266 research outputs found

    Role of p53 Serine 46 in p53 Target Gene Regulation

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    The tumor suppressor p53 plays a crucial role in cellular growth control inducing a plethora of different response pathways. The molecular mechanisms that discriminate between the distinct p53-responses have remained largely elusive. Here, we have analyzed the p53-regulated pathways induced by Actinomycin D and Etoposide treatment resulting in more growth arrested versus apoptotic cells respectively. We found that the genome-wide p53 DNA-binding patterns are almost identical upon both treatments notwithstanding transcriptional differences that we observed in global transcriptome analysis. To assess the role of post-translational modifications in target gene choice and activation we investigated the genome-wide level of phosphorylation of Serine 46 of p53 bound to DNA (p53-pS46) and of Serine 15 (p53-pS15). Interestingly, the extent of S46 phosphorylation of p53 bound to DNA is considerably higher in cells directed towards apoptosis while the degree of phosphorylation at S15 remains highly similar. Moreover, our data suggest that following different chemotherapeutical treatments, the amount of chromatin-associated p53 phosphorylated at S46 but not at pS15 is higher on certain apoptosis related target genes. Our data provide evidence that cell fate decisions are not made primarily on the level of general p53 DNA-binding and that post-translationally modified p53 can have distinct DNA-binding characteristics

    Usability of rectal swabs for microbiome sampling in a cohort study of hematological and oncological patients

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    Objectives Large-scale clinical studies investigating associations between intestinal microbiota signatures and human diseases usually rely on stool samples. However, the timing of repeated stool sample collection cannot be predefined in longitudinal settings. Rectal swabs, being straightforward to obtain, have the potential to overcome this drawback. Therefore, we assessed the usability of rectal swabs for microbiome sampling in a cohort of hematological and oncological patients. Study design We used a pipeline for intestinal microbiota analysis from deep rectal swabs which was established and validated with test samples and negative controls. Consecutively, a cohort of patients from hematology and oncology wards was established and weekly deep rectal swabs taken during their admissions and re-admissions. Results Validation of our newly developed pipeline for intestinal microbiota analysis from rectal swabs revealed consistent and reproducible results. Over a period of nine months, 418 rectal swabs were collected longitudinally from 41 patients. Adherence to the intended sampling protocol was 97%. After DNA extraction, sequencing, read pre-processing and filtering of chimeric sequences, 405 of 418 samples (96.9%) were eligible for further analyses. Follow-up samples and those taken under current antibiotic exposure showed a significant decrease in alpha diversity as compared to baseline samples. Microbial domination occurred most frequently by Enterococcaceae (99 samples, 24.4%) on family level and Enterococcus (90 samples, 22.2%) on genus level. Furthermore, we noticed a high abundance of potential skin commensals in 99 samples (24.4%). Summary Deep rectal swabs were shown to be reliable for microbiome sampling and analysis, with practical advantages related to high sampling adherence, easy timing, transport and storage. The relatively high abundance of putative skin commensals in this patient cohort may be of potential interest and should be further investigated. Generally, previous findings on alpha diversity dynamics obtained from stool samples were confirmed

    Расчет бокового магнитного сопротивления электромагнитных молотков

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    Hemolysis is an inevitable side effect of cardiopulmonary bypass resulting in increased plasma free hemoglobin that may impair tissue perfusion by scavenging nitric oxide. Acute kidney injury after on-pump cardiovascular surgery arises from a number of causes and severely affects patient morbidity and mortality. Here, we studied the effect of acute hemolysis on renal injury in 35 patients undergoing on-pump surgical repair of thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms of whom 19 experienced acute kidney injury. During surgery, plasma free hemoglobin increased, as did urinary excretion of the tubular injury marker N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, in patients with and without acute kidney injury, reaching peak levels at 2 h and 15 min, respectively, after reperfusion. Furthermore, plasma free hemoglobin was independently and significantly correlated with the urine biomarker, which, in turn, was independently and significantly associated with the later postoperative increase in serum creatinine. Importantly, peak plasma free hemoglobin and urine N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase concentrations had significant predictive value for postoperative acute kidney injury. Thus, we found an association between increased plasma free hemoglobin and renal injury casting new light on the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury. Therefore, free hemoglobin is a new therapeutic target to improve clinical outcome after on-pump cardiovascular surgery

    Разработка плана локализации и ликвидации аварий на автозаправочной станции Юргинского ЛПУМГ ООО «Газпром трансгаз Томск»

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    Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является: разработка порядка действий производственного персонала Юргинского ЛПУМГ в случае аварии на опасном производственном объекте по сценарию аварии "Пожар пролива нефтепродуктов и взрыв топливно-воздушной смеси". В работе произведен анализ нормативных документов в области обеспечения пожарной безопасности, разработан порядок действий производственного персонала (руководителей и работников), расчет аварии по сценарию пожар пролива, произведены расчеты для выполнения мероприятий по локализации и ликвидации возможной ЧС.The purpose of the final qualification work is: development of a procedure for the production personnel of the Yurginsky LPUMG in the event of an accident at a hazardous production facility according to the accident scenario "A fire of the spill of oil products and an explosion of a fuel-air mixture." The paper analyzes regulatory documents in the field of ensuring fire safety, developed a procedure for actions of production personnel (managers and workers), calculation of an accident according to the scenario of a strait fire, calculations were made to carry out measures to localize and eliminate a possible emergency

