1,125 research outputs found

    The 158 micron (CII) mapping of galaxies: Probing the atomic medium

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    Using the MPE/UCB Far-infrared Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FIFI) on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO), we have made large scale maps of (CII) in the spiral galaxies NGC 6946, NGC 891, M83 and the peculiar elliptical Cen A, thus allowing for the first time, detailed studies of the spatial distribution of the FIR line emission in external galaxies. We find that the (CII) emission comes from a mixture of components of interstellar gas. The brightest emission is associated with the nuclear regions, a second component traces the spiral arms as seen in the nearly face on spiral galaxies NGC 6946 and M83 and the largest star forming/H2 regions contained within them, and another extended component of low brightness can be detected in all of the galaxies far from the nucleus, beyond the extent of CO emission

    Making SPIFFI SPIFFIER: Upgrade of the SPIFFI instrument for use in ERIS and performance analysis from re-commissioning

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    SPIFFI is an AO-fed integral field spectrograph operating as part of SINFONI on the VLT, which will be upgraded and reused as SPIFFIER in the new VLT instrument ERIS. In January 2016, we used new technology developments to perform an early upgrade to optical subsystems in the SPIFFI instrument so ongoing scientific programs can make use of enhanced performance before ERIS arrives in 2020. We report on the upgraded components and the performance of SPIFFI after the upgrade, including gains in throughput and spatial and spectral resolution. We show results from re-commissioning, highlighting the potential for scientific programs to use the capabilities of the upgraded SPIFFI. Finally, we discuss the additional upgrades for SPIFFIER which will be implemented before it is integrated into ERIS.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Proceedings from SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    GCIRS16SW: a massive eclipsing binary in the Galactic Center

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    We report on the spectroscopic monitoring of GCIRS16SW, an Ofpe/WN9 star and LBV candidate in the central parsec of the Galaxy. SINFONI observations show strong daily spectroscopic changes in the K band. Radial velocities are derived from the HeI 2.112 um line complex and vary regularly with a period of 19.45 days, indicating that the star is most likely an eclipsing binary. Under various assumptions, we are able to derive a mass of ~ 50 Msun for each component.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters accepte

    SINFONI in the Galactic Center: young stars and IR flares in the central light month

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    We report 75 milli-arcsec resolution, near-IR imaging spectroscopy within the central 30 light days of the Galactic Center [...]. To a limiting magnitude of K~16, 9 of 10 stars in the central 0.4 arcsec, and 13 of 17 stars out to 0.7 arcsec from the central black hole have spectral properties of B0-B9, main sequence stars. [...] all brighter early type stars have normal rotation velocities, similar to solar neighborhood stars. We [...] derive improved 3d stellar orbits for six of these S-stars in the central 0.5 arcsec. Their orientations in space appear random. Their orbital planes are not co-aligned with those of the two disks of massive young stars 1-10 arcsec from SgrA*. We can thus exclude [...] that the S-stars as a group inhabit the inner regions of these disks. They also cannot have been located/formed in these disks [...]. [...] we conclude that the S-stars were most likely brought into the central light month by strong individual scattering events. The updated estimate of distance to the Galactic center from the S2 orbit fit is Ro = 7.62 +/- 0.32 kpc, resulting in a central mass value of 3.61 +/- 0.32 x 10^6 Msun. We happened to catch two smaller flaring events from SgrA* [...]. The 1.7-2.45 mum spectral energy distributions of these flares are fit by a featureless, red power law [...]. The observed spectral slope is in good agreement with synchrotron models in which the infrared emission comes from [...] radiative inefficient accretion flow in the central R~10 Rs region.Comment: 50 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ, February 6th, 2005, abstract abridge

