357 research outputs found

    A critical role for astrocytes in hypercapnic vasodilation in brain

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    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is controlled by arterial blood pressure, arterial CO2, arterial O2, and brain activity and is largely constant in the awake state. Although small changes in arterial CO2 are particularly potent to change CBF (1 mmHg variation in arterial CO2 changes CBF by 3-4%), the coupling mechanism is incompletely understood. We tested the hypothesis that astrocytic prostaglandin E2 (PgE2) plays a key role for cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity and that preserved synthesis of glutathione is essential for the full development of this response. We combined two-photon imaging microscopy in brain slices with in vivo work in rats and C57Bl/6J mice to examine the hemodynamic responses to CO2 and somatosensory stimulation before and after inhibition of astrocytic glutathione and PgE2 synthesis. We demonstrate that hypercapnia (increased CO2) evokes an increase in astrocyte [Ca2+]i and stimulates COX-1 activity. The enzyme downstream of COX-1 that synthesizes PgE2 (microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1) depends critically for its vasodilator activity on the level of glutathione in the brain. We show that when glutathione levels are reduced, astrocyte calcium-evoked release of PgE2 is decreased and vasodilation triggered by astrocyte [Ca2+]i in vitro and by hypercapnia in vivo is inhibited. Astrocyte synthetic pathways, dependent on glutathione, are involved in cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2. Reductions in glutathione levels in ageing, stroke or schizophrenia could lead to dysfunctional regulation of CBF and subsequent neuronal damage

    Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico

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    Electrically non-excitable astroglia take up neurotransmitters, buffer extracellular K+ and generate Ca2+ signals that release molecular regulators of neural circuitry. The underlying machinery remains enigmatic, mainly because the sponge-like astrocyte morphology has been difficult to access experimentally or explore theoretically. Here, we systematically incorporate multi-scale, tri-dimensional astroglial architecture into a realistic multi-compartmental cell model, which we constrain by empirical tests and integrate into the NEURON computational biophysical environment. This approach is implemented as a flexible astrocyte-model builder ASTRO. As a proof-of-concept, we explore an in silico astrocyte to evaluate basic cell physiology features inaccessible experimentally. Our simulations suggest that currents generated by glutamate transporters or K+ channels have negligible distant effects on membrane voltage and that individual astrocytes can successfully handle extracellular K+ hotspots. We show how intracellular Ca2+ buffers affect Ca2+ waves and why the classical Ca2+ sparks-and-puffs mechanism is theoretically compatible with common readouts of astroglial Ca2+ imaging

    Neocortical hyperexcitability in a genetic model of absence seizures and its reduction by levetiracetam

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    PURPOSE: To study the effect of the antiepileptic drug levetiracetam (LEV) on the patterns of intrinsic optical signals (IOSs) generated by slices of the somatosensory cortex obtained from 3- and 6-month-old WAG/Rij and age-matched, nonepileptic control (NEC) rats. METHODS: WAG/Rij and NEC animals were anesthetized with enfluorane and decapitated. Brains were quickly removed, and neocortical slices were cut coronally with a vibratome, transferred to a submerged tissue chamber, and superfused with oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF). Slices were illuminated with a dark-field condensor and examined with a x2.5 objective; images were processed with a real time digital video image-enhancement system. Images were acquired before (background) and during electrical stimulation with a temporal resolution of 10 images/s and were displayed in pseudocolors. Extracellular stimuli (200 micros; <4 V) were delivered through bipolar stainless steel electrodes placed in the white matter. RESULTS: IOSs recorded in NEC slices bathed in control aCSF became less intense and of reduced size with age (p < 0.05); this trend was not seen in WAG/Rij slices. Age-dependent decreases in IOS intensity and area size were also seen in NEC slices superfused with aCSF containing the convulsant 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 5 microM); in contrast, significant increases in both parameters occurred with age in 4-AP-treated WAG/Rij slices (p < 0.05). Under any of these conditions, the IOS intensity and area size slices were larger in WAG/Rij than in NEC slices. LEV (50-500 microM) application to WAG/Rij slices caused dose-dependent IOS reductions that were evident both in control and in 4-AP-containing aCSF and were more pronounced in 6-month-old tissue. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate age-dependent IOS modifications in NEC and WAG/Rij rat slices and identify a clear pattern of hyperexcitability that occurs in 6-month-old WAG/Rij neocortical tissue, an age when absence seizures occur in all animals. The ability of LEV to reduce these patterns of network hyperexcitability supports the potential use of this new antiepileptic drug in primary generalized epileptic disorders

    Turbulence, instream wood and fish: ecohydraulic interactions under field conditions

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Trinci, G, Harvey, GL, Henshaw, AJ, Bertoldi, W, HĂślker, F. Turbulence, instream wood and fish: Ecohydraulic interactions under field conditions. Ecohydrology. 2020;e2211. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2211 , which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2211. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

    How seasonality and weather affect perinatal health: Comparing the experiences of indigenous and non-indigenous mothers in Kanungu District, Uganda

