1,952 research outputs found

    Constraints on Warm Dark Matter from Cosmological Reionization

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    We study the constraints that high-redshift structure formation in the universe places on warm dark matter (WDM) dominated cosmological models. We modify the extended Press-Schechter formalism to derive the halo mass function in WDM models. We show that our predictions agree with recent numerical simulations at low redshift over the halo masses of interest. Applying our model to galaxy formation at high redshift, we find that the loss of power on small scales, together with the delayed collapse of low-mass objects, results in strong limits on the root-mean-square velocity dispersion v_rms of the WDM particles at z=0. For fermions decoupling while relativistic, these limits are equivalent to constraints on the mass m_X of the particles. The presence of a 4 billion solar mass black hole at z=5.8, believed to power the quasar SDSS 1044-1215, implies m_X > 0.5 keV (or v_rms < 0.10 km/s), assuming that the quasar is unlensed and radiating at or below the Eddington limit. Reionization by z=5.8 also implies a limit on m_X. If high-redshift galaxies produce ionizing photons with an efficiency similar to their z=3 counterparts, we find m_X > 1.2 keV (or v_rms < 0.03 km/s). However, given the uncertainties in current measurements from the proximity effect of the ionizing background at redshift 3, values of m_X as low as 0.75 keV (v_rms = 0.06 km/s) are not ruled out. The limit weakens further if, instead, the ionizing-photon production efficiency is greater at high z, but this limit will tighten considerably if reionization is shown in the future to have occurred at higher redshifts. WDM models with m_X 0.04 km/s) produce a low-luminosity cutoff in the high-redshift galaxy luminosity function which is directly detectable with the Next Generation Space Telescope (abridged).Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, to appear in ApJ. One figure added, some discussion revise

    On p-adic lattices and Grassmannians

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    It is well-known that the coset spaces G(k((z)))/G(k[[z]]), for a reductive group G over a field k, carry the geometric structure of an inductive limit of projective k-schemes. This k-ind-scheme is known as the affine Grassmannian for G. From the point of view of number theory it would be interesting to obtain an analogous geometric interpretation of quotients of the form G(W(k)[1/p])/G(W(k)), where p is a rational prime, W denotes the ring scheme of p-typical Witt vectors, k is a perfect field of characteristic p and G is a reductive group scheme over W(k). The present paper is an attempt to describe which constructions carry over from the function field case to the p-adic case, more precisely to the situation of the p-adic affine Grassmannian for the special linear group G=SL_n. We start with a description of the R-valued points of the p-adic affine Grassmannian for SL_n in terms of lattices over W(R), where R is a perfect k-algebra. In order to obtain a link with geometry we further construct projective k-subvarieties of the multigraded Hilbert scheme which map equivariantly to the p-adic affine Grassmannian. The images of these morphisms play the role of Schubert varieties in the p-adic setting. Further, for any reduced k-algebra R these morphisms induce bijective maps between the sets of R-valued points of the respective open orbits in the multigraded Hilbert scheme and the corresponding Schubert cells of the p-adic affine Grassmannian for SL_n.Comment: 36 pages. This is a thorough revision, in the form accepted by Math. Zeitschrift, of the previously published preprint "On p-adic loop groups and Grassmannians

    The Thermal Memory of Reionization History

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    The recent measurement by WMAP of a large electron scattering optical depth tau_e = 0.17 +- 0.04 is consistent with a simple model of reionization in which the intergalactic medium (IGM) is ionized at redshift z ~ 15, and remains highly ionized thereafter. Here, we show that existing measurements of the IGM temperature from the Lyman-alpha forest at z ~ 2 - 4 rule out this ``vanilla'' model. Under reasonable assumptions about the ionizing spectrum, as long as the universe is reionized before z = 10, and remains highly ionized thereafter, the IGM reaches an asymptotic thermal state which is too cold compared to observations. To simultaneously satisfy the CMB and forest constraints, the reionization history must be complex: reionization begins early at z >~ 15, but there must have been significant (order unity) changes in fractions of neutral hydrogen and/or helium at 6 < z < 10, and/or singly ionized helium at 4 < z < 10. We describe a physically motivated reionization model that satisfies all current observations. We also explore the impact of a stochastic reionization history and show that a late epoch of (HeII --> HeIII) reionization induces a significant scatter in the IGM temperature, but the scatter diminishes with time quickly. Finally, we provide an analytic formula for the thermal asymptote, and discuss possible additional heating mechanisms that might evade our constraints.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to ApJ, new references, additional discussion on earlier work and partial HeII reionizatio

