61 research outputs found

    Flexible point-based rendering on mobile devices

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    Simplifying the Representation of Radiance from Multiple Emitters

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    International audienceIn recent work radiance function properties and discontinuity meshing have been used to construct high quality interpolants representing radiance. Such approaches do not consider the combined effect of multiple sources and thus perform unnecessary discontinuity meshing calculations and often construct interpolants with too fine subdivision. In this research we present an extended structured sampling algorithm that treats scenes with shadows and multiple sources. We then introduce an algorithm which simplifies the mesh based on the interaction of multiple sources. For unoccluded regions an a posteriori simplification technique is used. For regions in shadow, we first compute the maximal umbral/penumbral and penumbral/light boundaries. This construction facilitates the determination of whether full discontinuity meshing is required or whether it can be avoided due to the illumination from another source. An estimate of the error caused by potential simplification is used for this decision. Thus full discontinuitymesh calculation is only incurred in regions where it is necessary resulting in a more compact representation of radiance

    Gaze prediction using machine learning for dynamic stereo manipulation in games.

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    Comfortable, high-quality 3D stereo viewing is becoming a requirement for interactive applications today. Previous research shows that manipulating disparity can alleviate some of the discomfort caused by 3D stereo, but it is best to do this locally, around the object the user is gazing at. The main challenge is thus to develop a gaze predictor in the demanding context of real-time, heavily task-oriented applications such as games. Our key observation is that player actions are highly correlated with the present state of a game, encoded by game variables. Based on this, we train a classifier to learn these correlations using an eye-tracker which provides the ground-truth object being looked at. The classifier is used at runtime to predict object category - and thus gaze - during game play, based on the current state of game variables. We use this prediction to propose a dynamic disparity manipulation method, which provides rich and comfortable depth. We evaluate the quality of our gaze predictor numerically and experimentally, showing that it predicts gaze more accurately than previous approaches. A subjective rating study demonstrates that our localized disparity manipulation is preferred over previous methods

    Design and prototyping of an interactive virtual environment to foster citizen participation and creativity in urban design

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    Public Participation encounters great challenges in the domain of urban design concerning decision making and citizens’ appropriation of a future place. Many tools and methods have been proposed to ease the participation process. In this paper we are targeting artefacts used in face-to-face workshops, in which citizens are asked to make design proposals for a public space. We claim that current state of the art can be improved (i) by better articulating digital artefacts with participatory processes and (ii) by providing interfaces that enhance citizen’s spatial awareness and comprehension as well as collective creativity in urban design projects. We present the design and prototyping of an interactive virtual environment that follow the design-science research guidelines.U_CODE project (H2020 No 688873

    Données sur les migrations et sur la croissance démographique en Allemagne fédérale 1950-1972

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    SUMMARY The annual growth rate of the population of the West Germany has fallen in the sixties if compared with the fifties (from 0,94 to 0,85) due to a decline in net immigration. For the sixties, data on migration flows and naturalizations make it possible to assess the accuracy of censuses and migration data concerning the number of foreigners in Germany. The census estimate (1 580 000) constitutes a lower limit and the flow estimate (2 442 000) an upper limit of the net immigration of these foreigners, from June 1961 to May 1970.Jusqu'à la guerre, l'Allemagne n'avait guère été un pays d'immigration. Des Polonais avaient été appelés à travailler dans la Ruhr, mais leur nombre restait dans d'étroites limites. Après la guerre et après l'exode des Allemands de l'Est (provinces données à la Pologne et pays des Sudètes en Tchécoslovaquie, principalement), la densité de ce qui allait devenir la République fédérale était devenue telle que l'on envisageait de graves difficultés économiques et même alimentaires entraînant la nécessité d'une forte émigration outre-mer. L'immigration de plusieurs millions de travailleurs venus de la République démocratique allemande, d'Italie, etc., puis de Yougoslavie et de Turquie a donc été un événement tout à fait contraire aux prévisions. M. Emmanuel G. Drettakis, de l'Université de Leeds, présente ici une étude statistique sur l'intensité de cette migration.RESUMEN La tasa anual de crecimiento de la población de Alemania federal ha disminuido entre les aňos 50 y los aňos 60 (de 0,94 a 0,85) debido a una baja de la inmigración neta. En los aňos 60, con les datos acerca de las migraciones y de la adquisición de la nacionalidad alemana, se puede averiguar la exactitud de los censos acerca del numero de los extranjeros y las estadisticas refer entes a la migraciones. La estimación basada en los censos (1 580 000) représenta un limite inferior y la estimación basada en los flujos migratorios (2 442 000) un limite superior de la immigración neta de esos extranjeros entre junio de 1961 y mayo de 1970.Drettakis Emmanuel G. Données sur les migrations et sur la croissance démographique en Allemagne fédérale 1950-1972. In: Population, 29ᵉ année, n°1, 1974. pp. 147-169
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