2,261 research outputs found

    Vasopressin als Reservevasopressor: Behandlung ausgewählter kardiogener Schockzustände

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    Zusammenfassung: Der vasodilatorische Schock ist die häufigste Schockform des Intensivpatienten. Als Folge übermäßiger und prolongierter Mediatorproduktion kann der vasodilatorische Schock auch aus primär nichtvasodilatorischen Schockzuständen (z.B. kardiogener oder hypovolämer Schock) entstehen. Eine zusätzliche Infusion mit Arginin Vasopressin (AVP) zeigte vorteilhafte Effekte auf die Hämodynamik und wahrscheinlich auch das Outcome bei Patienten mit vasodilatorischem Schock durch Sepsis oder nach großen chirurgischen Eingriffen. In dieser Fallsammlung wird über die erfolgreiche Anwendung von AVP bei drei chirurgischen Intensivpatienten mit primär kardiogenen Schockzuständen berichtet. Die hämodynamischen Effekte von AVP waren den im septischen Schock berichteten AVP-induzierten Veränderungen sehr ähnlich. Diese scheinen auch bei den beschriebenen Patienten maßgeblich durch die potente Vasokonstriktion sowie die ermöglichte Reduktion hoher, potenziell toxischer Katecholamindosierungen bedingt zu sein. Dabei dürfte gerade die AVP-vermittelte Reduktion der Herzfrequenz und der pulmonalarteriellen Drücke bei Patienten mit eingeschränkter kardialer Funktion von Vorteil sei

    Polaronic excitations in CMR manganite films

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    In the colossal magnetoresistance manganites polarons have been proposed as the charge carrier state which localizes across the metal-insulator transition. The character of the polarons is still under debate. We present an assessment of measurements which identify polarons in the metallic state of La{2/3}Sr{1/3}MnO{3} (LSMO) and La{2/3}Ca{1/3}MnO{3} (LCMO) thin films. We focus on optical spectroscopy in these films which displays a pronounced resonance in the mid-infrared. The temperature dependent resonance has been previously assigned to polaron excitations. These polaronic resonances are qualitatively distinct in LSMO and LCMO and we discuss large and small polaron scenarios which have been proposed so far. There is evidence for a large polaron excitation in LSMO and small polarons in LCMO. These scenarios are examined with respect to further experimental probes, specifically charge carrier mobility (Hall-effect measurements) and high-temperature dc-resistivity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Transport, magnetic, thermodynamic and optical properties in Ti-doped Sr_2RuO_4

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    We report on electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization, on heat capacity and optical experiments in single crystals of Sr_2Ru_(1-x)Ti_xO_4. Samples with x=0.1 and 0.2 reveal purely semiconducting resistivity behavior along c and the charge transport is close to localization within the ab-plane. A strong anisotropy in the magnetic susceptibility appears at temperatures below 100 K. Moreover magnetic ordering in c-direction with a moment of order 0.01 mu_B/f.u. occurs at low temperatures. On doping the low-temperature linear term of the heat capacity becomes reduced significantly and probably is dominated by spin fluctuations. Finally, the optical conductivity reveals the anisotropic character of the dc resistance, with the in-plane conductance roughly following a Drude-type behavior and an insulating response along c

    Evolution of Quantum Criticality in CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4

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    Crystal structure, specific heat, thermal expansion, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity studies of the heavy fermion system CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4 (0 <= x <= 1) reveal a continuous tuning of the ground state by Ni/Cu substitution from an effectively fourfold degenerate non-magnetic Kondo ground state of CeNi_9Ge_4 (with pronounced non-Fermi-liquid features) towards a magnetically ordered, effectively twofold degenerate ground state in CeNi_8CuGe_4 with T_N = 175 +- 5 mK. Quantum critical behavior, C/T ~ \chi ~ -ln(T), is observed for x about 0.4. Hitherto, CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4 represents the first system where a substitution-driven quantum phase transition is connected not only with changes of the relative strength of Kondo effect and RKKY interaction, but also with a reduction of the effective crystal field ground state degeneracy.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Universal exchange-driven phonon splitting in antiferromagnets

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    We report a linear dependence of the phonon splitting \Delta\omega on the non-dominant exchange coupling constant J_{nd} in the antiferromagnetic transition-metal monoxides MnO, FeO, CoO, NiO, and in the frustrated antiferromagnetic oxide spinels CdCr2O4, MgCr2O4, and ZnCr2O4. It directly confirms the theoretical prediction of an exchange induced splitting of the zone-centre optical phonon for the monoxides and explains the magnitude and the change of sign of the phonon splitting on changing the sign of the non-dominant exchange also in the frustrated oxide spinels. The experimentally found linear relation \hbar\Delta\omega = \beta J_{nd} S^2 with slope \beta = 3.7 describes the splitting for both systems and agrees with the observations in the antiferromagnets KCoF3 and KNiF3 with perovskite structure and negligible next-nearest neighbour coupling. The common behavior found for very different classes of cubic antiferromagnets suggests a universal dependence of the exchange-induced phonon splitting at the antiferromagnetic transition on the non-dominant exchange coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Monitoring of immune activation using biochemical changes in a porcine model of cardiac arrest.

