313 research outputs found

    Species of Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) and other nematode genera associated with insects from Pinus pinaster in Portugal

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    Insects associated with maritime pine, Pinus pinaster, in Portugal were collected and screened for the presence of Bursaphelenchus species. Nematodes were identified using Internal Transcribed Spacers-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (ITS-RFLP) analysis of dauer juveniles and morphological identification of adults that developed from dauer juveniles on fungal cultures or on cultures in pine wood segments at 26 C. Several associations are described: Bursaphelenchus teratospicularis and Bursaphelenchus sexdentati are associated with Orthotomicus erosus; Bursaphelenchus tusciae, B. sexdentati and/or Bursaphelenchus pinophilus with Hylurgus ligniperda and Bursaphelenchus hellenicus with Tomicus piniperda, Ips sexdentatus and H. ligniperda. An unidentified Bursaphelenchus species is vectored by Hylobius sp. The previously reported association of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus with Monochamus galloprovincialis was confirmed. The association of Bursaphelenchus leoni with Pityogenes sp. is not definitively established and needs further studies for clarification. Other nematode genera besides Bursaphelenchus were found to be associated with the insects sampled, including two different species of Ektaphelenchus, Parasitorhabditis sp., Parasitaphelenchus sp., Contortylenchus sp. and other unidentified nematodes. The Ektaphelenchus species found in O. erosus is morphologically similar to B. teratospicularis found in the same insect; adults of both the species are found in cocoon-like structures under the elytra of the insects. Introduction Approximately one third of the nematodes belonging to the order Aphelenchida Siddiqi, 1980 are associated with insects (Poinar, 1983). These nematodes establish a variety of associations with the insects, which may be described as commensalism, e.g. phoresy (to the benefit of the nematode but not affecting the insect), mutualism (both the organisms benefit) or parasitism (nematodes benefit at the expense of the insect) (Giblin-Davis, 2004). Most Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 species are mycetophagous, feeding on fungi in the galleries of bark beetles and thu

    Metal-insulator Crossover Behavior at the Surface of NiS_2

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    We have performed a detailed high-resolution electron spectroscopic investigation of NiS2_2 and related Se-substituted compounds NiS2x_{2-x}Sex_x, which are known to be gapped insulators in the bulk at all temperatures. A large spectral weight at the Fermi energy of the room temperature spectrum, in conjunction with the extreme surface sensitivity of the experimental probe, however, suggests that the surface layer is metallic at 300 K. Interestingly, the evolution of the spectral function with decreasing temperature is characterized by a continuous depletion of the single-particle spectral weight at the Fermi energy and the development of a gap-like structure below a characteristic temperature, providing evidence for a metal-insulator crossover behavior at the surfaces of NiS2_2 and of related compounds. These results provide a consistent description of the unusual transport properties observed in these systems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Scaling behavior of the dipole coupling energy in two-dimensional disordered magnetic nanostructures

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    Numerical calculations of the average dipole-coupling energy Eˉdip\bar E_\mathrm{dip} in two-dimensional disordered magnetic nanostructures are performed as function of the particle coverage CC. We observe that Eˉdip\bar E_\mathrm{dip} scales as EˉdipCα\bar E_\mathrm{dip}\propto C^{\alpha^*} with an unusually small exponent α0.8\alpha^*\simeq 0.8--1.0 for coverages C20C\lesssim20%. This behavior is shown to be primarly given by the contributions of particle pairs at short distances, which is intrinsically related to the presence of an appreciable degree of disorder. The value of α\alpha^* is found to be sensitive to the magnetic arrangement within the nanostructure and to the degree of disorder. For large coverages C20C\gtrsim20% we obtain EˉdipCα\bar E_\mathrm{dip}\propto C^\alpha with α=3/2\alpha=3/2, in agreement with the straighforward scaling of the dipole coupling as in a periodic particle setup. Taking into account the effect of single-particle anisotropies, we show that the scaling exponent can be used as a criterion to distinguish between weakly interacting (α1.0\alpha^* \simeq 1.0) and strongly interacting (α0.8\alpha^* \simeq 0.8) particle ensembles as function of coverage.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Hyperthermic effects of dissipative structures of magnetic nanoparticles in large alternating magnetic fields

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    Targeted hyperthermia treatment using magnetic nanoparticles is a promising cancer therapy. However, the mechanisms of heat dissipation in the large alternating magnetic field used during such treatment have not been clarified. In this study, we numerically compared the magnetic loss in rotatable nanoparticles in aqueous media with that of non-rotatable nanoparticles anchored to localised structures. In the former, the relaxation loss in superparamagnetic nanoparticles has a secondary maximum because of slow rotation of the magnetic easy axis of each nanoparticle in the large field in addition to the known primary maximum caused by rapid Néel relaxation. Irradiation of rotatable ferromagnetic nanoparticles with a high-frequency axial field generates structures oriented in a longitudinal or planar direction irrespective of the free energy. Consequently, these dissipative structures significantly affect the conditions for maximum hysteresis loss. These findings shed new light on the design of targeted magnetic hyperthermia treatments

