4,304 research outputs found

    New determination of abundances and stellar parameters for a set of weak G-band stars

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    Weak G-band (wGb) stars are very peculiar red giants almost devoided of carbon and often mildly enriched in lithium. Despite their very puzzling abundance patterns, very few detailed spectroscopic studies existed up to a few years ago, preventing any clear understanding of the wGb phenomenon. We recently proposed the first consistent analysis of published data for 28 wGb stars and identified them as descendants of early A-type to late B-type stars, without being able to conclude on their evolutionary status or the origin of their peculiar abundance pattern. We used newly obtained high-resolution and high SNR spectra for 19 wGb stars in the southern and northern hemisphere to homogeneously derive their fundamental parameters, metallicities, as well as the spectroscopic abundances for Li, C, N, O, Na, Sr, and Ba. We also computed dedicated stellar evolution models that we used to determine the masses and to investigate the evolutionary status and chemical history of the stars in our sample. We confirm that the wGb stars are stars in the mass range 3.2 to 4.2 M⊙_\odot. We suggest that a large fraction could be mildly evolved stars on the SGB currently undergoing the 1st DUP, while a smaller number of stars are more probably in the core He burning phase at the clump. After analysing their abundance pattern, we confirm their strong N enrichment anti-correlated with large C depletion, characteristic of material fully processed through the CNO cycle to an extent not known in other evolved intermediate-mass stars. However, we demonstrate here that such a pattern is very unlikely due to self-enrichment. In the light of the current observational constraints, no solid self-consistent pollution scenario can be presented either, leaving the wGb puzzle largely unsolved.Comment: 19 pages , 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Grouping behaviour impacts on the parasitic pressure and squamation of sharks

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    The evolution of grouping behaviour involves a complex trade-off of benefits and costs. Among the latter, an increase in the risk of parasitic transmission is a well-documented phenomenon that has likely promoted the evolution of defensive mechanisms in aquatic vertebrates. Here, we explore the relationship between grouping behaviour, parasitic richness (∼parasitic pressure), and the evolution of potential defensive traits in the squamation of sharks through phylogenetic, standard and zero-inflation regression models. Our results demonstrate that sharks that frequently aggregate show increased parasitic pressure, which may constitute an agent of selection. Accordingly, their squamation is characterized by large-scale crown insertion angles and low-scale coverage, which are interpreted as traits that compromise parasite attachment and survival. These traits are less evident in regions of the body and ecological groups that are subjected to high abrasive stress or increased drag. Thus, the squamation of sharks responds to a compromise between various functions, where protective and hydrodynamic roles prevail over the rest (e.g. ectoparasitic defence and bioluminescence aiding). This work establishes a quantitative framework for inferring parasitic pressure and social interaction from squamation traits and provides an empirical basis from which to explore these phenomena through early vertebrate and chondrichthyan evolution

    Paramagnetic Meissner effect in superconductors from self-consistent solutions of Ginzburg-Landau equations

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    The paramagnetic Meissner effect (PME) is observed in small superconducting samples, and a number of controversial explanations of this effect are proposed, but there is as yet no clear understanding of its nature. In the present paper PME is considered on the base of the Ginzburg-Landau theory (GL). The one-dimensional solutions are obtained in a model case of a long superconducting cylinder for different cylinder radii R, the GL-parameters \kappa and vorticities m. Acording to GL-theory, PME is caused by the presence of vortices inside the sample. The superconducting current flows around the vortex to screeen the vortex own field from the bulk of the sample. Another current flows at the boundary to screen the external field H from entering the sample. These screening currents flow in opposite directions and contribute with opposite signs to the total magnetic moment (or magnetization) of the sample. Depending on H, the total magnetization M may be either negative (diamagnetism), or positive (paramagnetism). A very complicated saw-like dependence M(H) (and other characteristics), which are obtained on the base of self-consistent solutions of the GL-equations, are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Redes neuronales artificiales en el control de procesos por variables: aplicación en la fabricación de tableros de partículas

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    Artificial neural networks are an efficient tool for modelling production control processes using data from the actual production as well as simulated or design of experiments data. In this study two artificial neural networks were combined with the control process charts and it was checked whether the data obtained by the networks were valid for variable process control in particleboard manufacture. The networks made it possible to obtain the mean and standard deviation of the internal bond strength of the particleboard within acceptable margins using known data of thickness, density, moisture content, swelling and absorption. The networks obtained met the acceptance criteria for test values from non-standard test methods, as well as the criteria for using these values in statistical process control.Las redes neuronales artificiales son una herramienta eficaz para el modelado de los procesos de control de producción, tanto partiendo de datos de la propia producción como de datos simulados o procedentes de diseños de experimentos. En este estudio se han combinado dos redes neuronales artificiales con los gráficos de control de procesos y se ha comprobado si los datos obtenidos con ellas eran válidos para el control de producción por variables en la fabricación de tableros de partículas. Las redes han permitido obtener valores de la media y la desviación típica de la cohesión interna del tablero de partículas dentro de unos márgenes aceptables a partir de datos conocidos de espesor, densidad, contenido de humedad, hinchazón y absorción. Las redes obtenidas han cumplido con los requisitos de aceptación de valores de ensayo por métodos alternativos al normalizado y con los requisitos impuestos para su utilización en el control estadístico de procesos

    Study on the vibration characteristics of the telescope T80 in the Javalambre astrophysical observatory (JAO) aimed at detecting invalid images

