599 research outputs found

    Scaling and Intermittency in Animal Behavior

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    Scale-invariant spatial or temporal patterns and L\'evy flight motion have been observed in a large variety of biological systems. It has been argued that animals in general might perform L\'evy flight motion with power law distribution of times between two changes of the direction of motion. Here we study the temporal behaviour of nesting gilts. The time spent by a gilt in a given form of activity has power law probability distribution without finite average. Further analysis reveals intermittent eruption of certain periodic behavioural sequences which are responsible for the scaling behaviour and indicates the existence of a critical state. We show that this behaviour is in close analogy with temporal sequences of velocity found in turbulent flows, where random and regular sequences alternate and form an intermittent sequence.Comment: 10 page

    On the interplay between multiscaling and stocks dependence

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    We find a nonlinear dependence between an indicator of the degree of multiscaling of log-price time series of a stock and the average correlation of the stock with respect to the other stocks traded in the same market. This result is a robust stylized fact holding for different financial markets. We investigate this result conditional on the stocks' capitalization and on the kurtosis of stocks' log-returns in order to search for possible confounding effects. We show that a linear dependence with the logarithm of the capitalization and the logarithm of kurtosis does not explain the observed stylized fact, which we interpret as being originated from a deeper relationship.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 9 table

    Networks of equities in financial markets

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    We review the recent approach of correlation based networks of financial equities. We investigate portfolio of stocks at different time horizons, financial indices and volatility time series and we show that meaningful economic information can be extracted from noise dressed correlation matrices. We show that the method can be used to falsify widespread market models by directly comparing the topological properties of networks of real and artificial markets.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Wealth redistribution with finite resources

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    We present a simplified model for the exploitation of finite resources by interacting agents, where each agent receives a random fraction of the available resources. An extremal dynamics ensures that the poorest agent has a chance to change its economic welfare. After a long transient, the system self-organizes into a critical state that maximizes the average performance of each participant. Our model exhibits a new kind of wealth condensation, where very few extremely rich agents are stable in time and the rest stays in the middle class.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 4 styl

    Accounting for risk of non linear portfolios: a novel Fourier approach

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    The presence of non linear instruments is responsible for the emergence of non Gaussian features in the price changes distribution of realistic portfolios, even for Normally distributed risk factors. This is especially true for the benchmark Delta Gamma Normal model, which in general exhibits exponentially damped power law tails. We show how the knowledge of the model characteristic function leads to Fourier representations for two standard risk measures, the Value at Risk and the Expected Shortfall, and for their sensitivities with respect to the model parameters. We detail the numerical implementation of our formulae and we emphasizes the reliability and efficiency of our results in comparison with Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures. Final version accepted for publication on Eur. Phys. J.

    The dynamics of financial stability in complex networks

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    We address the problem of banking system resilience by applying off-equilibrium statistical physics to a system of particles, representing the economic agents, modelled according to the theoretical foundation of the current banking regulation, the so called Merton-Vasicek model. Economic agents are attracted to each other to exchange `economic energy', forming a network of trades. When the capital level of one economic agent drops below a minimum, the economic agent becomes insolvent. The insolvency of one single economic agent affects the economic energy of all its neighbours which thus become susceptible to insolvency, being able to trigger a chain of insolvencies (avalanche). We show that the distribution of avalanche sizes follows a power-law whose exponent depends on the minimum capital level. Furthermore, we present evidence that under an increase in the minimum capital level, large crashes will be avoided only if one assumes that agents will accept a drop in business levels, while keeping their trading attitudes and policies unchanged. The alternative assumption, that agents will try to restore their business levels, may lead to the unexpected consequence that large crises occur with higher probability

    Community characterization of heterogeneous complex systems

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    We introduce an analytical statistical method to characterize the communities detected in heterogeneous complex systems. By posing a suitable null hypothesis, our method makes use of the hypergeometric distribution to assess the probability that a given property is over-expressed in the elements of a community with respect to all the elements of the investigated set. We apply our method to two specific complex networks, namely a network of world movies and a network of physics preprints. The characterization of the elements and of the communities is done in terms of languages and countries for the movie network and of journals and subject categories for papers. We find that our method is able to characterize clearly the identified communities. Moreover our method works well both for large and for small communities.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure and 2 table

    Bidding process in online auctions and winning strategy:rate equation approach

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    Online auctions have expanded rapidly over the last decade and have become a fascinating new type of business or commercial transaction in this digital era. Here we introduce a master equation for the bidding process that takes place in online auctions. We find that the number of distinct bidders who bid kk times, called the kk-frequent bidder, up to the tt-th bidding progresses as nk(t)tk2.4n_k(t)\sim tk^{-2.4}. The successfully transmitted bidding rate by the kk-frequent bidder is obtained as qk(t)k1.4q_k(t) \sim k^{-1.4}, independent of tt for large tt. This theoretical prediction is in agreement with empirical data. These results imply that bidding at the last moment is a rational and effective strategy to win in an eBay auction.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Scaling laws of strategic behaviour and size heterogeneity in agent dynamics

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    The dynamics of many socioeconomic systems is determined by the decision making process of agents. The decision process depends on agent's characteristics, such as preferences, risk aversion, behavioral biases, etc.. In addition, in some systems the size of agents can be highly heterogeneous leading to very different impacts of agents on the system dynamics. The large size of some agents poses challenging problems to agents who want to control their impact, either by forcing the system in a given direction or by hiding their intentionality. Here we consider the financial market as a model system, and we study empirically how agents strategically adjust the properties of large orders in order to meet their preference and minimize their impact. We quantify this strategic behavior by detecting scaling relations of allometric nature between the variables characterizing the trading activity of different institutions. We observe power law distributions in the investment time horizon, in the number of transactions needed to execute a large order and in the traded value exchanged by large institutions and we show that heterogeneity of agents is a key ingredient for the emergence of some aggregate properties characterizing this complex system.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Mean Escape Time in a System with Stochastic Volatility

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    We study the mean escape time in a market model with stochastic volatility. The process followed by the volatility is the Cox Ingersoll and Ross process which is widely used to model stock price fluctuations. The market model can be considered as a generalization of the Heston model, where the geometric Brownian motion is replaced by a random walk in the presence of a cubic nonlinearity. We investigate the statistical properties of the escape time of the returns, from a given interval, as a function of the three parameters of the model. We find that the noise can have a stabilizing effect on the system, as long as the global noise is not too high with respect to the effective potential barrier experienced by a fictitious Brownian particle. We compare the probability density function of the return escape times of the model with those obtained from real market data. We find that they fit very well.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.