137 research outputs found

    Measurement of viscous sound absorption at 50-150 kHz in a model turbid environment

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    The visco-thermal absorption of sound by suspended particulate matter can be reliably measured using a reverberation technique. This absorption may have an adverse effect on the performance of sonars operating at 50–300 kHz in coastal waters where suspensions are often present in significant concentrations. A series of experiments has been performed to study the viscous absorption by suspensions in the frequency range of 50–150 kHz. In the test volumes employed, the effect is small. It is therefore measured by taking the difference in reverberation times of a volume of water with and without particles. This greatly reduces the effect on the measurement of the other sources of absorption. Even so, it is necessary to design the experiment to characterize and minimize acoustic losses which occur at the surfaces of the container, the hydrophones, and their cables, and losses associated with bubbles and turbulence. These effects are discussed and results for particulate absorption for suspensions of spherical glass beads are presented and compared to theoretical predictions. Measured absorption agrees well with that predicted by theory for concentrations above 0.5 kg/m3 and up to 2.0 kg/m

    Kink Solution in a Fluid Model of Traffic Flows

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    Traffic jam in a fluid model of traffic flows proposed by Kerner and Konh\"auser (B. S. Kerner and P. Konh\"auser, Phys. Rev. E 52 (1995), 5574.) is analyzed. An analytic scaling solution is presented near the critical point of the hetero-clinic bifurcation. The validity of the solution has been confirmed from the comparison with the simulation of the model.Comment: RevTeX v3.1, 6 pages, and 2 figure

    Scaling and Density of Lee-Yang Zeroes in the Four Dimensional Ising Model

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    The scaling behaviour of the edge of the Lee--Yang zeroes in the four dimensional Ising model is analyzed. This model is believed to belong to the same universality class as the ϕ44\phi^4_4 model which plays a central role in relativistic quantum field theory. While in the thermodynamic limit the scaling of the Yang--Lee edge is not modified by multiplicative logarithmic corrections, such corrections are manifest in the corresponding finite--size formulae. The asymptotic form for the density of zeroes which recovers the scaling behaviour of the susceptibility and the specific heat in the thermodynamic limit is found to exhibit logarithmic corrections too. The density of zeroes for a finite--size system is examined both analytically and numerically.Comment: 17 pages (4 figures), LaTeX + POSTSCRIPT-file, preprint UNIGRAZ-UTP 20-11-9

    Fisher zeros of the Q-state Potts model in the complex temperature plane for nonzero external magnetic field

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    The microcanonical transfer matrix is used to study the distribution of the Fisher zeros of the Q>2Q>2 Potts models in the complex temperature plane with nonzero external magnetic field HqH_q. Unlike the Ising model for Hq0H_q\ne0 which has only a non-physical critical point (the Fisher edge singularity), the Q>2Q>2 Potts models have physical critical points for Hq<0H_q<0 as well as the Fisher edge singularities for Hq>0H_q>0. For Hq<0H_q<0 the cross-over of the Fisher zeros of the QQ-state Potts model into those of the (Q1Q-1)-state Potts model is discussed, and the critical line of the three-state Potts ferromagnet is determined. For Hq>0H_q>0 we investigate the edge singularity for finite lattices and compare our results with high-field, low-temperature series expansion of Enting. For 3Q63\le Q\le6 we find that the specific heat, magnetization, susceptibility, and the density of zeros diverge at the Fisher edge singularity with exponents αe\alpha_e, βe\beta_e, and γe\gamma_e which satisfy the scaling law αe+2βe+γe=2\alpha_e+2\beta_e+\gamma_e=2.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Physical Review

    Identity of the universal repulsive-core singularity with Yang-Lee edge criticality

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    Lattice and continuum fluid models with repulsive-core interactions typically display a dominant, critical-type singularity on the real, negative activity axis. Lai and Fisher recently suggested, mainly on numerical grounds, that this repulsive-core singularity is universal and in the same class as the Yang-Lee edge singularities, which arise above criticality at complex activities with positive real part. A general analytic demonstration of this identification is presented here using a field-theory approach with separate representation of the repulsive and attractive parts of the pair interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Transfer Matrices and Partition-Function Zeros for Antiferromagnetic Potts Models. IV. Chromatic polynomial with cyclic boundary conditions

