28 research outputs found

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    The evolutionary history of holometabolous insects inferred from transcriptome-based phylogeny and comprehensive morphological data

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    BACKGROUND: Despite considerable progress in systematics, a comprehensive scenario of the evolution of phenotypic characters in the mega-diverse Holometabola based on a solid phylogenetic hypothesis was still missing. We addressed this issue by de novo sequencing transcriptome libraries of representatives of all orders of holometabolan insects (13 species in total) and by using a previously published extensive morphological dataset. We tested competing phylogenetic hypotheses by analyzing various specifically designed sets of amino acid sequence data, using maximum likelihood (ML) based tree inference and Four-cluster Likelihood Mapping (FcLM). By maximum parsimony-based mapping of the morphological data on the phylogenetic relationships we traced evolutionary transformations at the phenotypic level and reconstructed the groundplan of Holometabola and of selected subgroups. RESULTS: In our analysis of the amino acid sequence data of 1,343 single-copy orthologous genes, Hymenoptera are placed as sister group to all remaining holometabolan orders, i.e., to a clade Aparaglossata, comprising two monophyletic subunits Mecopterida (Amphiesmenoptera + Antliophora) and Neuropteroidea (Neuropterida + Coleopterida). The monophyly of Coleopterida (Coleoptera and Strepsiptera) remains ambiguous in the analyses of the transcriptome data, but appears likely based on the morphological data. Highly supported relationships within Neuropterida and Antliophora are Raphidioptera + (Neuroptera + monophyletic Megaloptera), and Diptera + (Siphonaptera + Mecoptera). ML tree inference and FcLM yielded largely congruent results. However, FcLM, which was applied here for the first time to large phylogenomic supermatrices, displayed additional signal in the datasets that was not identified in the ML trees. CONCLUSIONS: Our phylogenetic results imply that an orthognathous larva belongs to the groundplan of Holometabola, with compound eyes and well-developed thoracic legs, externally feeding on plants or fungi. Ancestral larvae of Aparaglossata were prognathous, equipped with single larval eyes (stemmata), and possibly agile and predacious. Ancestral holometabolan adults likely resembled in their morphology the groundplan of adult neopteran insects. Within Aparaglossata, the adult’s flight apparatus and ovipositor underwent strong modifications. We show that the combination of well-resolved phylogenies obtained by phylogenomic analyses and well-documented extensive morphological datasets is an appropriate basis for reconstructing complex morphological transformations and for the inference of evolutionary histories

    Two intromittent organs inZorotypus caudelli(Insecta, Zoraptera): the paradoxical coexistence of an extremely long tube and a large spermatophore

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    Very unusual genitalia of the species Zorotypus caudelli are described. It contains the unique configuration of two different intromittent organs, one of them strongly elongated. Hyper elongated genitalia are known in different groups of insects. Males have to accommodate these unwieldy structures in the limited spaces of the abdomen and manipulate them acutely during copulation. A crucial question is how do species with elongated genitalia cope with these requirements? To investigate this, we studied key features enabling storage, insertion, and withdrawal of the elongated genitalia. The co-existence of an elongated narrow tube and a bulky spermatophore is a highly unusual and apparently paradoxical condition. However, we demonstrate that the tube is not involved in sperm transmission, whereas the large spermatophore is transferred to females by a membranous fold of the genitalia. The movement of the spermatophore is caused by haemolymph pressure, which likely also promotes the insertion of both intromittent organs. A comparison with the genital anatomy and reproductive mode in related groups suggests that the elongated tube and its accommodating pouch is a de novo structure, and that the ancestral sperm transport via spermatophore is a preadaptive condition for the acquisition of this unusual structure