1,513 research outputs found

    Pacific bonito management information document

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    Management of Pacific bonito in California is examined in this Management Information Document by a State-Federal team of scientists. Abundance of Pacific bonito in southern California has fallen dramatically between the 1963-1969 period and the 1974-1977 period. Since 1976 the commercia1 fleet has found few large fish in southern California, and has caught fish in the size range of 15 to 57 cm (1.2 to 4.7 pounds). This fact, coupled with the low abundance indices, point out the need for a more active management regime. To develop management measures for the California bonito fishery both a surplus yield analysis and a yield-per-recruit analysis were performed. A maximum sustained yield of 10,000 short tons was estimated for the fishery in southern California, while the whole fishery, including Baja California, has an estimated MSY of 13,000 tons. In order to achieve this level of catch, however, the stock abundance must be increased by a factor of five. Yield-per-recruit considerations suggest that a minimum size limit in the commercial fishery has two important effects. A three-pound size limit could result in a slight increase in yield-per-recruit. If the size limit is increased to 5 or 7.5 lbs, the yield-per-recruit would fall significantly. Offsetting the effect on yield-per-recruit, however, would be a substantial increase in average amount of spawning per recruit which should result in a proportional increase in recruitment. With the current depressed stock abundance both a reduced annual take and a minimum size limit on commercial catch would confer substantial benefits in the form of an increase in the future stock size. After considering seven different types of management measures, the team finds that three types -- an annual commercial catch quota, a commercial size limit, and a recreational bag limit -- appear desirable. Re-establishment of the stock in southern California was the major consideration in this evaluation because the stock is currently depressed. All segments of the fishery will benefit from a more abundant resource. The difficult issues for policy, however, concern the rate of rebuilding, the degree of risk that is acceptable, and the distribution of benefits among user groups. By judicious choice among the options discussed here, a variety of positions can be established with respect to these issues. The greater the size limit, for instance, the more benefit is provided the recreational sector while difficulties are imposed upon commercial fishermen. The higher the quotas adopted, the slower the stock rebuilding and the greater the risk of continued stock depletion. A final reconciliation of the management options involves social, political and legal considerations which must be thoroughly incorporated by decision-makers before adoption of a management plan. (93pp.

    Direct Estimation of Evoked Hemoglobin Changes by Multimodality Fusion Imaging

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    In the last two decades, both diffuse optical tomography (DOT) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD)-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods have been developed as noninvasive tools for imaging evoked cerebral hemodynamic changes in studies of brain activity. Although these two technologies measure functional contrast from similar physiological sources, i.e., changes in hemoglobin levels, these two modalities are based on distinct physical and biophysical principles leading to both limitations and strengths to each method. In this work, we describe a unified linear model to combine the complimentary spatial, temporal, and spectroscopic resolutions of concurrently measured optical tomography and fMRI signals. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that concurrent optical and BOLD measurements can be used to create cross-calibrated estimates of absolute micromolar deoxyhemoglobin changes. We apply this new analysis tool to experimental data acquired simultaneously with both DOT and BOLD imaging during a motor task, demonstrate the ability to more robustly estimate hemoglobin changes in comparison to DOT alone, and show how this approach can provide cross-calibrated estimates of hemoglobin changes. Using this multimodal method, we estimate the calibration of the 3tesla BOLD signal to be −0.55%±0.40% signal change per micromolar change of deoxyhemoglobin

    Reverse undercompressive shock structures in driven thin film flow

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    We show experimental evidence of a new structure involving an undercompressive and reverse undercompressive shock for draining films driven by a surface tension gradient against gravity. The reverse undercompressive shock is unstable to transverse perturbations while the leading undercompressive shock is stable. Depending on the pinch-off film thickness, as controlled by the meniscus, either a trailing rarefaction wave or a compressive shock separates from the reverse undercompressive shock

    An efficient quantum algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem in extraspecial groups

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    Extraspecial groups form a remarkable subclass of p-groups. They are also present in quantum information theory, in particular in quantum error correction. We give here a polynomial time quantum algorithm for finding hidden subgroups in extraspecial groups. Our approach is quite different from the recent algorithms presented in [17] and [2] for the Heisenberg group, the extraspecial p-group of size p3 and exponent p. Exploiting certain nice automorphisms of the extraspecial groups we define specific group actions which are used to reduce the problem to hidden subgroup instances in abelian groups that can be dealt with directly.Comment: 10 page

    Lava channel formation during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna: evidence for mechanical erosion

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    We report the direct observation of a peculiar lava channel that was formed near the base of a parasitic cone during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna. Erosive processes by flowing lava are commonly attributed to thermal erosion. However, field evidence strongly suggests that models of thermal erosion cannot explain the formation of this channel. Here, we put forward the idea that the essential erosion mechanism was abrasive wear. By applying a simple model from tribology we demonstrate that the available data agree favorably with our hypothesis. Consequently, we propose that erosional processes resembling the wear phenomena in glacial erosion are possible in a volcanic environment.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Equations by a Strongly Implicit Finite-Difference Scheme

