85 research outputs found

    Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation

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    Evolution of Ego-networks in Social Media with Link Recommendations

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    Ego-networks are fundamental structures in social graphs, yet the process of their evolution is still widely unexplored. In an online context, a key question is how link recommender systems may skew the growth of these networks, possibly restraining diversity. To shed light on this matter, we analyze the complete temporal evolution of 170M ego-networks extracted from Flickr and Tumblr, comparing links that are created spontaneously with those that have been algorithmically recommended. We find that the evolution of ego-networks is bursty, community-driven, and characterized by subsequent phases of explosive diameter increase, slight shrinking, and stabilization. Recommendations favor popular and well-connected nodes, limiting the diameter expansion. With a matching experiment aimed at detecting causal relationships from observational data, we find that the bias introduced by the recommendations fosters global diversity in the process of neighbor selection. Last, with two link prediction experiments, we show how insights from our analysis can be used to improve the effectiveness of social recommender systems.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2017), Cambridge, UK. 10 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl

    From training to artisanal practice : rethinking choreographic relationships in modern dance

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    In the first part of the twentieth century early modern dancers created both a new art form and the forms of group social organisation that were its condition of possibility. This paper critically examines the balletic and disciplinary ‘training’ model of dancer formation and proposes that the assumption of training in dance can obscure other ways of understanding dance-making relationships and other values in early modern dance. An ‘artisanal’ mode of production and knowledge transmission based on a non-binary relationship between ‘master’ and apprentice and occurring in a quasi-domestic and personalised space of some intimacy is proposed as a more pertinent way to think the enabling conditions of modern dance creation

    Nano Random Forests to mine protein complexes and their relationships in quantitative proteomics data

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    Ever-increasing numbers of quantitative proteomics data sets constitute an underexploited resource for investigating protein function. Multiprotein complexes often follow consistent trends in these experiments, which could provide insights about their biology. Yet, as more experiments are considered, a complex’s signature may become conditional and less identifiable. Previously we successfully distinguished the general proteomic signature of genuine chromosomal proteins from hitchhikers using the Random Forests (RF) machine learning algorithm. Here we test whether small protein complexes can define distinguishable signatures of their own, despite the assumption that machine learning needs large training sets. We show, with simulated and real proteomics data, that RF can detect small protein complexes and relationships between them. We identify several complexes in quantitative proteomics results of wild-type and knockout mitotic chromosomes. Other proteins covary strongly with these complexes, suggesting novel functional links for later study. Integrating the RF analysis for several complexes reveals known interdependences among kinetochore subunits and a novel dependence between the inner kinetochore and condensin. Ribosomal proteins, although identified, remained independent of kinetochore subcomplexes. Together these results show that this complex-oriented RF (NanoRF) approach can integrate proteomics data to uncover subtle protein relationships. Our NanoRF pipeline is available online

    Deep generative models for fast photon shower simulation in ATLAS

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    The need for large-scale production of highly accurate simulated event samples for the extensive physics programme of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider motivates the development of new simulation techniques. Building on the recent success of deep learning algorithms, variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks are investigated for modelling the response of the central region of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter to photons of various energies. The properties of synthesised showers are compared with showers from a full detector simulation using geant4. Both variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks are capable of quickly simulating electromagnetic showers with correct total energies and stochasticity, though the modelling of some shower shape distributions requires more refinement. This feasibility study demonstrates the potential of using such algorithms for ATLAS fast calorimeter simulation in the future and shows a possible way to complement current simulation techniques

    Deep generative models for fast photon shower simulation in ATLAS

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    The need for large-scale production of highly accurate simulated event samples for the extensive physics programme of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider motivates the development of new simulation techniques. Building on the recent success of deep learning algorithms, variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks are investigated for modelling the response of the central region of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter to photons of various energies. The properties of synthesised showers are compared with showers from a full detector simulation using geant4. Both variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks are capable of quickly simulating electromagnetic showers with correct total energies and stochasticity, though the modelling of some shower shape distributions requires more refinement. This feasibility study demonstrates the potential of using such algorithms for ATLAS fast calorimeter simulation in the future and shows a possible way to complement current simulation techniques

    Improving the RSM map exoplanet detection algorithm

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    Context. High-contrast imaging is one of the most challenging techniques for exoplanet detection. It relies on sophisticated data processing to reach high contrasts at small angular separations. Most data processing techniques of this type are based on the angular differential imaging observing strategy to perform the subtraction of a reference point spread function (PSF). In addition, such techniques generally make use of signal-to-noise (S/N) maps to infer the existence of planetary signals via thresholding. Aims. An alternative method for generating the final detection map was recently proposed with the regime-switching model (RSM) map, which uses a regime-switching framework to generate a probability map based on cubes of residuals generated by different PSF subtraction techniques. In this paper, we present several improvements to the original RSM map, focusing on novel PSF subtraction techniques and their optimal combinations, as well as a new procedure for estimating the probabilities involved. Methods. We started by implementing two forward-model versions of the RSM map algorithm based on the LOCI and KLIP PSF subtraction techniques. We then addressed the question of optimally selecting the PSF subtraction techniques to optimise the overall performance of the RSM map. A new forward-backward approach was also implemented to take into account both past and future observations to compute the RSM map probabilities, leading to improved precision in terms of astrometry and lowering the background speckle noise. Results. We tested the ability of these various improvements to increase the performance of the RSM map based on data sets obtained with three different instruments: VLT/NACO, VLT/SPHERE, and LBT/LMIRCam via a computation of receiver operating characteristic curves. These results demonstrate the benefits of these proposed improvements. Finally, we present a new framework to generate contrast curves based on probability maps. The contrast curves highlight the higher performance of the RSM map compared to a standard S/N map at small angular separations