3,760 research outputs found

    Perceived attachment and problematic smartphone use in young people: mediating effects of self-regulation and prosociality

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    Background: Problematic use of smartphones is a challenge facing societies around the world. This phenomenon has been associated with negative socialization experiences through the impact they have on how the youth relates to their environment. This study was designed to examine parental and peer attachment, self-efficacy and prosocial reasoning as predictors of different attitudes towards online communication and problematic smartphone use. Method: 561 youth aged 14-20 years (Mage= 17.82; SD= 1.64; 67.7% Female) participated in an online survey. Results: Results indicated that an increase in self-efficacy or prosocial reasoning is correlated with a decrease in problematic smartphone use and attitudes towards online communication aimed at avoiding reality or constructing a more comfortable parallel social reality. Attachment to parents and peers had direct and indirect effects on problematic smartphone use and attitudes toward online communication through youth personal and social adjustment. Conclusions: Attachment plays a relevant role in the symptoms reduction of smartphone addiction and attitudes to online communication in youth, through its impact on self-efficacy perceptions and prosocial reasoning

    Molecular typing and antimicrobial resistance profiling of 33 mastitis-related Staphylococcus aureus isolates from cows in the Comarca Lagunera region of Mexico

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    Mastitis in cows is a major cause of economic losses and it is commonly associated with Staphylococcus aureus. Little is known about the S. aureus lineages causing mastitis in Mexican cattle. The aim of this study was to type S. aureus isolates causing mastitis in cows from the Comarca Lagunera region in Mexico in 2015-2016. Multi-locus variable number tandem repeat fingerprinting (MLVF) of 33 S. aureus isolates obtained from 210 milk samples revealed the MLVF clusters A (n = 1), B (n = 26), C (n = 5) and D (n = 1). Spa-typing showed that clusters A and B represent the spa-type t224, cluster C includes spa-types t3196 and t416, and cluster D represents spa-type t114. The different spa-types were mirrored by the masses of protein A bands as detected by Western blotting. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed that one isolate was susceptible to all antimicrobials tested, whereas all other strains were resistant only to benzylpenicillin. These findings show that only four S. aureus lineages, susceptible to most antimicrobials, were responsible for causing mastitis at the time of sampling. Lastly, many isolates carried the same small plasmid, designated pSAM1. The high prevalence of pSAM1 amongst the antimicrobial-susceptible isolates suggests an association with bovine colonization or mastitis rather than antimicrobial resistance

    Metric Dimension of Maximal Outerplanar Graphs

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    In this paper, we study the metric dimension problem in maximal outerplanar graphs. Concretely, if β(G) denotes the metric dimension of a maximal outerplanar graph G of order n, we prove that 2≤β(G)≤⌈2n5⌉ and that the bounds are tight. We also provide linear algorithms to decide whether the metric dimension of G is 2 and to build a resolving set S of size ⌈2n5⌉ for G. Moreover, we characterize all maximal outerplanar graphs with metric dimension 2

    Universidad y empresa: un binomio de responsabilidad social en el siglo XXI

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    Este artículo de revisión resultado de investigación en el tema, la cual posibilitó la articulación de empresarios e investigadores, tiene como propósito el rastreo de las tendencias teóricas conceptuales sobre la responsabilidad social que deben cumplir la universidad y la empresa frente a la formación de profesionales y al desarrollo regional. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión documental bibliográ.ca en cuyos objetivos estudian la relación universidad–empresa y su responsabilidad social en los diez últimos años. Resultados: La responsabilidad social de la universidad se asume desde su vinculación con el entorno, donde su misión se centra en la formación de profesionales y el desarrollo e innovación del conocimiento. Por su parte, la responsabilidad social de la empresa es una exigencia del contexto, constituyéndose en valor agregado, y en ventaja competitiva que le permite posicionarse en su campo. Conclusión: La relación Universidad-Empresa está rodeada de agentes activos y reactivos que determinan interrelaciones necesarias para su evolución

    Pharmacological Opportunities for Prevention of Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a disorder that occurs during pregnancy, it has an estimated worldwide prevalence of 5–8%, being one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Currently, different diagnostic criteria exist, however, due to its complexity; the clinical presentation that makes up this syndrome could make its presence unclear. The pathophysiology of PE has been recently postulated and divided into three processes: inadequate uterine remodeling, placental dysfunction and maternal endothelial dysfunction. Despite the advances in the treatment of PE, the outcome of the medical interventions has failed to decrease the morbidity and mortality of this disease. The main reason might be the multifactorial origin of pathogenic processes that lead to the development of PE. That is why treatment is focused on the prevention of PE in patients that might present the risk before developing it late in pregnancy. The knowledge of the pathophysiological factors that trigger the processes that culminate in the presentation of PE, is key for prevention of this disease. However, the origin of these processes is poorly understood. It may be attributed to the ethical considerations that come with the study of these population of patients compared with the study of non-pregnant women

    Tratamiento de Flegmasía Cerúlea Dolens con Trombólisis; Reporte de Caso

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    La Flegmasía Cerúlea Dolens es una complicación rara y severa de la trombosis venosa profunda, que se manifiesta clínicamente con edema profuso, dolor y cianosis del miembro inferior afectado. La obstrucción masiva del sistema venoso determina un aumento de la presión de los compartimentos de la extremidad, que finalmente compromete la circulación arterial. Su tratamiento debe ser agresivo para evitar la gangrena y/o la muerte. Presentamos el caso de una paciente atendida en la Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Armenia – Colombia, quien consultó por cuadro clínico de edema progresivo en miembro inferior izquierdo, encontrando cambios isquémicos en falanges distales y edema grado III en miembro inferior izquierdo, con reporte de dúplex venoso con trombosis venosa profunda iliofemoral extensa izquierda y dúplex arterial con reducción de los flujos arteriales secundario a edema severo de tejidos blandos, se indica flebografía con trombólisis venosa por catéter regional en miembro inferior izquierdo con infusión continua de trombolítico. Con respectivos controles angiográficos a las 24 y 48 horas con recanalización del 80% de las venas iliaca, femoral y poplítea, se suspendió infusión y se retiró catéter, continuó anticoagulación con heparina no fraccionada hasta lograr paso a anticoagulación oral con posterior egreso hospitalario dado su evolución satisfactoria

    Clinical Trials in Pregnant Women with Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is the leading cause of preterm birth by medical indication when associated with premature detachment of placenta normoinserta, and Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with high perinatal morbidity and mortality and long-term sequelae. The main problem of PE is threefold: the diagnostic difficulty, the complicated interrelationship of the pathophysiological processes, and the vulnerability of the maternal-fetal binomial to the therapeutic interventions. The approach for management with PE is preventing its late occurrence in pregnancy. The key to preventing PE is knowledge of the factors that trigger the pathophysiological processes that culminate in the presentation of PE. Understanding the developmental characteristics of the placenta in pregnancy at high risk for PE is essential for understanding the pathophysiology and developing strategies for prevention. When deciding that the population of study is a group of pregnant women, the first ethical criteria that need to be reviewed are those aimed at the protection of the fetus. There are no specific guidelines on how to assess fetal well-being during pregnancy routinely in the clinic, and this deficiency is shifted to clinical research with pregnant women
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