20 research outputs found

    Integrating Collaboration and Activity-Oriented Planning for Coalition Operations Support

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    The University of Edinburgh and research sponsors are authorised to reproduce and distribute reprints and on-line copies for their purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation hereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are the author’s and shouldn’t be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of other parties.The use of planning assistant agents is an appropriate option to provide support for members of a coalition. Planning agents can extend the human abilities and be customised to attend different kinds of activities. However, the implementation of a planning framework must also consider other important requirements for coalitions, such as the performance of collaborative activities and human-agent interaction (HAI). This paper discusses the integration of an activity-oriented planning with collaborative concepts using a constraint-based ontology for that. While the use of collaborative concepts provides a better performance to systems as a whole, a unified representation of planning and collaboration enables an easy customisation of activity handlers and the basis for a future incorporation of HAI mechanisms

    Physical and metabolic alterations in "Prata Anã" banana induced by mechanical damage at room temperature

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    Bananas respond at the physical and physiological level to mechanical damage. Mechanical injuries cause alterations in color and flavor, tissue softening, faster ripening, increased weight loss, increased invasion of microorganisms, and higher enzyme activity in the affected area. The purpose of this study was to verify the physical and metabolic alterations in 'Prata Anã' bananas induced by mechanical stress at room temperature. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized, split-plot in time design, consisting of one control and four mechanical injury types: cutting, abrasion, impact and compression, sampled over time. The percentage of accumulated and daily fresh weight loss, electrolyte leakage from the injured peel region, total soluble sugar and starch contents and enzyme activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase were measured. The damage caused by cutting and abrasion resulted in the highest percentage of fresh weight loss. All types of mechanical damage increased electrolyte leakage during the evaluation period, in comparison with the control. The impact damage anticipated the ripening, besides affecting the conversion of starch into total soluble sugars in the pulp. By impact and abrasion injuries, the polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activity in the peel was increased by up to 231% and 90%, and 618% and 956%, respectively, compared to the control.Bananas apresentam respostas físicas e fisiológicas ao dano mecânico. As injúrias mecânicas causam alterações na cor e sabor, amaciamento dos tecidos, amadurecimento mais rápido, aumento na perda de peso, aumento no ataque e invasão de microorganismos e maior atividade enzimática na área afetada. Verificaramse alterações físicas e metabólicas induzidas por estresse mecânico em bananas 'Prata Anã' mantidas em temperatura ambiente. Foi utilizado o esquema em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, constituído de testemunha e quatro fontes de dano mecânico: corte, abrasão, impacto e compressão, com amostragens ao longo do tempo, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado. As porcentagens de perda de massa fresca acumulada e diária, o extravasamento de eletrólitos da região danificada da casca, os teores de açúcares solúveis totais e amido e a atividade das enzimas polifenoloxidase e peroxidase foram avaliadas. Os danos por corte e abrasão promoveram maior porcentagem de perda de massa fresca. Todos os tipos de dano mecânico aumentaram extravasamento de eletrólitos em relação à testemunha ao longo do período de avaliação. O dano por impacto antecipou o amadurecimento, além de prejudicar a conversão de amido em açúcares solúveis totais na polpa. As injúrias por impacto e abrasão aumentaram a atividade das enzimas polifenoloxidase e peroxidase na casca em até 231 e 90%, e 618 e 957%, respectivamente, em relação ao controle