175 research outputs found

    The Effect of Inquiry Learning Strategy versus Expository and Achievement Motivation ON THE Students’ Outcomes in Reading Fiction of Critical Literacy Approach

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    the aims of this research are to know (1) the difference of students’ outcomes in reading fiction of critical literacy approach between the students taught by inquiry learning strategy and expository learning strategy; (2) the difference of students’ outcomes in reading fiction of critical literacy approach between the students who have high achievement motivation and low achievement motivation; and (3) the interaction between the learning strategy and achievement motivation and the students ‘outcomes in reading fiction of critical literacy approach. The type of this research is factorial approach experiment 2 x 2. The subjects of this research are the students of education of language and Indonesian literary study program, Teachers Training Faculty UNDANA Kupang, consisting of two parallel classes, namely 32 students of experiment group (inquiry) and 31 students of control group (expository) with moderator variable achievement motivation (high and low). The data of research result is processed by ANOVA statistical analysis. The result of research indicates that (1) the use of inquiry learning strategy is more excellent (mean 76,35) comparing to expository learning strategy (mean 71,38) to the students’ outcomes in reading fiction of critical literacy approach; (2) there is a difference of significant students ‘outcomes between the students with high achievement motivation (mean 76,82) and the students with low achievement motivation (mean 70,53); and (3) there is no significant interaction between the learning strategy and achievement motivati

    The nature of the memory trace and its neurocomputational implications

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    The brain processes underlying cognitive tasks must be very robust. Disruptions such as the destruction of large numbers of neurons, or the impact of alcohol and lack of sleep do not have negative effects except when they occur in an extreme form. This robustness implies that the parameters determining the functioning of networks of individual neurons must have large ranges or there must exist stabilizing mechanisms that keep the functioning of a network within narrow bounds. The simulation of a minimal neuronal architecture necessary to study cognitive tasks is described, which consists of a loop of three cell-assemblies. A crucial factor in this architecture is the critical threshold of a cell-assembly. When activated at a level above the critical threshold, the activation in a cell-assembly is subject to autonomous growth, which leads to an oscillation in the loop. When activated below the critical threshold, excitation gradually extinguishes. In order to circumvent the large parameter space of spiking neurons, a rate-dependent model of neuronal firing was chosen. The resulting parameter space of 12 parameters was explored by means of a genetic algorithm. The ranges of the parameters for which the architecture produced the required oscillations and extinctions, turned out to be relatively narrow. These ranges remained narrow when a stabilizing mechanism, controlling the total amount of activation, was introduced. The architecture thus shows chaotic behaviour. Given the overall stability of the operation of the brain, it can be concluded that there must exist other mechanisms that make the network robust. Three candidate mechanisms are discussed: synaptic scaling, synaptic homeostasis, and the synchronization of neural spikes

    Oxygen radical-mediated oxidation reactions of an alanine peptide motif - density functional theory and transition state theory study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oxygen-base (O-base) oxidation in protein backbone is important in the protein backbone fragmentation due to the attack from reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, an alanine peptide was used model system to investigate this O-base oxidation by employing density functional theory (DFT) calculations combining with continuum solvent model. Detailed reaction steps were analyzed along with their reaction rate constants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most of the O-base oxidation reactions for this alanine peptide are exothermic except for the bond-breakage of the C<sub>α</sub>-N bond to form hydroperoxy alanine radical. Among the reactions investigated in this study, the activated energy of OH α-H abstraction is the lowest one, while the generation of alkylperoxy peptide radical must overcome the highest energy barrier. The aqueous situation facilitates the oxidation reactions to generate hydroxyl alanine peptide derivatives except for the fragmentations of alkoxyl alanine peptide radical. The C<sub>α</sub>-C<sub>β </sub>bond of the alkoxyl alanine peptide radical is more labile than the peptide bond.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>the rate-determining step of oxidation in protein backbone is the generation of hydroperoxy peptide radical via the reaction of alkylperoxy peptide radical with HO<sub>2</sub>. The stabilities of alkylperoxy peptide radical and complex of alkylperoxy peptide radical with HO<sub>2 </sub>are crucial in this O-base oxidation reaction.</p

    Aβ Mediated Diminution of MTT Reduction—An Artefact of Single Cell Culture?

