470 research outputs found

    Continuous families of solitary waves in non-symmetric complex potentials: A Melnikov theory approach

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    The existence of stationary solitary waves in symmetric and non-symmetric complex potentials is studied by means of Melnikov’s perturbation method. The latter provides analytical conditions for the existence of such waves that bifurcate from the homogeneous nonlinear modes of the system and are located at specific positions with respect to the underlying potential. It is shown that the necessary conditions for the existence of continuous families of stationary solitary waves, as they arise from Melnikov theory, provide general constraints for the real and imaginary part of the potential, that are not restricted to symmetry conditions or specific types of potentials. Direct simulations are used to compare numerical results with the analytical predictions, as well as to investigate the propagation dynamics of the solitary waves.European Union project AEI/FEDER MAT2016-79866-

    Quantum Zeno Effect Explains Magnetic-Sensitive Radical-Ion-Pair Reactions

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    Chemical reactions involving radical-ion pairs are ubiquitous in biology, since not only are they at the basis of the photosynthetic reaction chain, but are also assumed to underlie the biochemical magnetic compass used by avian species for navigation. Recent experiments with magnetic-sensitive radical-ion pair reactions provided strong evidence for the radical-ion-pair magnetoreception mechanism, verifying the expected magnetic sensitivities and chemical product yield changes. It is here shown that the theoretical description of radical-ion-pair reactions used since the 70's cannot explain the observed data, because it is based on phenomenological equations masking quantum coherence effects. The fundamental density matrix equation derived here from basic quantum measurement theory considerations naturally incorporates the quantum Zeno effect and readily explains recent experimental observations on low- and high-magnetic-field radical-ion-pair reactions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Nonlinear Beam Propagation in a Class of Complex Non-PT -Symmetric Potentials

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    The subject of PT -symmetry and its areas of application have been blossoming over the past decade. Here, we consider a nonlinear Schrödinger model with a complex potential that can be tuned controllably away from being PT - symmetric, as it might be the case in realistic applications. We utilize two parameters: the first one breaks PT -symmetry but retains a proportionality between the imaginary and the derivative of the real part of the potential; the second one, detunes from this latter proportionality. It is shown that the departure of the potential from the PT -symmetric form does not allow for the numerical identification of exact stationary solutions. Nevertheless, it is of crucial importance to consider the dynamical evolution of initial beam profiles. In that light, we define a suitable notion of optimization and find that even for non PT -symmetric cases, the beam dynamics, both in 1D and 2D –although prone to weak growth or decay– suggests that the optimized profiles do not change significantly under propagation for specific parameter regimes.AEI/FEDER, UE project MAT2016-79866-

    Nonlinear Beam Propagation in a Class of Complex Non-PT -Symmetric Potentials

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    The subject of PT-symmetry and its areas of application have been blossoming over the past decade. Here, we consider a nonlinear Schr\"odinger model with a complex potential that can be tuned controllably away from being PT-symmetric, as it might be the case in realistic applications. We utilize two parameters: the first one breaks PT-symmetry but retains a proportionality between the imaginary and the derivative of the real part of the potential; the second one, detunes from this latter proportionality. It is shown that the departure of the potential from the PT -symmetric form does not allow for the numerical identification of exact stationary solutions. Nevertheless, it is of crucial importance to consider the dynamical evolution of initial beam profiles. In that light, we define a suitable notion of optimization and find that even for non PT-symmetric cases, the beam dynamics, both in 1D and 2D -although prone to weak growth or decay- suggests that the optimized profiles do not change significantly under propagation for specific parameter regimes

    Optical Magnetometer Array for Fetal Magnetocardiography

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    We describe an array of spin-exchange relaxation free optical magnetometers designed for detection of fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG) signals. The individual magnetometers are configured with a small volume with intense optical pumping, surrounded by a large pump-free region. Spin-polarized atoms that diffuse out of the optical pumping region precess in the ambient magnetic field and are detected by a probe laser. Four such magnetometers, at the corners of a 7 cm square, are configured for gradiometry by feeding back the output of one magnetometer to a field coil to null uniform magnetic field noise at frequencies up to 200 Hz. Using this array, we present the first measurements of fMCG signals using an atomic magnetometer
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