109 research outputs found

    Spin lifetimes and strain-controlled spin precession of drifting electrons in zinc blende type semiconductors

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    We study the transport of spin polarized electrons in n-GaAs using spatially resolved continuous wave Faraday rotation. From the measured steady state distribution, we determine spin relaxation times under drift conditions and, in the presence of strain, the induced spin splitting from the observed spin precession. Controlled variation of strain along [110] allows us to deduce the deformation potential causing this effect, while strain along [100] has no effect. The electric field dependence of the spin lifetime is explained quantitatively in terms of an increase of the electron temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    On the Connection of Anisotropic Conductivity to Tip Induced Space Charge Layers in Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of p-doped GaAs

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    The electronic properties of shallow acceptors in p-doped GaAs{110} are investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy at low temperature. Shallow acceptors are known to exhibit distinct triangular contrasts in STM images for certain bias voltages. Spatially resolved I(V)-spectroscopy is performed to identify their energetic origin and behavior. A crucial parameter - the STM tip's work function - is determined experimentally. The voltage dependent potential configuration and band bending situation is derived. Ways to validate the calculations with the experiment are discussed. Differential conductivity maps reveal that the triangular contrasts are only observed with a depletion layer present under the STM tip. The tunnel process leading to the anisotropic contrasts calls for electrons to tunnel through vacuum gap and a finite region in the semiconductor.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Excitonic photoluminescence in symmetric coupled double quantum wells subject to an external electric field

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    The effect of an external electric field F on the excitonic photoluminescence (PL) spectra of a symmetric coupled double quantum well (DQW) is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. We show that the variational method in a two-particle electron-hole wave function approximation gives a good agreement with measurements of PL on a narrow DQW in a wide interval of F including flat-band regime. The experimental data are presented for an MBE-grown DQW consisting of two 5 nm wide GaAs wells, separated by a 4 monolayers (MLs) wide pure AlAs central barrier, and sandwiched between Ga_{0.7}Al_{0.3}As layers. The bias voltage is applied along the growth direction. Spatially direct and indirect excitonic transitions are identified, and the radius of the exciton and squeezing of the exciton in the growth direction are evaluated variationally. The excitonic binding energies, recombination energies, oscillator strengths, and relative intensities of the transitions as functions of the applied field are calculated. Our analysis demonstrates that this simple model is applicable in case of narrow DQWs not just for a qualitative description of the PL peak positions but also for the estimation of their individual shapes and intensities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (accepted in Phys. Rev. B

    Using the soil nitrate test for corn in Minnesota

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    1 online resource (PDF, 4 pages)This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    Modulational instability and solitons in excitonic semiconductor waveguides

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    Nonlinear light propagation in a single-mode micron-size waveguide made of semiconducting excitonic material has been theoretically studied in terms of exciton-polaritons by using an analysis based on macroscopic fields. When a light pulse is spectrally centered in the vicinity of the ground-state Wannier exciton resonance, it interacts with the medium nonlinearly. This optical cubic nonlinearity is caused by the repulsive exciton-exciton interactions in the semiconductor, and at resonance it is orders of magnitude larger than the Kerr nonlinearity (e.g., in silica). We demonstrate that a very strong and unconventional modulational instability takes place, which has not been previously reported. After reducing the problem to a single nonlinear Schr\"odinger-like equation, we also explore the formation of solitary waves both inside and outside the polaritonic gap and find evidence of spectral broadening. A realistic physical model of the excitonic waveguide structure is proposed.Comment: 7 pages (2-column), 7 figure

    Ultra-narrow linewidth CW sub-THz generation using GS based OFCG and n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixers

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    A report is presented on the photonic synthesis of ultra-narrow line-width continuous-wave (CW) sub-THz signals using a gain-switching (GS) based optical frequency comb generator (OFCG), selective optical filtering and a n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixer. This setup provides continuous tunability with a tuning resolution in the range of 0.1 Hz at 120 GHz and full width at half maximum of the generated signals below the limits of the measurement setup (< 10 Hz). The advantages of this system make it a very good candidate for applications requiring extremely low phase noise and continuous tunability, such as high resolution spectroscopy in the sub-THz and THz range.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the project TEC2009-14525-C02-02. The work by A.R. Criado has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under the FPI Program, Grant# BES2010-030290.Publicad

    Continuous wave sub-THz photonic generation with ultra-narrow linewidth, ultra-high resolution, full frequency range coverage and high long-term frequency stability

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    We report on a photonic system for generation of high quality continuous-wave (CW) sub-THz signals. The system consists on a gain-switching-based optical frequency comb generator (GS-OFCG), a two-optical-modes selection mechanism and a n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixer. As mode selection mechanism, both selective tunable optical filtering using Fabry&-Pérot tunable filters (FPTFs) and Optical Injection Locking (OIL) are evaluated. The performance of the reported system surpasses in orders of magnitude the performance of any commercially available optical mm-wave and sub-THz generation system in a great number of parameters. It matches and even overcomes those of the best commercially available electronic THz generation systems. The performance parameters featured by our system are: linewidth <<10 Hz at 120 GHz, complete frequency range coverage (60&-140 GHz) with a resolution in the order of 0.1 Hz at 120 GHz ({hbox{10}} -12} of generated frequency), high long term frequency stability (5 Hz deviation over one hour). Most of these values are limited by the measurement instrumentation accuracy and resolution, thus the actual values of the system could be better than the reported ones. The frequency can be extended straightforwardly up to 1 THz extending the OFCG frequency span. This system is compact, robust, reliable, offers a very high performance, especially suited for sub-THz photonic local oscillators and high resolution spectroscopy.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the Project TEC2009-14525-C02-02. The work of Á. R. Criado has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under the FPI Program, Grant BES2010-030290

    Maximization of the optical intra-cavity power of whispering-gallery mode resonators via coupling prism

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    In this paper, a detailed description of the optical coupling into a Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) resonator through a prism via frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) is presented. The problem is modeled as three media with planar interfaces and closed expressions for FTIR are given. Then, the curvature of the resonator is taken into account and the mode overlap is theoretically studied. A new analytical expression giving the optimal geometry of a disc-shaped or ring-shaped resonator for maximizing the intra-cavity circulating power is presented. Such expression takes into consideration the spatial distribution of the WGM at the surface of the resonator, thus being more accurate than the currently used expressions. It also takes into account the geometry of the prism. It is shown an improvement in the geometry values used with the current expressions of about 30%. The reason why the pump laser signal can be seen in experiments under critical coupling is explained on this basis. Then, the conditions required for exciting the highest possible optical power inside the resonator are obtained. The aim is to achieve a highly-efficient up-conversion of a THz signal into the optical domain via the second-order nonlinearity of the resonator material.This work has been financially supported by "DiDaCTIC: Desarrollo de un sistema de comunicaciones inalĂĄmbrico en rango THz integrado de alta tasa de datos", TEC2013-47753-C3, CAM S2013/ICE-3004 "DIFRAGEOS" projects, "Proyecto realizado con la Ayuda FundaciĂłn BBVA a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2016" and "Estancias de movilidad de profesores PRX16/00021"
