article also examines various issues that have been inherent within the Stand Your Ground debate. Statistical analysis of Stand Your Ground data from the State of Florida is conducted using binary logistic regression model to test the relationship between case outcomes and a number of other variables involving demographics, and the nature of the confrontation that led to the crim

    Influence of fluorination time on surface flashover of epoxy in insulating gas

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    The accumulation of charges on polymeric insulation under high voltage DC stress is a major concern in the transmission system as its formation distorts the local electric field and has an adverse impact on the electrical performance. By undergoing fluorination treatment on the insulation, improved surface properties similar to fluoropolymers can be attained without changing the bulk properties of the original material. The change in chemical components at the surface of polymeric insulation should lead to a corresponding change in electrical properties at the surface and thus can suppress charge build up. Previous research on surface flashover on fluorinated epoxy resin at atmospheric condition shows a significant improvement in flashover strength. In this paper, the authors investigated the effect of different degree of fluorination treatment on cast epoxy resin on suppressing surface charge accumulation and its contribution towards the improvement in surface breakdown strength. In comparison to previous research, it has been found that there is an optimum time duration of fluorination treatment which improves the surface breakdown strength of epoxy spacer. The mechanisms that govern the effect of fluorination treatment on surface flashover were discussed

    Robotic partial nephrectomy for posterior tumors through a retroperitoneal approach offers decreased length of stay compared with the transperitoneal approach: A propensity-matched analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: We sought to compare surgical outcomes between transperitoneal and retroperitoneal robotic partial nephrectomy (RPN) for posterior tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using our multi-institutional RPN database, we reviewed 610 consecutive cases for posterior renal masses treated between 2007 and 2015. Primary outcomes were complications, operative time, length of stay (LOS), surgical margin status, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) preservation. Secondary outcomes were estimated blood loss, warm ischemia time (WIT), disease recurrence, and disease-specific mortality. Due to significant differences in treatment year and tumor size between approaches, retroperitoneal cases were matched 1:4 to transperitoneal cases based on propensity scores using the greedy algorithm. Outcomes were compared between approaches using the chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests. RESULTS: After matching, 296 transperitoneal and 74 retroperitoneal cases were available for analysis, and matched groups were well balanced in terms of treatment year, age, gender, race, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification (ASA) score, body mass index, tumor laterality, tumor size, R.E.N.A.L. (radius, exophytic/endophytic properties, nearness of tumor to the collecting system or sinus, anterior/posterior, location relative to polar lines) score, and hilar location. Compared with transperitoneal, the retroperitoneal approach was associated with significantly shorter mean LOS (2.2 vs 2.6 days, p = 0.01), but longer mean WIT (21 vs 19 minutes, p = 0.01). Intraoperative (p = 0.35) and postoperative complications (p = 0.65), operative time (p = 0.93), positive margins (p = 1.0), and latest eGFR preservation (p = 0.25) were not significantly different between approaches. No differences were detected in the other outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Among high-volume surgeons, transperitoneal and retroperitoneal RPN achieved similar outcomes for posterior renal masses, although with slight differences in LOS and WIT. Retroperitoneal RPN may be an effective option for the treatment of certain small posterior renal masses

    Deterioration of metal–organic framework crystal structure during fabrication of poly(L-lactic acid) mixed-matrix membranes

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    Poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) and metal–organic framework (MOF) mixed-matrix membranes were prepared by melt extrusion of PLLA with 5% (w/w) of either activated or water-saturated Cu3(BTC)2 (Cu3(C9H3O6)2(H2O)3·xH2O, HKUST-1). The morphology and the stability of injection-molded samples were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, gel permeation chromatography, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The presence of activated and saturated MOF crystals increased the cold crystallization onset temperature as compared to neat PLLA. This can be attributed to the MOF crystals incorporated in the PLLA matrix, which decreased the mobility of PLLA and thus impeded the crystallization process. According to the XRD results, the activated MOF crystals were successfully incorporated into the PLLA matrix without altering the crystal structure of the MOF. Moreover, the findings from permeability and tensile tests as well as SEM imaging indicated good interfacial interactions between PLLA and activated MOF. However, during melt extrusion of PLLA with saturated MOF, water molecules from the saturated MOF altered the MOF crystal structure and contributed to the degradation of the PLLA polymer by reducing its molecular weight by around 21%. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industr
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