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    In animal models, immune activation is often difficult to assess because of the limited availability of specific assays to detect cytokine activities. In human monocytes/macrophages, interferon-gamma induces increased production of neopterin and an enhanced activity of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, which degrades tryptophan via the kynurenine pathway. Therefore, monitoring of neopterin concentrations and of tryptophan degradation can serve to detect the extent of T helper cell 1-type immune activation during cellular immune response in humans. In a porcine model of cardiac arrest, we examined the potential use of neopterin measurements and determination of the tryptophan degradation rate as a means of estimating the extent of immune activation. Urinary neopterin concentrations were measured with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) (BRAHMS Diagnostica, Berlin, Germany). Serum and plasma tryptophan and kynurenine concentrations were also determined using HPLC. Serum and urine neopterin concentrations were not detectable with HPLC in these specimens, whereas RIA gave weakly (presumably false) positive results. The mean serum tryptophan concentration was 39.0 +/- 6.2 micromol/l, and the mean kynurenine concentration was 0.85 +/- 0.33 micromol/l. The average kynurenine-per-tryptophan quotient in serum was 21.7 +/- 8.4 nmol/micromol, and that in plasma was 20.7 +/- 9.5 nmol/micromol (n = 7), which corresponds well to normal values in humans. This study provides preliminary data to support the monitoring of tryptophan degradation but not neopterin concentrations as a potential means of detecting immune activation in a porcine model. The kynurenine-per-tryptophan quotient may serve as a short-term measurement of immune activation and hence permit an estimate of the extent of immune activation

    On elliptic solutions of the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The Conte-Musette method has been modified for the search of only elliptic solutions to systems of differential equations. A key idea of this a priory restriction is to simplify calculations by means of the use of a few Laurent series solutions instead of one and the use of the residue theorem. The application of our approach to the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE5) allows to find elliptic solutions in the wave form. We also find restrictions on coefficients, which are necessary conditions for the existence of elliptic solutions for the CGLE5. Using the investigation of the CGLE5 as an example, we demonstrate that to find elliptic solutions the analysis of a system of differential equations is more preferable than the analysis of the equivalent single differential equation.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    Poly-MTO, {(CH_3)_{0.92} Re O_3}_\infty, a Conducting Two-Dimensional Organometallic Oxide

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    Polymeric methyltrioxorhenium, {(CH_{3})_{0.92}ReO_{3}}_{\infty} (poly-MTO), is the first member of a new class of organometallic hybrids which adopts the structural pattern and physical properties of classical perovskites in two dimensions (2D). We demonstrate how the electronic structure of poly-MTO can be tailored by intercalation of organic donor molecules, such as tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) or bis-(ethylendithio)-tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF), and by the inorganic acceptor SbF3_3. Integration of donor molecules leads to a more insulating behavior of poly-MTO, whereas SbF3_3 insertion does not cause any significant change in the resistivity. The resistivity data of pure poly-MTO is remarkably well described by a two-dimensional electron system. Below 38 K an unusual resistivity behavior, similar to that found in doped cuprates, is observed: The resistivity initially increases approximately as ρ\rho \sim ln(1/T(1/T) before it changes into a T\sqrt{T} dependence below 2 K. As an explanation we suggest a crossover from purely two-dimensional charge-carrier diffusion within the \{ReO2_2\}_{\infty} planes at high temperatures to three-dimensional diffusion at low temperatures in a disorder-enhanced electron-electron interaction scenario (Altshuler-Aronov correction). Furthermore, a linear positive magnetoresistance was found in the insulating regime, which is caused by spatial localization of itinerant electrons at some of the Re atoms, which formally adopt a 5d15d^1 electronic configuration. X-ray diffraction, IR- and ESR-studies, temperature dependent magnetization and specific heat measurements in various magnetic fields suggest that the electronic structure of poly-MTO can safely be approximated by a purely 2D conductor.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, 2 table

    Lack of complex I is associated with oncocytic thyroid tumours

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    Oncocytic tumours are characterised by hyperproliferation of mitochondria. We immunohistochemically analysed all enzymes of the oxidative phosphorylation system in 19 oncocytic thyroid tumours. A specific lack of complex I was detected, which was expressed at <5% of the level determined in surrounding non-cancerous tissue

    Non-Perturbative Superpotentials in F-theory and String Duality

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    We use open-closed string duality between F-theory on K3xK3 and type II strings on CY manifolds without branes to study non-perturbative superpotentials in generalized flux compactifications. On the F-theory side we obtain the full flux potential including D3-instanton contributions and show that it leads to an explicit and simple realization of the three ingredients of the KKLT model for stringy dS vacua. The D3-instanton contribution is highly non-trivial, can be systematically computed including the determinant factors and demonstrates that a particular flux lifts very effectively zero modes on the instanton. On the closed string side, we propose a generalization of the Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential for type II strings on generalized CY manifolds, depending on all moduli multiplets.Comment: 49 pages, harvmac, 1 figure; references & figures adde