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    The location of large telescopes, generally far from the data processing centers, represents a logistical problem for the supervision of the capture of images. In this work, we carried out a preliminary study of the vibration signature of the T80 telescope at the Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory (JAO). The study analyzed the process of calculating the displacement that occurs because of the vibration in each of the frequencies in the range of interest. We analyzed the problems associated with very low frequencies by means of simulation, finding the most critical vibrations below 20 Hz, since they are the ones that generate greater displacements. The work also relates previous studies based on simulation with the real measurements of the vibration of the telescope taken remotely when it is subjected to different positioning movements (right ascension and/or declination) or when it performs movement actions such as those related to filter trays or mirror cover. The obtained results allow us to design a remote alarm system to detect invalid images (taken with excess vibration)

    An Alternative Approach to Obtain a New Gain in Step-Size of LMS Filters Dealing with Periodic Signals

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    Partial updates (PU) of adaptive filters have been successfully applied in different contexts to lower the computational costs of many control systems. In a PU adaptive algorithm, only a fraction of the coefficients is updated per iteration. Particularly, this idea has been proved as a valid strategy in the active control of periodic noise consisting of a sum of harmonics. The convergence analysis carried out here is based on the periodic nature of the input signal, which makes it possible to formulate the adaptive process with a matrix-based approach, the periodic least-mean-square (P-LMS) algorithm In this paper, we obtain the upper bound that limits the step-size parameter of the sequential PU P-LMS algorithm and compare it to the bound of the full-update P-LMS algorithm. Thus, the limiting value for the step-size parameter is expressed in terms of the step-size gain of the PU algorithm. This gain in step-size is the quotient between the upper bounds ensuring convergence in the following two scenarios: first, when PU are carried out and, second, when every coefficient is updated during every cycle. This step-size gain gives the factor by which the step-size can be multiplied so as to compensate for the convergence speed reduction of the sequential PU algorithm, which is an inherently slower strategy. Results are compared with previous results based on the standard sequential PU LMS formulation. Frequency-dependent notches in the step-size gain are not present with the matrix-based formulation of the P-LMS. Simulated results confirm the expected behavior

    Modified filtered-x hierarchical lms algorithm with sequential partial updates for active noise control

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    In the field of active noise control (ANC), a popular method is the modified filtered-x LMS algorithm. However, it has two drawbacks: Its computational complexity higher than that of the conventional FxLMS, and its convergence rate that could still be improved. Therefore, we propose an adaptive strategy which aims at speeding up the convergence rate of an ANC system dealing with periodic disturbances. This algorithm consists in combining the organization of the filter weights in a hierarchy of subfilters of shorter length and their sequential partial updates (PU). Our contribution is threefold: (1) we provide the theoretical basis of the existence of a frequency-depend-ent parameter, called gain in step-size. (2) The theoretical upper bound of the step-size is compared with the limit obtained from simulations. (3) Additional experiments show that this strategy results in a fast algorithm with a computational complexity close to that of the conventional FxLMS

    Anatomía de la madera de Abies spp. del área mediterránea: aproximación filética

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    An analysis was made of the wood anatomy of seven species, one subspecies and two varieties of the genus Abies from the Mediterranean area (A. alba, A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani, A. numidica, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana and A. pinsapo var. tazaotana) in order to find phyletically relevant features to help clarify and complement the evolutionary patterns based on molecular studies. The wood structure within the genus was qualitatively similar, except for specific features characteristic of certain provenances. However, the wood biometry allowed the different taxa to be grouped in accordance with their anatomical similarity. A. alba, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana and A. pinsapo var. tazaotana possess biometric features which distinguish them from the other Mediterranean firs. Furthermore, A. numidica showed biometric features which distinguish it from the eastern firs (A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana and A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) and place it closer to certain Iberian populations of A. pinsapo. The maximum ray height in number of cells, frequency of rays with more than 30 cells and tracheid length can be regarded as specific patterns of the Mediterranean fir phylum.En este trabajo se ha analizado la anatomía de la madera de siete especies, una subespecie y dos variedades del género Abies procedentes del área mediterránea (A. alba, A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani, A. numidica, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana y A. pinsapo var. tazaotana) con el fin de buscar caracteres filéticamente relevantes que ayuden a clarificar y complementar los patrones evolutivos basados en estudios moleculares. Las maderas estudiadas fueron cualitativamente similares, exceptuando ciertos caracteres propios de algunas procedencias. No obstante, la biometría de la madera permitió agrupar los diferentes taxones según su afinidad anatómica. A. alba, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana y A. pinsapo var. tazaotana mostraron caracteres biométricos afines que los distinguen del resto de abetos mediterráneos. Por otro lado, A. numidica mostró caracteres biométricos que lo distinguen de los abetos orientales (A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana y A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) y lo asemejan a determinadas poblaciones ibéricas de A. pinsapo. La altura máxima de radios en número de células, la frecuencia de radios de más de 30 células y la longitud de traqueidas, pueden ser considerados como patrones específicos del phylum de los abetos mediterráneos

    Vortex matter in superconducting mesoscopic disks: Structure, magnetization, and phase transitions

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    The dense vortex matter structure and associated magnetization are calculated for type-II superconducting mesoscopic disks. The magnetization exhibits generically first-order phase transitions as the number of vortices changes by one and presents two well-defined regimes: A non-monotonous evolution of the magnitude of the magnetization jumps signals the presence of a vortex glass structure which is separated by a second-order phase transition at Hc2H_{c2} from a condensed state of vortices (giant vortex) where the magnitude of the jumps changes monotonously. We compare our results with Hall magnetometry measurements by Geim et al. (Nature 390, 259 (1997)) and claim that the magnetization exhibits clear traces of the presence of these vortex glass states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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