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    We study the chromatic polynomial P_G(q) for m \times n square- and triangular-lattice strips of widths 2\leq m \leq 8 with cyclic boundary conditions. This polynomial gives the zero-temperature limit of the partition function for the antiferromagnetic q-state Potts model defined on the lattice G. We show how to construct the transfer matrix in the Fortuin--Kasteleyn representation for such lattices and obtain the accumulation sets of chromatic zeros in the complex q-plane in the limit n\to\infty. We find that the different phases that appear in this model can be characterized by a topological parameter. We also compute the bulk and surface free energies and the central charge.Comment: 55 pages (LaTeX2e). Includes tex file, three sty files, and 22 Postscript figures. Also included are Mathematica files transfer4_sq.m and transfer4_tri.m. Journal versio

    Generalized Force Model of Traffic Dynamics

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    Floating car data of car-following behavior in cities were compared to existing microsimulation models, after their parameters had been calibrated to the experimental data. With these parameter values, additional simulations have been carried out, e.g. of a moving car which approaches a stopped car. It turned out that, in order to manage such kinds of situations without producing accidents, improved traffic models are needed. Good results have been obtained with the proposed generalized force model.Comment: For related work see http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.htm

    Bifurcations of a driven granular system under gravity

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    Molecular dynamics study on the granular bifurcation in a simple model is presented. The model consists of hard disks, which undergo inelastic collisions; the system is under the uniform external gravity and is driven by the heat bath. The competition between the two effects, namely, the gravitational force and the heat bath, is carefully studied. We found that the system shows three phases, namely, the condensed phase, locally fluidized phase, and granular turbulent phase, upon increasing the external control parameter. We conclude that the transition from the condensed phase to the locally fluidized phase is distinguished by the existence of fluidized holes, and the transition from the locally fluidized phase to the granular turbulent phase is understood by the destabilization transition of the fluidized holes due to mutual interference.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures, to be published in PR

    Traffic Equations and Granular Convection

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    We investigate both numerically and analytically the convective instability of granular materials by two dimensional traffic equations. In the absence of vibrations the traffic equations assume two distinctive classes of fixed bed solutions with either a spatially uniform or nonuniform density profile. The former one exists only when the function V(\rho) that monitors the relaxation of grains assumes a cut off at the closed packed density, \rho_c, with V(\rho_c)=0, while the latter one exists for any form of V. Since there is little difference between the uniform and nonuniform solution deep inside the bed, the convective instability of the bulk may be studied by focusing on the stability of the uniform solution. In the presence of vibrations, we find that the uniform solution bifurcates into a bouncing solution, which then undergoes a supercritical bifurcation to the convective instability. We determine the onset of convection as a function of control parameters and confirm this picture by solving the traffic equations numerically, which reveals bouncing solutions, two convective rolls, and four convective rolls. Further, convective patterns change as the aspect ratio changes: in a vertically long container, the rolls move toward the surface, and in a horizontally long container, the rolls move toward the walls. We compare these results with those reported previously with a different continuum model by Hayakawa, Yue and Hong[Phys. Rev. Lett. 75,2328, 1995]. Finally, we also present a derivation of the traffic equations from Enskoq equation.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Effect of noise on coupled chaotic systems

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    Effect of noise in inducing order on various chaotically evolving systems is reviewed, with special emphasis on systems consisting of coupled chaotic elements. In many situations it is observed that the uncoupled elements when driven by identical noise, show synchronization phenomena where chaotic trajectories exponentially converge towards a single noisy trajectory, independent of the initial conditions. In a random neural network, with infinite range coupling, chaos is suppressed due to noise and the system evolves towards a fixed point. Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance phenomenon has been observed in a square array of coupled threshold devices where a temporal characteristic of the system resonates at a given noise strength. In a chaotically evolving coupled map lattice with logistic map as local dynamics and driven by identical noise at each site, we report that the number of structures (a structure is a group of neighbouring lattice sites for whom values of the variable follow certain predefined pattern) follow a power-law decay with the length of the structure. An interesting phenomenon, which we call stochastic coherence, is also reported in which the abundance and lifetimes of these structures show characteristic peaks at some intermediate noise strength.Comment: 21 page LaTeX file for text, 5 Postscript files for figure