    Phase Separation and the Low-Field Bulk Magnetic Properties of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3

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    We present a detailed magnetic study of the perovskite manganite Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 at low temperatures including magnetization and a.c. susceptibility measurements. The data appear to exclude a conventional spin glass phase at low fields, suggesting instead the presence of correlated ferromagnetic clusters embedded in a charge-ordered matrix. We examine the growth of the ferromagnetic clusters with increasing magnetic field as they expand to occupy almost the entire sample at H ~ 0.5 T. Since this is well below the field required to induce a metallic state, our results point to the existence of a field-induced ferromagnetic insulating state in this material.Comment: 15 pages with figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Numerical Study of Aging in the Generalized Random Energy Model

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    Magnetizations are introduced to the Generalized Random Energy Model (GREM) and numerical simulations on ac susceptibility is made for direct comparison with experiments in glassy materials. Prominent dynamical natures of spin glasses, {\it i.e.}, {\em memory} effect and {\em reinitialization}, are reproduced well in the GREM. The existence of many layers causing continuous transitions is very important for the two natures. Results of experiments in other glassy materials such as polymers, supercooled glycerol and orientational glasses, which are contrast to those in spin glasses, are interpreted well by the Single-layer Random Energy Model.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, to be submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Chaotic, memory and cooling rate effects in spin glasses: Is the Edwards-Anderson model a good spin glass?

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    We investigate chaotic, memory and cooling rate effects in the three dimensional Edwards-Anderson model by doing thermoremanent (TRM) and AC susceptibility numerical experiments and making a detailed comparison with laboratory experiments on spin glasses. In contrast to the experiments, the Edwards-Anderson model does not show any trace of re-initialization processes in temperature change experiments (TRM or AC). A detailed comparison with AC relaxation experiments in the presence of DC magnetic field or coupling distribution perturbations reveals that the absence of chaotic effects in the Edwards-Anderson model is a consequence of the presence of strong cooling rate effects. We discuss possible solutions to this discrepancy, in particular the smallness of the time scales reached in numerical experiments, but we also question the validity of the Edwards-Anderson model to reproduce the experimental results.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. The original version of the paper has been split in two parts. The second part is now available as cond-mat/010224

    Real spin glasses relax slowly in the shade of hierarchical trees

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    The Parisi solution of the mean-field spin glass has been widely accepted and celebrated. Its marginal stability in 3d and its complexity however raised the question of its relevance to real spin glasses. This paper gives a short overview of the important experimental results which could be understood within the mean-field solution. The existence of a true phase transition and the particular behaviour of the susceptibility below the freezing temperature, predicted by the theory, are clearly confirmed by the experimental results. The behaviour of the complex order parameter and of the Fluctuation Dissipation ratio are in good agreement with results of spontaneous noise measurements. The very particular ultrametric symmetry, the key feature of the theory, provided us with a simple description of the rejuvenation and memory effects observed in experiment. Finally, going a step beyond mean-field, the paper shortly discusses new analyses in terms of correlated domains characterized by their length scales, as well as new experiments on superspin glasses which compare well with recent theoretical simulations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Wandering with Curiosity in Complex Landscapes", a scientific conference in honour of Giorgio Parisi for his 60th birthday, Roma, September 8-10 2008 (submitted for the special issue of the Journal of Statistical Physics, 2009

    Hysteresis loop signatures of phase transitions in a mean-field model of disordered Ising magnet

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    In accordance with recent experiments the mean-field type theories predict the presence of numerous metastable minima (states) in the rugged free-energy landscape of frustrated disordered magnets. This multiplicity of long-lived states with lifetimes greater than 105s10^5 s makes the task to experimentally determine which of them has the lowest free energy (and thus what thermodynamic phase the sample is in) seem rather hopeless the more so as we do not know a protocol (such as field-cooling or zero-field-cooling) leading to the equilibrium state(s). Nevertheless here we show in the framework of Landau-type phenomenological model that signatures of the mean-field equilibrium phase transitions in such highly nonequilibrium systems may be found in the evolution of the hysteresis loop form. Thus the sequence of transitions from spin-glass to mixed phase and to ferromagnetic one results in the changes from inclined hysteresis loop to that with the developing vertical sides and to one with the perfectly vertical sides. Such relation between loop form and the location of global minimum may hold beyond the mean-field approximation and can be useful in the real experiments and Monte-Carlo simulations of the problems involving rugged potential landscape. Also the very existence of the quasi-static loops in spin glass and mixed phases implies that the known disorder-smoothing of the first-order transition can be always accompanied by the emergence of multiple metastable states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; misprints corrected, slight deviations from published version (abstract and references