    Constraints on the Abundance of Highly Ionized Proto-Cluster Regions from the Absence of Large Voids in the Lyman Alpha Forest

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    Energetic feedback processes during the formation of galaxy clusters may have heated and ionized a large fraction of the intergalactic gas in proto-cluster regions. When such a highly ionized hot ``super-bubble'' falls along the sightline to a background quasar, it would be seen as a large void, with little or no absorption, in the Lyman alpha forest. We examine the spectra of 137 quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, to search for such voids, and find no clear evidence of their existence. The size distribution of voids in the range 5-70 Angstrom (corresponding to physical sizes of approximately 3-35 comoving Mpc/h) is consistent with the standard model for the Lyman alpha forest without additional hot bubbles. We adapt a physical model for HII bubble growth during cosmological reionization (Furlanetto, Zaldarriaga and Hernquist 2004), to describe the expected size-distribution of hot super-bubbles at redshift around z = 3. This model incorporates the conjoining of bubbles around individual neighboring galaxies. Using the non-detection of voids, we find that models in which the volume filling factor of hot bubbles exceeds approximately 20 percent at z=3 can be ruled out, primarily because they overproduce the number of large (40-50 Angstrom) voids. We conclude that any pre-heating mechanism that explains galaxy cluster observations must avoid heating the low-density gas in the proto-cluster regions, either by operating relatively recently (z<3) or by depositing entropy in the high-density regions.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 9 emulateapj pages with 3 figure

    Destruction of Molecular Hydrogen During Cosmological Reionization

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    We investigate the ability of primordial gas clouds to retain molecular hydrogen (H_2) during the initial phase of the reionization epoch. We find that before the Stromgren spheres of the individual ionizing sources overlap, the UV background below the ionization threshold is able to penetrate large clouds and suppress their H_2 abundance. The consequent lack of H_2 cooling could prevent the collapse and fragmentation of clouds with virial temperatures T_vir < 10^4 K (or masses 10^8 Msun [(1+z_vir)/10]^{-3/2}). This negative feedback on structure-formation arises from the very first ionizing sources, and precedes the feedback due to the photoionization heating.Comment: 14 pages, uuencoded compressed Postscript, 4 figures included. To appear in Ap

    Lyman alpha emission from the first galaxies: Signatures of accretion and infall in the presence of line trapping

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    The formation of the first galaxies is accompanied by large accretion flows and virialization shocks, during which the gas is shock-heated to temperatures of 104\sim10^4 K, leading to potentially strong fluxes in the Lyman alpha line. Indeed, a number of Lyman alpha blobs has been detected at high redshift. In this letter, we explore the origin of such Lyman alpha emission using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that include a detailed model of atomic hydrogen as a multi-level atom and the effects of line trapping with the adaptive mesh refinement code FLASH. We see that baryons fall into the center of a halo through cold streams of gas, giving rise to a Lyman alpha luminosity of at least 1044ergs1\rm 10^{44} erg s^{-1} at z=4.7\rm z=4.7, similar to observed Lyman alpha blobs. We find that a Lyman alpha flux of 5.0×1017ergcm2s1\rm 5.0\times 10^{-17} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1} emerges from the envelope of the halo rather than its center, where the photons are efficiently trapped. Such emission can be probed in detail with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and will constitute an important probe of gas infall and accretion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS LETTER