    In Vivo Gene Essentiality and Metabolism in Bordetella pertussis

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    Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of whooping cough, a serious respiratory illness affecting children and adults, associated with prolonged cough and potential mortality. Whooping cough has reemerged in recent years, emphasizing a need for increased knowledge of basic mechanisms of B. pertussis growth and pathogenicity. While previous studies have provided insight into in vitro gene essentiality of this organism, very little is known about in vivo gene essentiality, a critical gap in knowledge, since B. pertussis has no previously identified environmental reservoir and is isolated from human respiratory tract samples. We hypothesize that the metabolic capabilities of B. pertussis are especially tailored to the respiratory tract and that many of the genes involved in B. pertussis metabolism would be required to establish infection in vivo. In this study, we generated a diverse library of transposon mutants and then used it to probe gene essentiality in vivo in a murine model of infection. Using the CON-ARTIST pipeline, 117 genes were identified as conditionally essential at 1 day postinfection, and 169 genes were identified as conditionally essential at 3 days postinfection. Most of the identified genes were associated with metabolism, and we utilized two existing genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions to probe the effects of individual essential genes on biomass synthesis. This analysis suggested a critical role for glucose metabolism and lipooligosaccharide biosynthesis in vivo. This is the first genome-wide evaluation of in vivo gene essentiality in B. pertussis and provides tools for future exploration. IMPORTANCE Our study describes the first in vivo transposon sequencing (Tn-seq) analysis of B. pertussis and identifies genes predicted to be essential for in vivo growth in a murine model of intranasal infection, generating key resources for future investigations into B. pertussis pathogenesis and vaccine design

    The CDK inhibitor CR8 acts as a molecular glue degrader that depletes cyclin K

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    Molecular glue compounds induce protein-protein interactions that, in the context of a ubiquitin ligase, lead to protein degradation1. Unlike traditional enzyme inhibitors, these molecular glue degraders act substoichiometrically to catalyse the rapid depletion of previously inaccessible targets2. They are clinically effective and highly sought-after, but have thus far only been discovered serendipitously. Here, through systematically mining databases for correlations between the cytotoxicity of 4,518 clinical and preclinical small molecules and the expression levels of E3 ligase components across hundreds of human cancer cell lines3-5, we identify CR8-a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor6-as a compound that acts as a molecular glue degrader. The CDK-bound form of CR8 has a solvent-exposed pyridyl moiety that induces the formation of a complex between CDK12-cyclin K and the CUL4 adaptor protein DDB1, bypassing the requirement for a substrate receptor and presenting cyclin K for ubiquitination and degradation. Our studies demonstrate that chemical alteration of surface-exposed moieties can confer gain-of-function glue properties to an inhibitor, and we propose this as a broader strategy through which target-binding molecules could be converted into molecular glues

    The Mu3e Data Acquisition

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    The Mu3e experiment aims to find or exclude the lepton flavor violating decay μ+→e+e−e+ with a sensitivity of one in 10 16 muon decays. The first phase of the experiment is currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Switzerland), where beams with up to 10 8 muons per second are available. The detector will consist of an ultra-thin pixel tracker made from High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) , complemented by scintillating tiles and fibers for precise timing measurements. The experiment produces about 100Gbit/s of zero-suppressed data, which are transported to a filter farm using a network of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and fast optical links. On the filter farm, tracks and three-particle vertices are reconstructed using highly parallel algorithms running on graphics processing units, leading to a reduction of the data to 100 Mbyte/s for mass storage and offline analysis. This article introduces the system design and hardware implementation of the Mu3e data acquisition and filter farm

    Degradation of GSPT1 causes TP53-independent cell death in leukemia whilst sparing normal hematopoietic stem cells

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    Targeted protein degradation is a rapidly advancing and expanding therapeutic approach. Drugs that degrade GSPT1 via the CRL4CRBN ubiquitin ligase are a new class of cancer therapy in active clinical development with evidence of activity against acute myeloid leukemia in early phase trials. However, other than activation of the integrated stress response, the downstream effects of GSPT1 degradation leading to cell death are largely undefined, and no murine models are available to study these agents. We identified the domains of GSPT1 essential for cell survival and show that GSPT1 degradation leads to impaired translation termination, activation of the integrated stress response pathway, and TP53-independent cell death. CRISPR-Cas9 screens implicated decreased translation initiation as protective to GSPT1 degradation, suggesting that cells with higher levels of translation are more susceptible to GSPT1 degradation. We defined two Crbn amino acids that prevent Gspt1 degradation in mice, generated a knock-in mouse with alteration of these residues, and demonstrated the efficacy of GSPT1-degrading drugs in vivo with relative sparing of numbers and function of long-term hematopoietic stem cells. Our results provide a mechanistic basis for the use of GSPT1 degraders for the treatment of cancer, including TP53-mutant AML