29,804 research outputs found

    Computed tomography and magnetic resonance diagnosis of variations in the anatomical location of the major salivary glands in 1680 dogs and 187 cats

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    During assessment of routine clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heads of dogs, variations in the location of mandibular and zygomatic salivary glands (SGs) were observed incidentally. The aims of this retrospective study were to describe anatomical variations of the major SGs found on MRI and computed tomography (CT) studies of the head in dogs and cats and to investigate possible clinical relevancy. No anatomical variation of the SGs was seen in cats, but in dogs, although variation of the parotid SG was not identified, that of the mandibular SG was found in 33/1680 animals (2%), either unilaterally (6/33 right-sided, 13/33 left-sided) or bilaterally (14/33). The Border terrier breed (19/33, 58%) was over-represented. Each atypically located mandibular SG was positioned medial to the digastric muscle and rostral to the retropharyngeal lymph node. The sublingual glands were difficult to delineate from the mandibular glands. Anatomical variation of one zygomatic gland (3/4 left-sided) was identified in four small-breed dogs (0.2%). Each atypically located zygomatic gland was tilted at the ventrorostral aspect of the masseter muscle underneath the skin surface. MRI and CT characteristics were not different between typically and atypically located SGs. None of the dogs had clinical signs related with SG disease. It was concluded that, with suspected breed predispositions, incidental unilateral or bilateral anatomical variations of mandibular and zygomatic SGs can be encountered in dogs and an awareness of these possible variations may be important in pre-surgical planning

    Wage differentials for temporary services work: evidence from administrative data

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    We use administrative data from the unemployment insurance system State of Washington to study the magnitude of the wage differential associated with work in the temporary services industry. We find that temp wage rates are 15% to 20% below the levels that might have been expected based on trends during other periods in workers' careers even after controlling for differences between temps and other workers. Comparing temp wages immediately before and after temp work or to the wages on non-temp jobs begun during the same period as workers were in the temp industry yields estimates of the temp work penalty as low as 10%.Wages ; Temporary employees

    The temporary labor force

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    Labor market ; Temporary employees

    Effect of delayed acquisition times on Gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the presumably normal canine brain

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    A delay in imaging following intravenous contrast medium administration has been recommended to reduce misdiagnoses. However, the normal variation of contrast enhancement in dogs following a delay has not been characterized. Contrast enhanced MR imaging of 22 dogs was assessed, in terms of identification of normal anatomic structures, to investigate the variation associated with 10 minute delay between contrast medium administration and imaging. All dogs had a normal brain MR imaging study and unremarkable CSF. Specific ROIs were assessed both objectively, using computer software, and subjectively using three observers. Mean contrast enhancement greater than 10% was seen in the pituitary gland, choroid plexus, meninges, temporal muscle, trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal nerve root. Structures with an active blood-brain-barrier had minimal contrast enhancement (<6%). Enhancing structures had significantly more contrast enhancement at t=1min versus t=10min, except in temporal muscle, the trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal nerve root. Inter-observer agreement was moderate to good in favor of the initial post contrast T1w sequence. The observers found either no difference or poor agreement in identification of the non-vascular structures. Intra-observer agreement was very good with all vascular structures and most non-vascular structures. A degree of meningeal enhancement was a consistent finding. The initial acquisition had higher enhancement characteristics and observer agreement for some structures; however, contrast-to-noise was comparable in the delayed phase or not significantly different. We provide baseline references and suggest that the initial T1w post contrast sequence is preferable but not essential should a delayed post contrast T1w sequence be performed

    Simple processors of star tracker commands for stabilizing an inertially oriented satellite

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    Simple processors of star tracker commands for stabilizing inertially oriented satellit

    Criticality for the Gehring link problem

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    In 1974, Gehring posed the problem of minimizing the length of two linked curves separated by unit distance. This constraint can be viewed as a measure of thickness for links, and the ratio of length over thickness as the ropelength. In this paper we refine Gehring's problem to deal with links in a fixed link-homotopy class: we prove ropelength minimizers exist and introduce a theory of ropelength criticality. Our balance criterion is a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for criticality, based on a strengthened, infinite-dimensional version of the Kuhn--Tucker theorem. We use this to prove that every critical link is C^1 with finite total curvature. The balance criterion also allows us to explicitly describe critical configurations (and presumed minimizers) for many links including the Borromean rings. We also exhibit a surprising critical configuration for two clasped ropes: near their tips the curvature is unbounded and a small gap appears between the two components. These examples reveal the depth and richness hidden in Gehring's problem and our natural extension.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology on 14 November 200

    Is there Evidence for a Hubble bubble? The Nature of Type Ia Supernova Colors and Dust in External Galaxies

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    We examine recent evidence from the luminosity-redshift relation of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) for the 3σ\sim 3 \sigma detection of a ``Hubble bubble'' -- a departure of the local value of the Hubble constant from its globally averaged value \citep{Jha:07}. By comparing the MLCS2k2 fits used in that study to the results from other light-curve fitters applied to the same data, we demonstrate that this is related to the interpretation of SN color excesses (after correction for a light-curve shape-color relation) and the presence of a color gradient across the local sample. If the slope of the linear relation (β\beta) between SN color excess and luminosity is fit empirically, then the bubble disappears. If, on the other hand, the color excess arises purely from Milky Way-like dust, then SN data clearly favors a Hubble bubble. We demonstrate that SN data give β2\beta \simeq 2, instead of the β4\beta \simeq 4 one would expect from purely Milky-Way-like dust. This suggests that either SN intrinsic colors are more complicated than can be described with a single light-curve shape parameter, or that dust around SN is unusual. Disentangling these possibilities is both a challenge and an opportunity for large-survey SN Ia cosmology.Comment: Further information and data at http://qold.astro.utoronto.ca/conley/bubble/ Accepted for publication in ApJ