38 research outputs found

    Serial group rings of finite groups. p-solvability

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    We prove that for any finite p-solvable group G with a cyclic p-Sylow subgroup and any field F of characteristic p, the group ring FG is serial. As a corollary for an arbitrary field we will produce a list of all groups of order ≤ 100 whose group rings are serial

    Serial group rings of finite groups. General linear and close groups

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    For a givenp, we determine when thepmodulargroup ring of a group from GL(n,q), SL(n,q) and PSL(n,q)-seriesis serial

    Serial group rings of finite groups. General linear and close groups

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    For a given p, we determine when the p-modular group ring of a group from GL(n,q), SL(n,q) and PSL(n,q)-series is serial


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    Subject of Research. The paper deals with methods and algorithms for mutual transformation of related pairs of images in order to enhance the capabilities of cross-modal multimedia retrieval (CMMR) technologies. We have thoroughly studied the problem of mutual transformation of face images of various kinds (e.g. photos and drawn pictures). This problem is widely represented in practice. Research is this area is based on existing datasets. The algorithms we have proposed in this paper can be applied to arbitrary pairs of related images due to the unified mathematical specification. Method. We have presented three image transformation algorithms. The first one is based on principal component analysis and Karhunen-Loève transform (1DPCA/1DKLT). Unlike the existing solution, it does not use the training set during the transformation process. The second algorithm assumes generation of an image population. The third algorithm performs the transformation based on two-dimensional principal component analysis and Karhunen-Loève transform (2DPCA/2DKLT). Main Results. The experiments on image transformation and population generation have revealed the main features of each algorithm. The first algorithm allows construction of an accurate and stable model of transition between two given sets of images. The second algorithm can be used to add new images to existing bases and the third algorithm is capable of performing the transformation outside the training dataset. Practical Relevance. Taking into account the qualities of the proposed algorithms, we have provided recommendations concerning their application. Possible scenarios include construction of a transition model for related pairs of images, mutual transformation of the images inside and outside the dataset as well as population generation in order to increase representativeness of existing datasets. Thus, the proposed algorithms can be used to improve reliability of face recognition performed on images of various kinds. Moreover, these techniques can be applied to address a wide variety of other CMMR problems

    навчальний посібник

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    Господарський процес : навч. посіб. / [В. А. Кройтор, О. В. Синєгубов, О. Г. Бортнік та ін.] ; за заг. ред. В. А. Кройтора ; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2020. – 328 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-241-9.У навчальному посібнику висвітлено загальні положення про систему господарських судів в Україні та особливості господарського судочинства. Для студентів, курсантів, аспірантів юридичних закладів вищої освіти, а також працівників юридичних установ.The training manual highlights the general provisions on the system of economic courts in Ukraine and the features of economic proceedings. For students, cadets, graduate students of legal higher educational institutions, as well as employees of legal institutions.В учебном пособии освещены общие положения о системе хозяйственных судов в Украине и особенности хозяйственного судопроизводства. Для студентов, курсантов, аспирантов юридических высших учебных заведений, а также работников юридических учреждений

    The PCA Reconstruction Based Approach For Extending Facial Image Databases For Face Recognition System

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    National audienceThe one of most problematic subject in face recognition system is to make them immune from variance of pose under which face image is taken. The solution this could be generation of additional images for face recognition system database. a In this paper PCA based approach is presented. It allows to generate subimages to supplement images taken from camera

    Application of cascading two-dimensional canonical correlation analysis to image matching

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    The paper presents a novel approach to Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) applied to visible and thermal infrared spectrum facial images. In the typical CCA framework biometrical information is transformed from original feature space into the space of canonical variates, and further processing takes place in this space. Extracted features are maximally correlated in canonical variates space, making it possible to expose, investigate and model latent relationships between measured variables. In the paper the CCA is implemented along two directions (along rows and columns of pixel matrix of dimension M x N) using a cascade scheme. The first stage of transformation proceeds along rows of data matrices. Its results are reorganized by transposition. These reorganized matrices are inputs to the second processing stage, namely basic CCA procedure performed along the rows of reorganized matrices, resulting in fact in proceeding along the columns of input data matrix. The so called cascading 2DCCA method also solves the Small Sample Size problem, because instead of the images of size MxN pixels in fact we are using N images of size M x 1 pixels and M images of size 1 x N pixels. In the paper several numerical experiments performed on FERET and Equinox databases are presented

    Feature extraction method directed on hardware realization for image recognition tasks

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    Rozpoznawanie obrazów to zadanie realizowane najczęściej przez skomplikowane i złożone metody. Jednak wykorzystanie zestawu prostych i szybkich metod pozwala na dorównanie skutecznością systemom używającym skomplikowanych podejść. Rozwiązanie to ma dodatkowy plus - łatwość implementacji sprzętowej. W artykule przedstawiono podejście analizujące lokalną symetryczność obrazu, które pomimo swojej prostoty, wykazało się dużą skutecznością. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty pokazały, że omawiana metoda ekstrakcji cech z obrazu może mieć bezpośrednie zastosowanie w systemach rozpoznawania, a jej prostota pozwala na sprzętową realizację. Dodatkową zaletą prezentowanej metody jest jej inwariantność od oświetlenia twarzy. Dzięki temu istnieje możliwość znaczącej poprawy wydajności całego systemu rozpoznawania.The paper presents the results of investigations concerning face recognition systems based on a simple, fast and efficient feature extractor method. It is based on analysis of the local image symmetry. An additional advantage of the described method is the fact that it is light invariant feature extractor - so it is called LIFE. This benefit (robust on the light conditions) makes it possible to use the method practically as the hardware implementation in real monitoring systems. The idea of LIFE operation is described in Section 2 of the paper. The performed experiments, presented in Section 3 show that LIFE is very efficient in comparison with other simple feature extractor methods - the results of recognition are given in Table 1. In spite of the method simplicity, the proposed approach proved high effectiveness which may be further increased by joining LIFE into a parallel structure with another simple feature extractor (it is described in Section 4). The presented feature extractor enables implementation in hardware system (simplicity and efficiency) such as cameras of the monitoring system. This idea is discussed in the conclusions

    A Robust and Efficient Algorithm for Eye Detection on Gray Intensity Face

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    International audienceThis paper presents a robust and efficient eye detection algorithm for gray intensity images. The idea of our method is to combine the respective advantages of two existing techniques, feature based method and template based method, and to overcome their shortcomings. Firstly, after the location of face region is detected, a feature based method will be used to detect two rough regions of both eyes on the face. Then an accurate detection of iris centers will be continued by applying a template based method in these two rough regions. Results of experiments to the faces without spectacles show that the proposed approach is not only robust but also quite efficient