15 research outputs found

    Agronomic characteristics of the spring forms of the wheat landraces (einkorn, emmer, spelt, intermediate bread wheat) grown in organic farming

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    Organic farmers look to the possibilities of growing neglected crops, such as the spring forms of hulled wheat – einkorn, emmer and spelt – for support in developing the organic farming system. In 2008, 169 landraces from the gene bank at the Crop Research Institute in Prague were tested on certifi ed organic plots. The experiment was aimed at fi nding suitable varieties for the organic farming system. In summary, our fi ndings show that einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.) and emmer wheat [Triticum dicoccum Schrank (Schuebl)] are resistant to powdery mildew and brown rust, spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) is less resistant to these two diseases, and the intermediate forms of bread wheat are very sensitive to such infestation. The varieties evaluated incline to lodging, as they have long and weak stems. Einkorn and emmer wheat have short and dense spikes and a low thousand grains weight, whereas spelt wheat has long and lax spikes. The level of the harvest index is low. Potentially useful varieties were found during the fi eld experiment and evaluation, and our future efforts will therefore focus on improving resistance to lodging and increasing the productivity of the spike

    Behavioural reactions of consumers to economic recession

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    The negative effects caused by the economic recession of the recent year, led to the necessity to recognize the changes in the consumer behaviour that may have a lasting impact, and they definitely will. The situation in the Slovak consumer market is described and characterized by the survey which was conduced in 2013. The article also raises three hypotheses considering the basic fact about consumers and their impact on the intensity of behavioural changes. In order to verify our results surveys and studies carried out by many companies in various countries are analyzed in the last chapter

    Contribution of genetic resources to grain storage protein composition and wheat quality

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    The technological quality of wheat flour is defined by a range of dough characteristics relevant to the breadmaking processes and practices of individual countries and for particular products. The influence of storage protein diversity on wheat quality has been widely documented in the last three decades. The present chapter focuses on several aspects of wheat quality that merit more attention. The huge genetic diversity of wheat storage proteins means that all the possible allelic combinations and their interactions are too numerous to be tested in terms of their influence on the major quality parameters. However it is still relevant to describe the variation in rheological and viscoelastic properties of gluten in relation to its component proteins, glutenin and gliadin. Although gluten plays a major role in determining the properties of dough, the abundance of the two major storage protein fractions does not solely explain the observed variation in those properties. We therefore examine the influence of some genetic factors, including those affecting the protein composition, on the variation in the glutenin polymer sizes. Some examples will be given to illustrate how end-use quality can be improved by taking advantage of the available genetic resources in parallel with molecular genome analyses with the dual aim of widening the scope of characteristics that can be harnessed in breeding and ensuring consistent wheat quality in changing agro-climatic situations. The known alleles of the major genes are highlighted in the context of the challenges that the research community is facing regarding wheat allele nomenclature, exchange of gene bank material and the numerous quality attributes of interest. Finally, important research objectives are proposed for breeding future wheats with grain protein quality and technological properties tailored for different food products