5,268 research outputs found

    Surface Photometry of Early-type Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field

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    The detailed surface photometry of a sample of early-type galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field is presented as part of a long-term project aimed to settle strong observational constraints to the theories modelling the evolution of elliptical galaxies from the early stages. The sample has been extracted, in the V_606 band, from the catalog by Couch (1996). The analysis of the luminosity and geometrical profiles, carried out on 162 candidates obeying our provisional selection criteria, resulted in a list of 99 'bona fide' early-type galaxies, for which accurate total magnitudes and effective radii were computed. The comparison with the magnitudes given by Williams et al.(1996) indicates that the automated photometry tends to underestimate the total luminosity of the ellipticals. The luminosity profiles of most of galaxies in our sample follow fairly well the deVaucouleurs law (`Normal' profiles). However, a relevant fraction of galaxies, even following the deVaucouleurs law in the main body light distribution, exhibit in the inner region a flattening of the luminosity profile not attributable to the PSF (`Flat' profiles) or, in some cases, a complex (multi-nucleus) structure (`Merger' profiles). The average ellipticity of galaxies belonging to the `Flat' and `Merger' classes is found to be significantly higher than that of the `Normal' galaxies. Moreover, even taken into account the relevant uncertainty of the outer position angle profiles, the amount of isophotal twisting of HDF ellipticals turns out to be significantly larger with respect to that of the local samples.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX with laa.sty and psfig.sty macros + 28 embedded postscript figures. To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supp

    Alleviation of the Fermion-sign problem by optimization of many-body wave functions

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    We present a simple, robust and highly efficient method for optimizing all parameters of many-body wave functions in quantum Monte Carlo calculations, applicable to continuum systems and lattice models. Based on a strong zero-variance principle, diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix in the space spanned by the wav e function and its derivatives determines the optimal parameters. It systematically reduces the fixed-node error, as demonstrated by the calculation of the binding energy of the small but challenging C2_2 molecule to the experimental accuracy of 0.02 eV

    Quali-quantitative considerations on low-flow well purging and sampling // Considerazioni quali-quantitative sullo spurgo e campionamento a basso flusso dei piezometri

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    This article deals with both the main advantages and issues related to groundwater purging and sampling that are usually carried out through the so-called low-flow methodology or with the method based on the purging of 3-5 well volumes, which is still widely used in environmental monitoring.A review of the recent literature concerning the technical characteristics, innovations and modelling related to low-flow sampling is presented.The aim is to provide to the reader a broad overview on this specific field application and offer a new vision, which considers two aspects:1. The qualitative aspect, relating to the representativeness of the sample taken through a correct purging of the monitoring well and the consequent correct interpretation of hydrochemical data;2. The quantitative aspect, related to the possibility of using water level data during purging and low-flow sampling operations to estimate the soil horizontal hydraulic conductivity, without further investigations. Low-flow sampling methodology can be very useful especially for alluvial aquifers, providing representative samples of groundwater and hydrodynamic characteristics of the aquifer, with reduced costs and times. These two aspects are both important in the context of an environmental monitoring plan fora potentially contaminated site

    A heuristic framework for the bi-objective enhanced index tracking problem

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    The index tracking problem is the problem of determining a portfolio of assets whose performance replicates, as closely as possible, that of a financial market index chosen as benchmark. In the enhanced index tracking problem the portfolio is expected to outperform the benchmark with minimal additional risk. In this paper, we study the bi-objective enhanced index tracking problem where two competing objectives, i.e., the expected excess return of the portfolio over the benchmark and the tracking error, are taken into consideration. A bi-objective Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation for the problem is proposed. Computational results on a set of benchmark instances are given, along with a detailed out-of-sample analysis of the performance of the optimal portfolios selected by the proposed model. Then, a heuristic procedure is designed to build an approximation of the set of Pareto optimal solutions. We test the proposed procedure on a reference set of Pareto optimal solutions. Computational results show that the procedure is significantly faster than the exact computation and provides an extremely accurate approximation

    Performance of 15-Stage Experimental J71 Axial-Flow Compressor. III - Effects of Inlet-Guide-Vane Adjustment

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    The stall-limit line at low speeds was improved somewhat by closing the inlet guide vanes 6 deg, while the design-speed maximum flow and pressure ratio were reduced. The first-stage characteristic curve was moved to lower values of both flog coefficient and equivalent pressure ratio. The second-stage pressure ratio was decreased slightly at high speeds, while the later stages were unaffected

    Exchange and correlation near the nucleus in density functional theory

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    The near nucleus behavior of the exchange-correlation potential vxc(r)v_{xc}({\bf r}) in Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham density functional theory is investigated. It is shown that near the nucleus the linear term of O(r)O(r) of the spherically averaged exchange-correlation potential vˉxc(r){\bar v}_{xc}(r) is nonzero, and that it arises purely from the difference between the kinetic energy density at the nucleus of the interacting system and the noninteracting Kohn-Sham system. An analytical expression for the linear term is derived. Similar results for the exchange vx(r)v_{x}({\bf r}) and correlation vc(r)v_{c}({\bf r}) potentials are also obtained separately. It is further pointed out that the linear term in vxc(r)v_{xc}({\bf r}) arising mainly from vc(r)v_{c}({\bf r}) is rather small, and vxc(r)v_{xc}({\bf r}) therefore has a nearly quadratic structure near the nucleus. Implications of the results for the construction of the Kohn-Sham system are discussed with examples.Comment: 10 page

    Early-type Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. The <mu_e>-r_e relation and the lack of large galaxies at high redshift

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    We present the results of the detailed surface photometry of a sample of early-type galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. Effective radii, surface brightnesses and total V_606 magnitudes have been obtained, as well as U_300, B_450, I_814, J, H and K colors, which are compared with the predictions of chemical-spectrophotometric models of population synthesis. Spectroscopic redshifts are available for 23 objects. For other 25 photometric redshifts are given. In the -r_e plane the early-type galaxies of the HDF, once the appropriate K+E corrections are applied, turn out to follow the `rest frame' Kormendy relation. This evidence, linked to the dynamical information gathered by Steidel et al.(1996), indicates that these galaxies, even at z~2-3, lie in the Fundamental Plane, in a virial equilibrium condition. At the same redshifts a statistically significant lack of large galaxies [i.e. with Log r_e(kpc) > 0.2] is observed.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX with aasms4.sty macros, 9 embedded postscript figures + 1 postscript Table. To appear in the Astronomical Journa
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