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    We discuss the numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations, exhibiting finite speed of propagation, via a strongly implicit finite-difference scheme with formal truncation error O[(Δx)2+(Δt)2]\mathcal{O}\left[(\Delta x)^2 + (\Delta t)^2 \right]. Our application of interest is the spreading of viscous gravity currents in the study of which these type of differential equations arise. Viscous gravity currents are low Reynolds number (viscous forces dominate inertial forces) flow phenomena in which a dense, viscous fluid displaces a lighter (usually immiscible) fluid. The fluids may be confined by the sidewalls of a channel or propagate in an unconfined two-dimensional (or axisymmetric three-dimensional) geometry. Under the lubrication approximation, the mathematical description of the spreading of these fluids reduces to solving the so-called thin-film equation for the current's shape h(x,t)h(x,t). To solve such nonlinear parabolic equations we propose a finite-difference scheme based on the Crank--Nicolson idea. We implement the scheme for problems involving a single spatial coordinate (i.e., two-dimensional, axisymmetric or spherically-symmetric three-dimensional currents) on an equispaced but staggered grid. We benchmark the scheme against analytical solutions and highlight its strong numerical stability by specifically considering the spreading of non-Newtonian power-law fluids in a variable-width confined channel-like geometry (a "Hele-Shaw cell") subject to a given mass conservation/balance constraint. We show that this constraint can be implemented by re-expressing it as nonlinear flux boundary conditions on the domain's endpoints. Then, we show numerically that the scheme achieves its full second-order accuracy in space and time. We also highlight through numerical simulations how the proposed scheme accurately respects the mass conservation/balance constraint.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, Springer book class; v2 includes improvements and corrections; to appear as a contribution in "Applied Wave Mathematics II

    Ligand selectivity in stabilising tandem parallel folded G-quadruplex motifs in human telomeric DNA sequences

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    Biophysical studies of ligand interactions with three human telomeric repeat sequences (d(AGGG(TTAGGG)n, n = 3, 7 and 11)) show that an oxazole-based ‘click’ ligand, which induces parallel folded quadruplexes, preferentially stabilises longer telomeric repeats providing evidence for selectivity in binding at the interface between tandem quadruplex motifs

    Modelling intrusions through quiescent and moving ambients

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    Volcanic eruptions commonly produce buoyant ash-laden plumes that rise through the stratified atmosphere. On reaching their level of neutral buoyancy, these plumes cease rising and transition to horizontally spreading intrusions. Such intrusions occur widely in density-stratified fluid environments, and in this paper we develop a shallow-layer model that governs their motion. We couple this dynamical model to a model for particle transport and sedimentation, to predict both the time-dependent distribution of ash within volcanic intrusions and the flux of ash that falls towards the ground. In an otherwise quiescent atmosphere, the intrusions spread axisymmetrically. We find that the buoyancy-inertial scalings previously identified for continuously supplied axisymmetric intrusions are not realised by solutions of the governing equations. By calculating asymptotic solutions to our model we show that the flow is not self-similar, but is instead time-dependent only in a narrow region at the front of the intrusion. This non-self-similar behaviour results in the radius of the intrusion growing with time \textrm3/4,ratherthan2/3 , rather than \textrm2/3 as suggested previously. We also identify a transition to drag-dominated flow, which is described by a similarity solution with radial growth now proportional to \textrm5/9$ . In the presence of an ambient wind, intrusions are not axisymmetric. Instead, they are predominantly advected downstream, while at the same time spreading laterally and thinning vertically due to persistent buoyancy forces. We show that close to the source, this lateral spreading is in a buoyancy-inertial regime, whereas far downwind, the horizontal buoyancy forces that drive the spreading are balanced by drag. Our results emphasise the important role of buoyancy-driven spreading, even at large distances from the source, in the formation of the flowing thin horizontally extensive layers of ash that form in the atmosphere as a result of volcanic eruptions

    Amplitude equations for a system with thermohaline convection

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    The multiple scale expansion method is used to derive amplitude equations for a system with thermohaline convection in the neighborhood of Hopf and Taylor bifurcation points and at the double zero point of the dispersion relation. A complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, a Newell-Whitehead-type equation, and an equation of the Ï•4\phi^4 type, respectively, were obtained. Analytic expressions for the coefficients of these equations and their various asymptotic forms are presented. In the case of Hopf bifurcation for low and high frequencies, the amplitude equation reduces to a perturbed nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. In the high-frequency limit, structures of the type of "dark" solitons are characteristic of the examined physical system.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure
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