42 research outputs found

    Heme-protein vibrational couplings in cytochrome c provide a dynamic link that connects the heme-iron and the protein surface

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    The active site of cytochrome c (Cyt c) consists of a heme covalently linked to a pentapeptide segment (Cys-X-X-Cys-His), which provides a link between the heme and the protein surface, where the redox partners of Cyt c bind. To elucidate the vibrational properties of heme c, nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) measurements were performed on 57Fe-labeled ferric Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c 552, including 13C8-heme-, 13C 515N-Met-, and 13C15N-polypeptide (pp)-labeled samples, revealing heme-based vibrational modes in the 200- to 450-cm-1 spectral region. Simulations of the NRVS spectra of H. thermophilus cytochrome c552 allowed for a complete assignment of the Fe vibrational spectrum of the protein-bound heme, as well as the quantitative determination of the amount of mixing between local heme vibrations and pp modes from the Cys-X-XCys-His motif. These results provide the basis to propose that heme-pp vibrational dynamic couplings play a role in electron transfer (ET) by coupling vibrations of the heme directly to vibrations of the pp at the protein - protein interface. This could allow for the direct transduction of the thermal (vibrational) energy from the protein surface to the heme that is released on protein/protein complex formation, or it could modulate the heme vibrations in the protein/protein complex to minimize reorganization energy. Both mechanisms lower energy barriers for ET. Notably, the conformation of the distal Met side chain is fine-tuned in the protein to localize heme-pp mixed vibrations within the 250-to 400-cm-1 spectral region. These findings point to a particular orientation of the distal Met that maximizes ET

    Analysis of LhcSR3, a Protein Essential for Feedback De-Excitation in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    To prevent photodamage by excess light, plants use different proteins to sense pH changes and to dissipate excited energy states. In green microalgae, however, the LhcSR3 gene product is able to perform both pH sensing and energy quenching functions

    Models and measurements of energy-dependent quenching

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    Energy-dependent quenching (qE) in photosystem II (PSII) is a pH-dependent response that enables plants to regulate light harvesting in response to rapid fluctuations in light intensity. In this review, we aim to provide a physical picture for understanding the interplay between the triggering of qE by a pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane and subsequent changes in PSII. We discuss how these changes alter the energy transfer network of chlorophyll in the grana membrane and allow it to switch between an unquenched and quenched state. Within this conceptual framework, we describe the biochemical and spectroscopic measurements and models that have been used to understand the mechanism of qE in plants with a focus on measurements of samples that perform qE in response to light. In addition, we address the outstanding questions and challenges in the field. One of the current challenges in gaining a full understanding of qE is the difficulty in simultaneously measuring both the photophysical mechanism of quenching and the physiological state of the thylakoid membrane. We suggest that new experimental and modeling efforts that can monitor the many processes that occur on multiple timescales and length scales will be important for elucidating the quantitative details of the mechanism of qE

    Effects of Protein Structure on Iron–Polypeptide Vibrational Dynamic Coupling in Cytochrome <i>c</i>

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    Cytochrome <i>c</i> (Cyt <i>c</i>) has a heme covalently bound to the polypeptide via a Cys-X-X-Cys-His (CXXCH) linker that is located in the interface region for protein–protein interactions. To determine whether the polypeptide matrix influences iron vibrational dynamics, nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) measurements were performed on <sup>57</sup>Fe-labeled ferric <i>Hydrogenobacter thermophilus</i> cytochrome <i>c</i>-552, and variants M13V, M13V/K22M, and A7F, which have structural modifications that alter the composition or environment of the CXXCH pentapeptide loop. Simulations of the NRVS data indicate that the 150–325 cm<sup>–1</sup> region is dominated by N<sub>His</sub>–Fe–S<sub>Met</sub> axial ligand and polypeptide motions, while the 325–400 cm<sup>–1</sup> region shows dominant contributions from ν­(Fe–N<sub>Pyr</sub>) (Pyr = pyrrole) and other heme-based modes. Diagnostic spectral signatures that directly relate to structural features of the heme active site are identified using a quantum chemistry-centered normal coordinate analysis (QCC-NCA). In particular, spectral features that directly correlate with CXXCH loop stiffness, the strength of the Fe–His interaction, and the degree of heme distortion are identified. Cumulative results from our investigation suggest that compared to the wild type (wt), variants M13V and M13V/K22M have a more rigid CXXCH pentapeptide segment, a stronger Fe–N<sub>His</sub> interaction, and a more ruffled heme. Conversely, the A7F variant has a more planar heme and a weaker Fe–N<sub>His</sub> bond. These results are correlated to the observed changes in reduction potential between wt protein and the variants studied here. Implications of these results for Cyt <i>c</i> biogenesis and electron transfer are also discussed