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    The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide (MTT) reduction assay is a frequently used and easily reproducible method to measure beta-amyloid (Aβ) toxicity in different types of single cell culture. To our knowledge, the influence of Aβ on MTT reduction has never been tested in more complex tissue. Initially, we reproduced the disturbed MTT reduction in neuron and astroglia primary cell cultures from rats as well as in the BV2 microglia cell line, utilizing four different Aβ species, namely freshly dissolved Aβ (25-35), fibrillar Aβ (1-40), oligomeric Aβ (1-42) and oligomeric Aβ (1-40). In contrast to the findings in single cell cultures, none of these Aβ species altered MTT reduction in rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (OHC). Moreover, application of Aβ to acutely isolated hippocampal slices from adult rats and in vivo intracerebroventricular injection of Aβ also did not influence the MTT reduction in the respective tissue. Failure of Aβ penetration into the tissue cannot explain the differences between single cells and the more complex brain tissue. Thus electrophysiological investigations disclosed an impairment of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices from rat by application of oligomeric Aβ (1-40), but not by freshly dissolved Aβ (25-35) or fibrillar Aβ (1-40). In conclusion, the experiments revealed a glaring discrepancy between single cell cultures and complex brain tissue regarding the effect of different Aβ species on MTT reduction. Particularly, the differential effect of oligomeric versus other Aβ forms on LTP was not reflected in the MTT reduction assay. This may indicate that the Aβ oligomer effect on synaptic function reflected by LTP impairment precedes changes in formazane formation rate or that cells embedded in a more natural environment in the tissue are less susceptible to damage by Aβ, raising cautions against the consideration of single cell MTT reduction activity as a reliable assay in Alzheimer's drug discovery studies

    A Model of Late Long-Term Potentiation Simulates Aspects of Memory Maintenance

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    Late long-term potentiation (L-LTP) appears essential for the formation of long-term memory, with memories at least partly encoded by patterns of strengthened synapses. How memories are preserved for months or years, despite molecular turnover, is not well understood. Ongoing recurrent neuronal activity, during memory recall or during sleep, has been hypothesized to preferentially potentiate strong synapses, preserving memories. This hypothesis has not been evaluated in the context of a mathematical model representing biochemical pathways important for L-LTP. I incorporated ongoing activity into two such models: a reduced model that represents some of the essential biochemical processes, and a more detailed published model. The reduced model represents synaptic tagging and gene induction intuitively, and the detailed model adds activation of essential kinases by Ca. Ongoing activity was modeled as continual brief elevations of [Ca]. In each model, two stable states of synaptic weight resulted. Positive feedback between synaptic weight and the amplitude of ongoing Ca transients underlies this bistability. A tetanic or theta-burst stimulus switches a model synapse from a low weight to a high weight stabilized by ongoing activity. Bistability was robust to parameter variations. Simulations illustrated that prolonged decreased activity reset synapses to low weights, suggesting a plausible forgetting mechanism. However, episodic activity with shorter inactive intervals maintained strong synapses. Both models support experimental predictions. Tests of these predictions are expected to further understanding of how neuronal activity is coupled to maintenance of synaptic strength.Comment: Accepted to PLoS One. 8 figures at en

    A reafferent and feed-forward model of song syntax generation in the Bengalese finch

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    Adult Bengalese finches generate a variable song that obeys a distinct and individual syntax. The syntax is gradually lost over a period of days after deafening and is recovered when hearing is restored. We present a spiking neuronal network model of the song syntax generation and its loss, based on the assumption that the syntax is stored in reafferent connections from the auditory to the motor control area. Propagating synfire activity in the HVC codes for individual syllables of the song and priming signals from the auditory network reduce the competition between syllables to allow only those transitions that are permitted by the syntax. Both imprinting of song syntax within HVC and the interaction of the reafferent signal with an efference copy of the motor command are sufficient to explain the gradual loss of syntax in the absence of auditory feedback. The model also reproduces for the first time experimental findings on the influence of altered auditory feedback on the song syntax generation, and predicts song- and species-specific low frequency components in the LFP. This study illustrates how sequential compositionality following a defined syntax can be realized in networks of spiking neurons

    Effect of Skin Wine Pomace and Sulfite on Protein Oxidation in Beef Patties During High Oxygen Atmosphere Storage

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    Meat storage in high oxygen atmosphere has been reported to induce protein oxidation reactions decreasing meat quality. The incorporation of antioxidants has been proposed to reduce the extent of these reactions. In this study, the ability of red and white skin wine pomaces as well as sulfites to inhibit protein oxidation were tested in beef patties stored for up to 15 days at 4 °C in a high oxygen atmosphere (70 % O2 and 30 % CO2). SO2 (300 ppm) effectively protected against protein oxidation measured as radical formation by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, as thiol loss by the DTNB assay and as myosin heavy chain (MHC) disulfide crosslinking by SDS-PAGE. Pomace from red wine production with a total phenol of 9.9 mg gallic acid equivalent/g protected against protein radical formation and against MHC crosslinking, but not against thiol loss by addition of 2.0 % (w/w) to the beef patties. Pomace from white wine production with a total phenol of 4.0 mg gallic acid equivalent/g only protected against MHC cross-linking. For both types of wine pomace, protein modifications not seen for sulfite addition were observed and were proposed to involve covalent phenol addition to proteins. Red wine pomace may be an alternative to sulfite as a meat additive for protection of beef patties against protein oxidation.Autonomous Government of Castilla y León through the research projects (BU268A11-2 and BU282U13) and the Danish Council for Independent Research |Technology and Production within the Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation for granting the project entitled: BAntioxidant mechanisms of natural phenolic compounds against protein cross-link formation in meat and meat systems^ (11-117033)