    Cross-Correlation Studies between CMB Temperature Anisotropies and 21 cm Fluctuations

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    During the transition from a neutral to a fully reionized universe, scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons via free-electrons leads to a new anisotropy contribution to the temperature distribution. If the reionization process is inhomogeneous and patchy, the era of reionization is also visible via brightness temperature fluctuations in the redshifted 21 cm line emission from neutral Hydrogen. Since regions containing electrons and neutral Hydrogen are expected to trace the same underlying density field, the two are (anti) correlated and this is expected to be reflected in the anisotropy maps via a correlation between arcminute-scale CMB temperature and the 21 cm background. In terms of the angular cross-power spectrum, unfortunately, this correlation is insignificant due to a geometric cancellation associated with second order CMB anisotropies. The same cross-correlation between ionized and neutral regions, however, can be studied using a bispectrum involving large scale velocity field of ionized regions from the Doppler effect, arcminute scale CMB anisotropies during reionization, and the 21 cm background. While the geometric cancellation is partly avoided, the signal-to-noise ratio related to this bispectrum is reduced due to the large cosmic variance related to velocity fluctuations traced by the Doppler effect. Unless the velocity field during reionization can be independently established, it is unlikely that the correlation information related to the relative distribution of ionized electrons and regions containing neutral Hydrogen can be obtained with a combined study involving CMB and 21 cm fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    HeII Recombination Lines From the First Luminous Objects

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    The hardness of the ionizing continuum from the first sources of UV radiation plays a crucial role in the reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM). While usual stellar populations have soft spectra, mini-quasars or metal-free stars with high effective temperatures may emit hard photons, capable of doubly ionizing helium and increasing the IGM temperature. Absorption within the source and in the intervening IGM will render the ionizing continuum of high-redshift sources inaccessible to direct observation. Here we show that HeII recombination lines from the first luminous objects are potentially detectable by the Next Generation Space Telescope. Together with measurements of the hydrogen Balmer alpha emission line, this detection can be used to infer the ratio of HeII to HI ionizing photons. A measurement of this ratio would shed light on the nature and emission mechanism of the first luminous sources, with important astrophysical consequences for the reheating and reionization of the IGM.Comment: ApJ published version. Due to an error in one of the references, the strength of the 1640 A line was underestimated in a previous version; this line is now brighter by a factor of 1

    Constraints on the small-scale power spectrum of density fluctuations from high-redshift gamma-ray bursts

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    Cosmological models that include suppression of the power spectrum of density fluctuations on small scales exhibit an exponential reduction of high-redshift, non-linear structures, including a reduction in the rate of gamma ray bursts (GRBs). Here we quantify the constraints that the detection of distant GRBs would place on structure formation models with reduced small-scale power. We compute the number of GRBs that could be detectable by the Swift satellite at high redshifts (z > 6), assuming that the GRBs trace the cosmic star formation history, which itself traces the formation of non-linear structures. We calibrate simple models of the intrinsic luminosity function of the bursts to the number and flux distribution of GRBs observed by the Burst And Transient Source Experiment (BATSE). We find that a discovery of high-z GRBs would imply strong constraints on models with reduced small-scale power. For example, a single GRB at z > 10, or 10 GRBs at z > 5, discovered by Swift during its scheduled two-year mission, would rule out an exponential suppression of the power spectrum on scales below R_c=0.09 Mpc (exemplified by warm dark matter models with a particle mass of m_x=2 keV). Models with a less sharp suppression of small-scale power, such as those with a red tilt or a running scalar index, n_s, are more difficult to constrain, because they are more degenerate with an increase in the power spectrum normalization, sigma_8, and with models in which star-formation is allowed in low-mass minihalos. We find that a tilt of \delta n_s ~ 0.1 is difficult to detect; however, an observed rate of 1 GRB/yr at z > 12 would yield an upper limit on the running of the spectral index, alpha = d(n_s)/d(ln k) > -0.05.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; Minor changes to match version published in Ap