    Infalling Gas Towards the Galactic Center

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    VLA maps of ammonia emission were made for the Galactic Center region. The NH3(1,1) and NH3(2,2) transitions were observed in three 2' x 2' fields covering Sgr A* and the region 3' immediately south of it. In the central 3 parsecs surrounding Sgr A* we find emission which appears to be associated with the circumnuclear disk (CND), both morphologically and kinematically. This central emission is connected to a long, narrow 2 pc x 10 pc streamer of clumpy molecular gas located towards the south, which appears to be carrying gas from the nearby 20 km/s giant molecular cloud (GMC) to the circumnuclear region. We find a velocity gradient along the streamer, with progressively higher velocities as the gas approaches Sgr A*. The streamer stops at the location of the CND, where the line width of the NH3 emission increases dramatically. This may be the kinematic signature of accretion onto the CND. The ratio of the NH3(2,2)/NH3(1,1) emission indicates that the gas is heated at the northern tip of the streamer, located inside the eastern edge of the CND. The morphology, kinematics and temperature gradients of the gas all indicate that the southern streamer is located at the Galactic Center and is interacting with the circumnuclear region.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal (figure 1 contours have been corrected

    The Role of Magnetic Field Dissipation in the Black Hole Candidate Sgr A*

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    The compact, nonthermal radio source Sgr A* at the Galactic Center appears to be coincident with a 2.6 million solar mass point-like object. Its energy source may be the release of gravitational energy as gas from the interstellar medium descends into its potential well. Simple attempts at calculating the spectrum and flux based on this picture have come close to the observations, yet have had difficulty in accounting for the low efficiency in this source. There now appear to be two reasons for this low conversion rate: (1) the plasma separates into two temperatures, with the protons attaining a significantly higher temperature than that of the radiating electrons, and (2) the magnetic field, B, is sub-equipartition, which reduces the magnetic bremsstrahlung emissivity, and therefore the overall power of Sgr A*. We investigate the latter with improvement over what has been attempted before: rather than calculating B based on a presumed model, we instead infer its distribution with radius empirically with the requirement that the resulting spectrum matches the observations. Our ansatz for B(r) is motivated in part by earlier calculations of the expected magnetic dissipation rate due to reconnection in a compressed flow. We find reasonable agreement with the observed spectrum of Sgr A* as long as its distribution consists of 3 primary components: an outer equipartition field, a roughly constant field at intermediate radii (~1000 Schwarzschild radii), and an inner dynamo (more or less within the last stable orbit for a non-rotating black hole) which increases B to about 100 Gauss. The latter component accounts for the observed sub-millimiter hump in this source.Comment: 33 pages including 2 figures; submitted to Ap

    Bipolar-Hyper-Shell Galactic Center Statrburst Model: Further Evidence from ROSAT Data and New Radio and X-ray Simulations

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    Using the all-sky ROSAT soft X-ray and 408-MHz radio continuum data, we show that the North Polar Spur and its western and southern counter-spurs draw a giant dumbbell-shape necked at the galactic plane. We interpret these features as due to a shock front originating from a starburst 15 million years ago with a total energy of the order of 1056\sim 10^{56} ergs or 10510^5 type II supernovae. We simulate all-sky distributions of radio continuum and soft X-ray intensities based on the bipolar-hyper-shell galactic center starburst model. The simulations can well reproduce the radio NPS and related spurs, as well as radio spurs in the tangential directions of spiral arms. Simulated X-ray maps in 0.25, 0.75 and 1.5 keV bands reproduce the ROSAT X-ray NPS, its western and southern counter-spurs, and the absorption layer along the galactic plane. We propose to use the ROSAT all-sky maps to probe the physics of gas in the halo-intergalactic interface, and to directly date and measure the energy of a recent Galactic Center starburst.Comment: To appear in ApJ, Latex MS in ApJ macro, 8 figures in jpg (original quality ps figs available on request

    The faint counterparts of MAMBO mm sources near the NTT Deep Field

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    We discuss identifications for 18 sources from our MAMBO 1.2mm survey of the region surrounding the NTT Deep Field. We have obtained accurate positions from Very Large Array 1.4GHz interferometry and in a few cases IRAM mm interferometry, and have also made deep BVRIzJK imaging at ESO. We find thirteen 1.2mm sources associated with optical/near-infrared objects in the magnitude range K=19.0 to 22.5, while five are blank fields at K>22. The median redshift of the radio-identified mm sources is ~2.6 from the radio/mm estimator, and the median optical/near-infrared photometric redshifts for the objects with counterparts ~2.1. This suggests that those radio-identified mm sources without optical/near-infrared counterparts tend to lie at higher redshifts than those with optical/near-infrared counterparts. Compared to published identifications of objects from 850micron surveys of similar depth, the median K and I magnitudes of our counterparts are roughly two magnitudes fainter and the dispersion of I-K colors is less. Real differences in the median redshifts, residual mis-identifications with bright objects, cosmic variance, and small number statistics are likely to contribute to this significant difference, which also affects redshift measurement strategies. We discuss basic properties of the near-infrared/(sub)mm/radio spectral energy distributions of our galaxies and of interferometrically identified submm sources from the literature. From a comparison with submm objects with CO-confirmed spectroscopic redshifts we argue that roughly two thirds of the (sub)mm galaxies are at z>~2.5. This fraction is probably larger when including sources without radio counterparts. (abridged)Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by ApJ. The resolution of figures 2 and 3 has been degraded. A higher quality pdf version of this paper is available at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~dannerb

