60 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the role of insurance in the formation of an investment environment. It is known that no country in the world has been able to secure economic growth without developing investment activity, this is also the case in the Republic of Armenia. The share of foreign direct investment in GDP in different countries varies from 100 to 11-13 %. In Armenia the highest level was in 2011-66,3 %, in 2016 it complied 5,4 % (GDP-10572,3 million US dollars, foreign direct investments – 567,99 million US dollars). The aim of the study is to justify the importance of insurance of investment risks for attracting foreign investments in Armenia.The article discusses the role of insurance in the formation of an investment environment. It is known that no country in the world has been able to secure economic growth without developing investment activity, this is also the case in the Republic of Armenia. The share of foreign direct investment in GDP in different countries varies from 100 to 11-13 %. In Armenia the highest level was in 2011-66,3 %, in 2016 it complied 5,4 % (GDP-10572,3 million US dollars, foreign direct investments – 567,99 million US dollars). The aim of the study is to justify the importance of insurance of investment risks for attracting foreign investments in Armenia

    Critical Role of Continental Slopes in Halocline and Eddy Dynamics of the Ekman-Driven Beaufort Gyre

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    The Beaufort Gyre (BG) is a large‐scale bathymetrically constrained circulation driven by a surface Ekman convergence that creates a bowl‐shaped halocline and stores a significant portion of the Arctic Ocean's freshwater. Theoretical studies suggest that in the gyre interior, the halocline is equilibrated by a balance between Ekman pumping and counteracting mesoscale eddy transport energized by baroclinic instability. However, the strongest anticyclonic flows occur over steep continental slopes, and, despite bathymetric slopes being known to influence baroclinic instability, their large‐scale impacts on BG halocline remain unexplored. Here we use an idealized eddy‐resolving BG model to demonstrate that the existence of continental slopes dramatically affects key gyre characteristics leading to deeper halocline, stronger anticyclonic circulation, and prolonged equilibration. Over continental slopes, the magnitude of the Eulerian mean circulation is dramatically reduced due to the Ekman overturning being compensated by the eddy momentum‐driven overturning. The eddy thickness flux overturning associated with lateral salt transport is also weakened over the slopes, indicating a reduction of eddy thickness diffusivity despite the isopycnal slopes being largest there. Using a theoretical halocline model, we demonstrate that it is the localized reduction in eddy diffusivity over continental slopes that is critical in explaining the halocline deepening and prolonged equilibration time. Our results emphasize the need for observational studies of eddy overturning dynamics over continental slopes and the development of slope‐aware mesoscale eddy parameterizations for low‐resolution climate models

    Critical Role of Continental Slopes in Halocline and Eddy Dynamics of the Ekman-Driven Beaufort Gyre

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    The Beaufort Gyre (BG) is a large‐scale bathymetrically constrained circulation driven by a surface Ekman convergence that creates a bowl‐shaped halocline and stores a significant portion of the Arctic Ocean's freshwater. Theoretical studies suggest that in the gyre interior, the halocline is equilibrated by a balance between Ekman pumping and counteracting mesoscale eddy transport energized by baroclinic instability. However, the strongest anticyclonic flows occur over steep continental slopes, and, despite bathymetric slopes being known to influence baroclinic instability, their large‐scale impacts on BG halocline remain unexplored. Here we use an idealized eddy‐resolving BG model to demonstrate that the existence of continental slopes dramatically affects key gyre characteristics leading to deeper halocline, stronger anticyclonic circulation, and prolonged equilibration. Over continental slopes, the magnitude of the Eulerian mean circulation is dramatically reduced due to the Ekman overturning being compensated by the eddy momentum‐driven overturning. The eddy thickness flux overturning associated with lateral salt transport is also weakened over the slopes, indicating a reduction of eddy thickness diffusivity despite the isopycnal slopes being largest there. Using a theoretical halocline model, we demonstrate that it is the localized reduction in eddy diffusivity over continental slopes that is critical in explaining the halocline deepening and prolonged equilibration time. Our results emphasize the need for observational studies of eddy overturning dynamics over continental slopes and the development of slope‐aware mesoscale eddy parameterizations for low‐resolution climate models

    Results of Field and Laboratory Studies of Carriers and Vectors of Natural-Focal Infections on the Territory of the Republic of Armenia

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    The purpose of the study was to assess the current epizootic potential of the Transcaucasian high-mountain and Pre-Araks low-mountain natural plague foci on the territory of the Republic of Armenia using GIS technologies. Materials and methods. We used the data from an epizootiological survey, records of the abundance and species composition, spatial distribution of rodents and ectoparasites in the plague-enzootic territories of the Republic of Armenia in 2021. Results and discussion. Based on the results of the research, an electronic database of carriers and vectors of pathogens of natural-focal zoonotic infections in the plague-enzootic territories of the Republic of Armenia has been created. Applying GIS technologies, an assessment of the spatial distribution of carriers and vectors of plague has been made and areas of circulation of tularemia and leptospirosis pathogens identified. The results obtained serve as the basis for improving the efficiency of planning and carrying out preventive measures aimed at ensuring the epidemiological welfare as regards natural-focal infectious diseases in the territory of the Republic of Armenia