892 research outputs found

    Finite Element Solution of the Two-dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Using MATLAB

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    The Navier–Stokes equations are fundamental in fluid mechanics. The finite element method has become a popular method for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. In this paper, the Galerkin finite element method was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for two-dimensional steady flow of Newtonian and incompressible fluid with no body forces using MATLAB. The method was applied to the lid-driven cavity problem. The eight-noded rectangular element was used for the formulation of element equations. The velocity components were located at all of 8 nodes and the pressure variable is located at 4 corner of the element. From location of velocity components and pressure, it is obvious that this element consists of 16 unknowns for velocities and 4 unknowns for pressure. As a result, the unknown variables for velocities and pressure are 20 per each element. The quadratic interpolation functions represent velocity components while bilinear interpolation function represents pressure. Finite element codes were developed for implementation. The numerical results were compared with benchmark results from the literature

    Alternate cyclin D1 mRNA splicing modulates P27\u3csup\u3eKlP1\u3c/sup\u3e binding and cell migration

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    Cyclin D1 is an important cell cycle regulator but in cancer its overexpression also increases cellular migration mediated by p27KlP1 stabilization and RhoA inhibition. Recently, a common polymorphism at the exon 4-intron 4 boundary of the human cyclin D1 gene within a splice donor region was associated with an altered risk of developing cancer. Altered RNA splicing caused by this polymorphism gives rise to a variant cyclin D1 isoform termed cyclin D1b, which has the same N-terminus as the canonical cyclin D1a isoform but a distinct C-terminus. In this study we show that these different isoforms have unique properties with regard to the cellular migration function of cyclin D1. Whereas they displayed little difference in transcriptional co-repression assays on idealized reporter genes, microarray cDNA expression analysis revealed differential regulation of genes including those that influence cellular migration. Additionally, while cyclin D1a stabilized p27KIP1 and inhibited RhoA-induced ROCK kinase activity, promoting cellular migration, cyclin D1b failed to stabilize p27KIP1 or inhibit ROCK kinase activity and had no effect on migration. Our findings argue that alternate splicing is an important determinant of the function of cyclin D1 in cellular migration

    Current status and future prospects of rapeseed breeding in India

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    Basic results of applied value were obtained from studies on crosses between self-compatible and incompatible varieties of brown sarson, inter-varietal crosses among brown sarson, yellow sarson and toria, well defined single and three-way crosses and 'multiple cross-multiple pollen' hybrids. Some of the complex hybrids have been advanced to F2 and studies were conducted to test the efficiency of intra-population selective hybridization emphasizing choice of female parents in improving the yield of the populations. It was reported that these basic results are not utilized in the breeding programmes currently in vogue in India. It was pointed out that one of the short-term strategies to tone up the yield level of rapeseed in India is to advocate breeding of composite populations using the methods suggested by basic research. The future of rapeseed can be safeguard by propagating composite populations, advocating the concept of replacement in lieu of regeneration of composites when their yield levels deteriorate and strengthening the breeder-seed-producer-farmer link. Well-defined policies allotting the right priority to rapeseed breeding and advocating mono-and mixed cropping in appropriate areas are the need of the hour to ameliorate the low yield levels of rapeseed

    Pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images using compound scaled deep learning model

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    Pneumonia is the leading cause of death worldwide for children under 5 years of age. For pneumonia diagnosis, chest X-rays are examined by trained radiologists. However, this process is tedious and time-consuming. Biomedical image diagnosis techniques show great potential in medical image examination. A model for the identification of pneumonia, trained on chest X-ray images, has been proposed in this paper. The compound scaled ResNet50, which is the upscaled version of ResNet50, has been used in this paper. ResNet50 is a multilayer layer convolution neural network having residual blocks. As it was very difficult to obtain a sufficiently large dataset for detection tasks, data augmentation techniques were used to increase the training dataset. Transfer learning is also used while training the models. The proposed model could help in detecting the disease and can assist the radiologists in their clinical decision-making process. The model was evaluated and statistically validated to overfitting and generalization errors. Different scores, such as testing accuracy, F1, recall, precision and AUC score, were computed to check the efficacy of the proposed model. The proposed model attained a test accuracy of 98.14% and an AUC score of 99.71 on the test data from the Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center pneumonia dataset