    Molecular Tracers of the Central 12 pc of the Galactic Center

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    We have used the BIMA array to image the Galactic Center with a 19-pointing mosaic in HCN(1-0), HCO+(1-0), and H 42-alpha emission with 5 km/s velocity resolution and 13'' x 4'' angular resolution. The 5' field includes the circumnuclear ring (CND) and parts of the 20 and 50 km/s clouds. HCN(1-0) and HCO+ trace the CND and nearby giant molecular clouds while the H 42-alpha emission traces the ionized gas in Sgr A West. We find that the CND has a definite outer edge in HCN and HCO+ emission at ~45'' radius and appears to be composed of two or three distinct streams of molecular gas rotating around the nucleus. Outside the CND, HCN and HCO+ trace dense clumps of high-velocity gas in addition to optically thick emission from the 20 and 50 km/s clouds. A molecular ridge of compressed gas and dust, traced in NH3 emission and self-absorbed HCN and HCO+, wraps around the eastern edge of Sgr A East. Just inside this ridge are several arcs of gas which have been accelerated by the impact of Sgr A East with the 50 km/s cloud. HCN and HCO+ emission trace the extension of the northern arm of Sgr A West which appears to be an independent stream of neutral and ionized gas and dust originating outside the CND. Broad line widths and OH maser emission mark the intersection of the northern arm and the CND. Comparison to previous NH3 and 1.2mm dust observations shows that HCN and HCO+ preferentially trace the CND and are weaker tracers of the GMCs than NH3 and dust. We discuss possible scenarios for the emission mechanisms and environment at the Galactic center which could explain the differences in these images.Comment: 24 pages, including 17 figures; to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    The European Large Area ISO Survey II: mid-infrared extragalactic source counts

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    We present preliminary source counts at 6.7um and 15um from the Preliminary Analysis of the European Large Area ISO survey, with limiting flux densities of \~2mJy at 15um & ~1mJy at 6.7um. We separate the stellar contribution from the extragalactic using identifications with APM sources made with the likelihood ratio technique. We quantify the completeness & reliability of our source extraction using (a) repeated observations over small areas, (b) cross-IDs with stars of known spectral type, (c) detections of the PSF wings around bright sources, (d) comparison with independent algorithms. Flux calibration at 15um was performed using stellar IDs; the calibration does not agree with the pre-flight estimates, probably due to effects of detector hysteresis and photometric aperture correction. The 6.7um extragalactic counts are broadly reproduced in the Pearson & Rowan-Robinson model, but the Franceschini et al. (1997) model underpredicts the observed source density by ~0.5-1 dex, though the photometry at 6.7um is still preliminary. At 15um the extragalactic counts are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the Pearson & Rowan-Robinson (1996), Franceschini et al. (1994), Guiderdoni et al. (1997) and the evolving models of Xu et al. (1998), over 7 orders of magnitude in 15um flux density. The counts agree with other estimates from the ISOCAM instrument at overlapping flux densities (Elbaz et al. 1999), provided a consistent flux calibration is used. Luminosity evolution at a rate of (1+z)^3, incorporating mid-IR spectral features, provides a better fit to the 15um differential counts than (1+z)^4 density evolution. No-evolution models are excluded, and implying that below around 10mJy at 15um the source counts become dominated by an evolving cosmological population of dust-shrouded starbursts and/or active galaxies.Comment: MNRAS in press. 14 pages, uses BoxedEPS (included). For more information on the ELAIS project see http://athena.ph.ic.ac.uk