187 research outputs found

    The Linkage Between Public and Private Investment: A Co-integration Analysis of a Panel of Developing Countries

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    This study uses panel data from 19 developing countries from 1980 to 1997 to examine the impact of public investment on private investment. A model is developed to identify both the short run and long-run effects of public investment on private investment, builds in the role of uncertainty on investment, and uses co-integration tests on panel data to check the time series properties of the data. The empirical results show that public investment is complementary to private investment in developing economies, and that credit constraints restrict the amount of private investment.

    Kapasitas Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (Prbbk) di Desa Wonolelo Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul

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    Kegiatan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (PRBBK) dengan metode CBDP (Community Based Disaster Preparadness) dipandang sebagai metode yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat dalam mengelola risiko bencana yang ada di wilayahnya sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian terhadap kapasitas masyarakat dalam upaya pengurangan risiko bencana berbasis komunitas (PRBBK) di Desa Wonoleleo Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan di dukung dengan wawancara mendalam, obsevasi, studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan masyarakat dalam upaya melaksanakan program Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (PRBBK) di Desa Wonolelo dengan ancaman utama tanah longsor adalah tinggi sebesar 68%, kendala dalam melaksanakan program PRBBK kepada masyarakat di Desa Wonolelo meliputi aspek regulasi dan kebijakan penanggulangan bencana, budaya, politis, dan edukasi, sedangkan strategi terhadap peningkatan tingkat kapasitas masyarakat di Desa Wonolelo dalam upaya mengurangi risiko bencana adalah dengan memasukkan kegiatan PRB ke dalam RPJM desa

    Evidence of Strong-Coupled Superconductivity in CaC6 from Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    Point-contact tunneling on CaC6_6 crystals reproducibly reveals superconducting gaps, Δ\Delta, of 2.3±\pm0.2 meV which are \sim~40% larger than earlier reports. That puts CaC6_6 into the class of very strong-coupled superconductors since 2Δ\Delta/kTc_c\sim~4.6. Thus soft Ca phonons will be primarily involved in the superconductivity, a conclusion that explains the large Ca isotope effect found recently for CaC6_6. Consistency among superconductor-insulator-normal metal (SIN), SIS and Andreev reflection (SN) junctions reinforces the intrinsic nature of this result.Comment: 2nd version, 4 pages, 4 figures, re-submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Perencanaan Instalasi Air Bersih Desa Lembangloe Kabupaten Gowa

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    Instalasi air bersih merupakan perencanaan pembangunan alur air bersih dari sumber air melalui komponen penyalur dan penyambungnya ke bak – bak penampungan air maupun kran-kran yang berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk setiap tahun, maka Desa Lembangloe setiap tahun harus meningkatkan jumlah ketersediaan air bersihnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Di mana Desa Lembangloe ini jauh dari jangkauan proiritas pemenuhan air yag disediakan Pemerintah, dalam hal ini PDAM, sehingga diperlukan adanya perencanaan instalasi air bersih. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berapa proyeksi jumlah kebutuhan air selama 10 tahun mendatang dan kapasitas tampungan yang dibutuhkan berapa kubik dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan air serta jarak dan alur pipa yang akan dilalui. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pengambilan data secara secara langsung kemudian menghitung proyeksi kebutuhan dengan metode aritmetik dan metode geometric. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proyeksi kebutuhan air di Desa Lembangloe meningkat 1% setiap tahun, kapasitas tampungan Reservoir/PMA sebesar 9,44 m3 serta jarak pipa yang dilalui dari PMA sampai ke rumah-rumah warga yaitu sejauh 2000 meter


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    In the Tanjung Berakit area, the problems that are commonly experienced by border communities are the lowlevel of the community's economy and also the work of the community which is dominated as fishermen and farmers.This community empowerment is focused on local specialties, namely otak-otak and cassava tape processed creations.Next for the culinary products of the otak-otak, conducted training on making brains and packaging training. Then forcassava tape, training in making proll tape products and training in cassava tape and proll tape packaging with varioustypes of packaging. The activities carried out in the Serving community service begin with the introduction andexploration of village potentials. The next activity is training on brain processing and otak-otak products derived fromcassava tape and packaging. Activities in the Serving community service consist of socialization, preparation of tools andmaterials to be used and implementation of activities or practices