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    Maternal and newborn health disparities and the health impacts of climate change present grand challenges for global health equity, and there remain knowledge gaps in our understanding of how these challenges intersect. This study examines the pathways through which mothers are affected by seasonal and meteorological factors in sub-Saharan Africa in general, and Kanungu District (Uganda), in particular. We conducted a community-based study consisting of focus group discussions with mothers and interviews with health care workers in Kanungu District. Using a priori and a posteriori coding, we found a diversity of perspectives on the impacts of seasonal and weather exposures, with reporting of more food available in the rainy season. The rainy season was also identified as the period in which women performed physical labour for longer time periods, while work conditions in the dry season were reported to be more difficult due to heat. The causal pathways through which weather and seasonality may be affecting size at birth as reported by Kanungu mothers were consistent with those most frequently reported in the literature elsewhere, including maternal energy balance (nutritional intake and physical exertion output) and seasonal illness. While both Indigenous and non-Indigenous mothers described similar pathways, however, the severity of these experiences differed. Non-Indigenous mothers frequently relied on livestock assets or opportunities for less taxing physical work than Indigenous women, who had fewer options when facing food shortages or transport costs. Findings point to specific entry points for intervention including increased nutritional support in dry season periods of food scarcity, increased diversification of wage labour opportunities, and increased access to contraception. Interventions should be particularly targeted towards Indigenous mothers as they face greater food insecurity, may have fewer sources of income, and face greater overall deprivation than non-Indigenous mothers

    Noninvasive laser-induced photoacoustic tomography for structural and functional in vivo imaging of the brain

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    Imaging techniques based on optical contrast analysis can be used to visualize dynamic and functional properties of the nervous system via optical signals resulting from changes in blood volume, oxygen consumption and cellular swelling associated with brain physiology and pathology. Here we report in vivo noninvasive transdermal and transcranial imaging of the structure and function of rat brains by means of laser-induced photoacoustic tomography (PAT). The advantage of PAT over pure optical imaging is that it retains intrinsic optical contrast characteristics while taking advantage of the diffraction-limited high spatial resolution of ultrasound. We accurately mapped rat brain structures, with and without lesions, and functional cerebral hemodynamic changes in cortical blood vessels around the whisker-barrel cortex in response to whisker stimulation. We also imaged hyperoxia- and hypoxia-induced cerebral hemodynamic changes. This neuroimaging modality holds promise for applications in neurophysiology, neuropathology and neurotherapy

    Evaluation of satisfaction with care in a midwifery unit and an obstetric unit: a randomized controlled trial of low-risk women

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    Publisher's version, source: http://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-016-0932-x.BACKGROUND Satisfaction with birth care is part of quality assessment of care. The aim of this study was to investigate possible differences in satisfaction with intrapartum care among low-risk women, randomized to a midwifery unit or to an obstetric unit within the same hospital. METHODS Randomized controlled trial conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Østfold Hospital Trust, Norway. A total of 485 women with no expressed preference for level of birth care, assessed to be at low-risk at onset of spontaneous labor were included. To assess the overall satisfaction with intrapartum care, the Labour and Delivery Satisfaction Index (LADSI) questionnaire, was sent to the participants 6 months after birth. To assess women’s experience with intrapartum transfer, four additional items were added. In addition, we tested the effects of the following aspects on satisfaction; obstetrician involved, intrapartum transfer from the midwifery unit to the obstetric unit during labor, mode of delivery and epidural analgesia. RESULTS Women randomized to the midwifery unit were significantly more satisfied with intrapartum care than those randomized to the obstetric unit (183 versus 176 of maximum 204 scoring points, mean difference 7.2, p = 0.002). No difference was found between the units for women who had an obstetrician involved during labor or delivery and who answered four additional questions on this aspect (mean item score 4.0 at the midwifery unit vs 4.3 at the obstetric unit, p = 0.3). Intrapartum transfer from the midwifery unit to an obstetric unit, operative delivery and epidurals influenced the level of overall satisfaction in a negative direction regardless of allocated unit (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Low-risk women with no expressed preference for level of birth care were more satisfied if allocated to the midwifery unit compared to the obstetric unit. TRIAL REGISTRATION The trial is registered at www.​clinicaltrials.​gov NCT00857129. Initially released 03/05/2009

    TRPM2-mediated rise in mitochondrial Zn2+ promotes palmitate-induced mitochondrial fission and pancreatic β-cell death in rodents

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    Rise in plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) represents a major risk factor for obesity-induced type 2 diabetes. Saturated FFAs cause a progressive decline in insulin secretion by promoting pancreatic β-cell death through increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recent studies have demonstrated that palmitate (a C16-FFA)-induced rise in ROS causes β-cell death by triggering mitochondrial fragmentation, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Using the INS1-832/13 β-cell line, here we demonstrate that palmitate generates the ROS required for mitochondrial fission by activating NOX (NADPH oxidase)-2. More importantly, we show that chemical inhibition, RNAi-mediated silencing and knockout of ROS-sensitive TRPM (transient receptor potential melastatin)-2 channels prevent palmitate-induced mitochondrial fission. Although TRPM2 activation affects the intracellular dynamics of Ca2+ and Zn2+, chelation of Zn2+ alone was sufficient to prevent mitochondrial fission. Consistent with the role of Zn2+, palmitate caused a rise in mitochondrial Zn2+, leading to Zn2+-dependent mitochondrial recruitment of Drp-1 (a protein that catalyses mitochondrial fission) and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In agreement with the previous reports, Ca2+ caused Drp-1 recruitment, but it failed to induce mitochondrial fission in the absence of Zn2+. These results indicate a novel role for Zn2+ in mitochondrial dynamics. Inhibition or knockout of TRPM2 channels in mouse islets and RNAi-mediated silencing of TRPM2 expression in human islets prevented FFA/cytokine-induced β-cell death, findings that are consistent with the role of abnormal mitochondrial fission in cell death. To conclude, our results reveal a novel, potentially druggable signalling pathway for FFA-induced β-cell death. The cascade involves NOX-2-dependent production of ROS, activation of TRPM2 channels, rise in mitochondrial Zn2+, Drp-1 recruitment and abnormal mitochondrial fission
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