14 research outputs found

    Contribution of resuspended sedimentary particles to dissolved iron and manganese in the ocean: An experimental study

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    A number of trace metals play essential roles in marine ecosystem structure and biological productivity. Until recently, it has been argued that phytoplankton access primarily dissolved iron, while particulate iron was considered a refractory material with little use biologically and limited interaction with the dissolved pool. In order to assess the transfer mechanisms between sediment-sourced particulate trace metals and the dissolved pool, we conducted a 14-month incubation that reacted resuspended sediments with natural seawater, both originating from the Kerguelen area (KEOPS cruises; Southern Ocean), in the dark, and at concentrations replicating natural conditions. Three types of sediments were investigated (named BioSi, BioSi + Ca, and Basalt), mostly composed of (i) biogenic silica (bSiO2), (ii) bSiO2 and calcite, and (iii) basaltic fragments, respectively. The release of dissolved silicon (dSi), iron (dFe) and manganese (dMn) was monitored regularly throughout the incubation, as well as living bacteria density and Fe organic ligands. Depending on the origin and composition of the sediment, unique dFe and dMn fluxes were observed, including a strong decoupling between dFe and dMn. The basaltic sediment released up to 1.09 ± 0.04 nmol L−1 of dFe and 0.28 ± 0.09 nmol L−1 of dMn, while the biogenic sediments released a higher 3.91 ± 0.04 nmol L−1 and 8.03 ± 0.42 nmol L−1 of dFe and dMn, respectively. Several factors influencing the release and removal of dFe and dMn were discernable at the temporal sampling resolution of the incubation, including the structural composition of the sediment, bacterial abundance, and the formation of manganese oxides. The regular sampling over short timescales and the extended sampling over one year proved to be critical to constrain the processes and exchanges that govern the contribution of the particulate to the dissolved pools. Overall, this incubation provides a strong basis for reassessing the role of resuspended sedimentary particles in the marine biogeochemical cycles of Fe and Mn. Indeed, we show that biogenic silica, calcite-rich and basaltic particles can contribute substantial dissolved Fe and Mn to the overlying water column. In the future, the global extent of this previously overlooked external metal source should be quantified through further process studies and biogeochemical models

    Space test of the equivalence principle: first results of the MICROSCOPE mission

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    The weak equivalence principle (WEP), stating that two bodies of different compositions and/or mass fall at the same rate in a gravitational field (universality of free fall), is at the very foundation of general relativity. The MICROSCOPE mission aims to test its validity to a precision of 10−15, two orders of magnitude better than current on-ground tests, by using two masses of different compositions (titanium and platinum alloys) on a quasi-circular trajectory around the Earth. This is realised by measuring the accelerations inferred from the forces required to maintain the two masses exactly in the same orbit. Any significant difference between the measured accelerations, occurring at a defined frequency, would correspond to the detection of a violation of the WEP, or to the discovery of a tiny new type of force added to gravity. MICROSCOPE's first results show no hint for such a difference, expressed in terms of Eötvös parameter (both 1 uncertainties) for a titanium and platinum pair of materials. This result was obtained on a session with 120 orbital revolutions representing 7% of the current available data acquired during the whole mission. The quadratic combination of 1 uncertainties leads to a current limit on of about

    MICROSCOPE Mission: Final Results of the Test of the Equivalence Principle

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    International audienceThe MICROSCOPE mission was designed to test the weak equivalence principle (WEP), stating the equality between the inertial and the gravitational masses, with a precision of 10-15 in terms of the Eötvös ratio η. Its experimental test consisted of comparing the accelerations undergone by two collocated test masses of different compositions as they orbited the Earth, by measuring the electrostatic forces required to keep them in equilibrium. This was done with ultrasensitive differential electrostatic accelerometers onboard a drag-free satellite. The mission lasted two and a half years, cumulating five months worth of science free-fall data, two-thirds with a pair of test masses of different compositions—titanium and platinum alloys—and the last third with a reference pair of test masses of the same composition—platinum. We summarize the data analysis, with an emphasis on the characterization of the systematic uncertainties due to thermal instabilities and on the correction of short-lived events which could mimic a WEP violation signal. We found no violation of the WEP, with the Eötvös parameter of the titanium and platinum pair constrained to η(Ti,Pt)=[-1.5±2.3(stat)±1.5(syst)]×10-15 at 1σ in statistical errors