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    Tanjung Berakit is one of the Bintan regencies which is on the Indonesian border. A common problemexperienced by people in the border region is the low level of the community's economy. Therefore, there is a need forcommunity empowerment so that they can provide knowledge and skills to support tourism and the community'seconomy, one of which is in the field of crafts. The handicrafts that will be developed are batik with creative motifs thatreflect the Tanjung Berakit area and Bintan Regency. The empowerment of Tanjung Berakit community is related to thespecialties of batik in the region carried out with the socialization and training of making batik. Activities in the ServingDoctoral program consist of socialization, preparation of tools and materials to be used and implementation of activitiesor practices

    Counterintuitive Consequence of Heating in Strongly-Driven Intrinsic Junctions of Bi₂Sr₂CaCu₂O\u3csub\u3e8+δ\u3c/sub\u3e mesas

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    Anomalously high and sharp peaks in the conductance of intrinsic Josephson junctions in Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O 8+δ (Bi2212) mesas have been commonly interpreted as superconducting energy gaps but here we show they are a result of strong self-heating. This conclusion follows directly from a comparison to the equilibrium gap measured by tunneling in single break junctions on equivalent crystals. As the number of junctions in the mesa, N, and thus heating increase, the peak voltages decrease and the peak width abruptly sharpens for N≥12. Clearly these widely variable features vs N cannot all represent the equilibrium properties. Our data imply that the sharp peaks represent a transition to the normal state. That it occurs at the same dissipated power for N=12-30 strongly implicates heating as the cause. Although peak sharpening due to heating is counterintuitive, as tunneling spectra usually broaden at higher temperatures, a lateral temperature gradient, leading to coexistence of normal hot spots and superconductive regions, qualitatively explains the behavior. However, a more uniform temperature profile cannot be ruled out. As the peak\u27s width and voltage in our shortest mesa (N=6) are more consistent with the break junction data, we propose a figure of merit for Bi2212 mesas, the relative conductance peak width, such that small values signal a crossover into the strong self-heating regime

    Reply to Comment on \u27Counterintuitive Consequence of Heating in Strongly-Driven Intrinsic Junctions of Bi₂Sr₂CaCu₂O \u3csub\u3e8+δ\u3c/sub\u3e Mesas\u27

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    The main criticism raised in the preceding Comment concerns our suggestion that sharp conduction peaks in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O 8+δ mesas, along with absent dip-hump features, may, in general, be a result of self-heating. The author points to the variety of experimental configurations, matrix-element effects, and doping dependencies that might allow a diversity of conductance spectra. We argue that numerous mesa studies (with fixed matrix elements) firmly establish the systematic development of sharp conductance peaks with increased self-heating, and thus, the issue of nonuniversality of tunneling characteristics is not relevant. The author mentions a number of studies that show that the mesa is superconducting near the conductance peak voltage. This is not in dispute and indicates a misinterpretation of our analysis that is clarified here. To address further comments on the technical details of our heating model, we reiterate that our conclusions are independent of our model but rather are based solely on experimental data that are not in dispute

    Evaluation of a User-Adapted Spoken Language Dialogue System: Measuring the Relevance of the Contextual Information Sources

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    We present an evaluation of a spoken language dialogue system with a module for the management of userrelated information, stored as user preferences and privileges. The flexibility of our dialogue management approach, based on Bayesian Networks (BN), together with a contextual information module, which performs different strategies for handling such information, allows us to include user information as a new level into the Context Manager hierarchy. We propose a set of objective and subjective metrics to measure the relevance of the different contextual information sources. The analysis of our evaluation scenarios shows that the relevance of the short-term information (i.e. the system status) remains pretty stable throughout the dialogue, whereas the dialogue history and the user profile (i.e. the middle-term and the long-term information, respectively) play a complementary role, evolving their usefulness as the dialogue evolves