5,717 research outputs found

    Earth-to-orbit transportation for solar power satellites

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    The cargo transport capability and the cost of space transportation operations for transportation of solar power satellites (SPS) to space are addressed. The history of SPS launch vehicle evolution is shown. Alternative vehicle designs developed include: (1) a parallel burn, crossfeed configuration; (2) single stage to orbit airbreathing/rocket runway takeoff vehicle concept; and (3) a smaller HLLV concept. The smaller HLLV was analyzed to compare the nonrecurring cost benefits of a less challenging development with the recurring cost increases expected due to losses in efficiency associated with smaller vehicle size. The vehicle payload bay size was selected to be adequate to accommodate the SPS transmitter subarrays fully assembled. The resulting vehicle design is compared with the shuttle, the Saturn V, and the reference SPS HLLV. A nonrecurring savings of at least five billion dollars was obtained with a recurring cost penalty of 3% per SPS. The environmental benefits of the small vehicle were deemed more important than the slight increase in upper atmosphere propellant deposition. It is recommended that the small HLLV be adopted as the SPS reference launch system

    Satellite Power Systems (SPS) concept definition study, exhibit C. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The Department of Energy (DOE) is currently conducting an evaluation of approaches to provide energy to meet demands in the post-2000 time period. The Satellite Power System (SPS) is a candidate for producing significant quantities of base-load power using solar energy as the source. The SPS concept is illustrated for a solar photovoltaic concept. A satellite, located at geosynchronous orbit, converts solar energy to dc electrical energy using large solar arrays. This study is a continuing effort to provide system definition data to aid in the evaluation of the SPS concept

    Emerging SPS Concepts

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    Four technologies were evaluated to determine their effect on Satellite Power System concepts. Two of these technologies, solid-state power amplifiers and magnetrons, are replacements for the Klystrons used for dc to RF conversion on the satellite. A third technology, laser power transmission, transmits the energy at laser frequencies rather than microwave frequencies. The fourth technology, multibandgap solar cells, has the promise of significantly increased solar to dc conversion efficienty as compared to the reference-concept silicon and gallium arsenide solar cells. The design characteristics of concepts resulting from application of these technologies are summarized

    Reducing risk of poor diet quality through food biodiversity

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    The Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity Coefficients of Dilute Neon, Krypton, and Xenon

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    Viscosity and thermoconductivity coefficients of dilute neon, krypton, and xeno

    A Comparison of Nonlinear Algorithms to Prevent Pilot-Induced Oscillations Caused by Actuator Rate Limiting

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    The objective of this study was to compare the ability of the Feedback-with-Bypass (FWB) and the Derivative-Switching (DS) flight control system filters to prevent PIO during actuator rate limiting, and the filters\u27 effects on aircraft handling qualities. This comparison was conducted in three steps: computer simulation, ground simulation in the Large Amplitude Multimode Aerospace Research Simulator (LAMARS), and flight tests conducted in the Variable Stability In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft (VISTA). During computer simulation, the FWB filter better reduced the phase lag and prevented sustained or divergent oscillations during the closed-loop analysis. During both ground simulation and flight tests, the FWB filter was more effective at preventing divergent PIO and improving handling qualities. Overall the FWB filter performed better during all tests


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    Low frequency distortion components of the output voltage of a cycloconverter are largely responsible for the restriction on its practical range: of frequencies, and the object of this thesis is to show that these components can be attenuated by the application of sampling techniques to the control system. After a general description of the operation and control of the cycloconverter, the distortion of the output waveform due to low frequency components is discussed. Under these circumstances, the fundamental repetition frequency of the waveform is less than the wanted output frequency, and two methods of determining it for given input and output frequencies are developed. The characteristics and properties of the low frequency distortion components, and the requirements for attenuating them are analysed. The particular effects on the magnitudes of these components due to operation of the cycloconverter in the inhibited mode, rather than the circulating-current mode, are examined and the requirements for attenuating them are identified. It is shown that the communications engineering processes of pulse width modulation and of natural sampling can be identified in the control of the cycloconverter. Regular sampling is more widely used in communications engineering, and its effect on the low frequency distortion components in the cycloconverter output is compared with natural sampling. A modified control method for the inhibited cycloconverter is then developed to attenuate these components. Digital computer programs were written to test the effect of introducing modifications to the control of the cycloconverter, and the more significant results are given in graphical and tabulated form. An experimental cycloconverter, with an inhibition control circuit designed for this project, was constructed to check the validity of the computer programs. The design details are described, and the experimental results are discussed

    Satellite Power Systems (SPS) concept definition study, exhibit C. Volume 5: Special emphasis studies

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    Specific areas were analyzed and identified as high priority for more in-depth analysis. These areas were: (1) rectenna constructability; (2) satellite constructability; (3) support systems constructability; (4) space environmental analysis, and (5) special end-to-end analyses. Baseline requirements specified coplanar solar blankets and an end mounted antenna, utilizing either GaAlAs solar cells and employing a CR of 2, or Si cells. Several configurations were analyzed. Utilizing the preferred configuration as a baseline, a satellite construction base was defined, precursor operations incident to establishment of orbital support facilities identified, and the satellite construction sequence and procedures developed. Since the baseline specifies sixty instead of one hundred and twenty satellites to be constructed in a thirty year period, mass flow to orbit requirements were revised and new traffic models established. Launch site requirements (exclusive of actual launch operations) in terms of manpower and building space were defined

    Satellite Power Systems (SPS) Concept Definition Study. Volume 1: Executive Summary

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    The evolution of a total satellite power is described as well as major subsystem alternatives. Trade study results are given for satellite concepts, ground receiving antennas, satellite construction sites, and transportation. Point design definition, end-to-end analysis, and programmatics are covered. The GaAlAs photovoltaic concept is recommended as the current preliminary baseline satellite concept with silicon photovoltaic and Rankine cycle solar-thermal concepts as viable alternatives. Geosynchronous orbit is preferred for the construction of the satellite. A horizontal takeoff and landing air breathing rocket HLLV concept is preferred for earth-to-LEO transportation, with vertical takeoff options as viable alternatives. An argon electric orbit transfer vehicle is preferred for cargo transport from LEO and GEO orbit, and a chemical LH2/L02, two-stage orbit transfer vehicle is recommended for crew transport. A stripline rectenna array is the current preferred concept
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