    Child Abuse and Neglect: A Survey on Primary School Teachers of Kanpur City

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    Background: A major public concern in today’s world is child abuse and neglect (CAN). Teachers are in unique position to detect possible cases due to their daily contact with children. To assess the knowledge and awareness on recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect among primary school teachers of Kanpur city.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted among 220 primary school teachers in 19 randomly selected schools of Kanpur city, Uttar Pradesh, India. A structured close ended questionnaire prepared in two languages (English and National language Hindi) comprising of 19 questions was used.Results: CAN was either never or rarely noticed among 47.3%. The criteria of recognizing the CAN was known by 57% and 90% felt comfortable considering an expert opinion in their schools and so can report confidently. Training to identify CAN was provided by school administration (36.4%) and was done on monthly basis (34.5%).Conclusion: Findings highlight the need for enhancing teacher’s education in CAN, as by reporting suspected CAN, teachers can make an important contribution to the early detection and prevention of child abuse

    Morphological adaptation in an energy efficient vibration-based robot

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    Morphological computation is a concept relevant to robots made of soft and elastic materials. It states that robot's rich dynamics can be exploited to generate desirable behaviors, which can be altered when their morphology is adapted accordingly. This paper presents a low-cost robot made of elastic curved beam driven by a motor, with morphological computation and adaptation ability. Simply by changing robot's shape and the rotating frequency of the motor that vibrates the robot's body, the robot is able to shift its behavior from showing a tendency to slide when it needs to perform tasks like going under confined space, to have more tendency to hop diagonally forward when the robot stands upright. It will also be shown that based on the proposed mechanism, the energy efficiency of the robot locomotion can be maximized

    Ferroelectric photovoltaic properties in doubly substituted (Bi0.9La0.1)(Fe0.97Ta0.03)O3 thin films

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    This work was supported by the DOE-EPSCoR Grant No. DE-FG02-08ER46526. Acknowledgment is also due to NSF Grant No. #1002410 for providing fellowships to R.K.K., D.B., and J.S.Y.Doubly substituted [Bi0.9La0.1][Fe0.97Ta0.03]O3 (BLFTO) films were fabricated on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The ferroelectric photovoltaic properties of ZnO:Al/BLFTO/Pt thin film capacitor structures were evaluated under white light illumination. The open circuit voltage and short circuit current density were observed to be ∼0.20 V and ∼1.35 mA/cm2, respectively. The band gap of the films was determined to be ∼2.66 eV, slightly less than that of pure BiFeO3 (2.67 eV). The PVproperties of BLFTO thin films were also studied for various pairs of planar electrodes in different directions in polycrystalline thin films.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Unipolar resistive switching in planar Pt/BiFeO3/Pt structure

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    This work was supported by the NASA EPSCoR Grant # NNX13AB22A. Financial support to various researchers from IFN-NSF grant # EPS 1002410 (RSK, DB, YS and BRW) is gratefully acknowledged. S. K. is thankful to UGC, India for a Raman fellowship under Indo-US 21st century knowledge initiatives (No:5-53/2013(I.C)).We report unipolar resistive switching suitable for nonvolatile memory applications in polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin films in planar electrode configuration with non-overlapping Set and Reset voltages, On/Off resistance ratio of similar to 10(4) and good data retention (verified for up to 3,000 s). We have also observed photovoltaic response in both high and low resistance states, where the photocurrent density was about three orders of magnitude higher in the low resistance state as compared to the high resistance state at an illumination power density of similar to 100 mW/cm(2). Resistive switching mechanisms in both resistance states of the planar device can be explained by using the conduction filament (thermo-chemical) model. (C) 2015 Author(s).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe