3,323 research outputs found

    De invisibles a presentes. Una aproximaciĂłn a los estudios de la mujer durante el franquismo

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    Multiple Perceptions of Soil Health: A Transdisciplinary Collaborative Study of two Contrasting Grain Farms in Columbia County, NY

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    The global carbon pool located in soils is being depleted with time, partially contributing to anthropogenic climate change by means of land use changes and management of soils for food production. Farmer adoption of conservation practices geared towards soil carbon sequestration is an opportunity to reverse this depletion of the soil organic carbon pool. In this project, I investigated farmer perceptions of certain management strategies that have been shown to sequester soil carbon and improve soil health. By interviewing two prominent farmers in Columbia County, I assess options for improving their farms soil health and soil carbon, in addition to assessing the current state of soil carbon in a specific field. I investigated the various constraints to adopting new management and through the use of the COMET Farm modeling tool, quantified the differences in soil carbon currently in their soils, and the differences future changes in management would make if adopted. The results compare conventional and organic/biodynamic management/ It was surprising to see more carbon sequestration in the conventional system compared to the organic, based on the assumption that organic agriculture is less environmentally harmful. I used the framework of farmer participatory research to create a beneficial collaboration between myself, the researcher, and the farm managers, taking this opportunity to learn from their experiences and perceptions, as well as generate knowledge and a report for them to take away as well

    With an Ear Against the Ground: Explorations of Rhizosphere Biota as a Movement Study in Two Parts: (probiosis and wormhole)

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    I work to share dance art with anyone willing to watch. I am excited by spectacle and the ritual of performance. I acknowledge the agency and power of the individual. I am culturally influenced by cooperative movement and collaboration across the dancer/choreographer boundary. The inherent genuineness and generosity inside humans matters to me. The curiosity behind research potential matters to me. What matters to me as a choreographer is that dance has the ability to transcend human experience and be more than the sum of its parts. In creating work, I am sharing my perspectives on a given concept and striving to control enough elements to create a world for an audience member to be invited to visit. I am working from the lineages of improvisational movement, expressive movement, countertechnique, and contemporary dance forms. I am curious about human’s capacity for empathy. I am interested in dance performance as a means to generate knowledge. I am curious about the multitude of relationships that can occur between humans and nature. I believe in the inherent value of ecosystems and the services that they provide. It matters to me that the gifts of earth are recognized as gifts and not entitlements to humanity. The way that the earth is resilient and composed of miraculous phases and cycles matters to me. I am inspired by worms, roots, fungi, bacteria. I am obsessed with the roles specificity and vagueness play in composition. I want to continue to explore expressivity and control dynamics between performers. It’s my intention to share the fruitfulness of a cross disciplinary choreographic process, to show how the connections I can make between life science and dance are not coincidental but are based on genuine research inquiries and curiosities, can teach us about our own humanity and that movements worth replicating are everywhere

    Aproximaciones al contexto lingĂĽĂ­stico. Una propuesta interdisciplinaria

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    Complex band structure and electronic transmission

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    The function of nano-scale devices critically depends on the choice of materials. For electron transport junctions it is natural to characterize the materials by their conductance length dependence, β\beta. Theoretical estimations of β\beta are made employing two primary theories: complex band structure and DFT-NEGF Landauer transport. Both reveal information on β\beta of individual states; i.e. complex Bloch waves and transmission eigenchannels, respectively. However, it is unclear how the β\beta-values of the two approaches compare. Here, we present calculations of decay constants for the two most conductive states as determined by complex band structure and standard DFT-NEGF transport calculations for two molecular and one semi-conductor junctions. Despite the different nature of the two methods, we find strong agreement of the calculated decay constants for the molecular junctions while the semi-conductor junction shows some discrepancies. The results presented here provide a template for studying the intrinsic, channel resolved length dependence of the junction through complex band structure of the central material in the heterogeneous nano-scale junction.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Interference in Off-Resonant Transport through Single Molecules

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    We provide a simple set of rules for predicting interference effects in off-resonant transport through single-molecule junctions. These effects fall in two classes, showing respectively an odd or an even number of nodes in the linear conductance within a given molecular charge state, and we demonstrate how to decide the interference class directly from the contacting geometry. For neutral alternant hydrocarbons, we employ the Coulson-Rushbrooke-McLachlan pairing theorem to show that the interference class is decided simply by tunneling on and off the molecule from same, or different sublattices. More generally, we investigate a range of smaller molecules by means of exact diag- onalization combined with a perturbative treatment of the molecule-lead tunnel coupling. While these results generally agree well with GW calculations, they are shown to be at odds with simpler mean-field treatments. For molecules with spin-degenerate ground states, we show that for most junctions, interference causes no transmission nodes, but argue that it may lead to a non-standard gate-dependence of the zero-bias Kondo resonance.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Studi Penanggulangan Banjir Kali Lamong Terhadap Genangan Di Kabupaten Gresik

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    Kali Lamong berada di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Bagian hulu Kali Lamong terletak di Kabupaten Lamongan dan Mojokerto, sedangkan bagian hilirnya berada di perbatasan Kota Surabaya dan Kabupaten Gresik, serta bermuara di Selat Madura. Daerah Aliran Kali Lamong memiliki luas ± 720 km2, dengan panjang alur sungai ± 103 km. Debit Kali Lamong cenderung besar, namun tidak mampu dialirkan dengan baik, sehingga air sungai meluap dan mengakibatkan Kabupaten Gresik mengalami banjir hampir setiap tahun. Untuk menangani permasalahan banjir tersebut, dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan studi mengenai permasalahan banjir Kali Lamong dan upaya penanggulangannya. Dalam studi ini, dilakukan analisis hidrologi, analisis hidrolika dan analisis penanggulangan banjir. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, dilakukan analisis pengendalian banjir dengan waduk. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, terjadi penurunan debit banjir dari Q25 = 460,282 m3/detik, menjadi Q25 = 223,9 m3/detik. Meskipun debit telah turun, namun masih terjadi luapan pada penampang Kali Lamong. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan analisis penanggulangan banjir dengan perbaikan penampang sungai dan peninggian tanggul, sehingga luapan Kali Lamong di Kabupaten Gresik dapat teratasi

    Analyzing Vision Transformers for Image Classification in Class Embedding Space

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    Despite the growing use of transformer models in computer vision, a mechanistic understanding of these networks is still needed. This work introduces a method to reverse-engineer Vision Transformers trained to solve image classification tasks. Inspired by previous research in NLP, we demonstrate how the inner representations at any level of the hierarchy can be projected onto the learned class embedding space to uncover how these networks build categorical representations for their predictions. We use our framework to show how image tokens develop class-specific representations that depend on attention mechanisms and contextual information, and give insights on how self-attention and MLP layers differentially contribute to this categorical composition. We additionally demonstrate that this method (1) can be used to determine the parts of an image that would be important for detecting the class of interest, and (2) exhibits significant advantages over traditional linear probing approaches. Taken together, our results position our proposed framework as a powerful tool for mechanistic interpretability and explainability research.Comment: NeurIPS 202
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