16 research outputs found

    Comparative Functional Genomics of Salt Stress in Related Model and Cultivated Plants Identifies and Overcomes Limitations to Translational Genomics

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    One of the objectives of plant translational genomics is to use knowledge and genes discovered in model species to improve crops. However, the value of translational genomics to plant breeding, especially for complex traits like abiotic stress tolerance, remains uncertain. Using comparative genomics (ionomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics) we analyzed the responses to salinity of three model and three cultivated species of the legume genus Lotus. At physiological and ionomic levels, models responded to salinity in a similar way to crop species, and changes in the concentration of shoot Cl− correlated well with tolerance. Metabolic changes were partially conserved, but divergence was observed amongst the genotypes. Transcriptome analysis showed that about 60% of expressed genes were responsive to salt treatment in one or more species, but less than 1% was responsive in all. Therefore, genotype-specific transcriptional and metabolic changes overshadowed conserved responses to salinity and represent an impediment to simple translational genomics. However, ‘triangulation’ from multiple genotypes enabled the identification of conserved and tolerant-specific responses that may provide durable tolerance across species

    Biogeographical patterns and speciation of the genus Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) inferred by phylogenetic analyses

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    Earlier phylogenetic studies in the genus Pinguicua (Lentibulariaceae) suggested that the species within a geographical region was rather monophyletic, although the sampling was limited or was restricted to specific regions. Those results conflicted with the floral morphology-based classification, which has been widely accepted to date. In the current study, one nuclear ribosomal DNA (internal transcribed spacer; ITS) and two regions of chloroplast DNA (matK and rpl32-trnL), from up to ca. 80% of the taxa in the genus Pinguicula, covering all three subgenera, were sequenced to demonstrate the inconsistency and explore a possible evolutionary history of the genus. Some incongruence was observed between nuclear and chloroplast topologies and the results from each of the three DNA analyses conflicted with the morphology-based subgeneric divisions. Both the ITS tree and network, however, corresponded with the biogeographical patterns of the genus supported by life-forms (winter rosette or hibernaculum formation) and basic chromosome numbers (haploidy). The dormant strategy evolved in a specific geographical region is a phylogenetic constraint and a synapomorphic characteristic within a lineage. Therefore, the results denied the idea that the Mexican group, morphologically divided into the three subgenera, independently acquired winter rosette formations. Topological incongruence among the trees or reticulations, indicated by parallel edges in phylogenetic networks, implied that some taxa originated by introgressive hybridisation. Although there are exceptions, species within the same geographical region arose from a common ancestor. Therefore, the classification by the floral characteristics is rather unreliable. The results obtained from this study suggest that evolution within the genus Pinguicula has involved; 1) ancient expansions to geographical regions with gene flow and subsequent vicariance with genetic drift, 2) acquirement of a common dormant strategy within a specific lineage to adapt a local climate (i.e., synapomorphic characteristic), 3) recent speciation in a short time span linked to introgressive hybridisation or multiplying the ploidy level (i.e., divergence), and 4) parallel evolution in floral traits among lineages found in different geographical regions (i.e., convergence). As such, the floral morphology masks and obscures the phylogenetic relationships among species in the genus


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    Two centuries from species discovery to diagnostic characters: molecular and morphological evidence for narrower species limits in the widespread SW Australian Anarthria gracilis complex (Restionaceae s.l./Anarthriaceae, Poales)

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    Background The extreme southwest of Australia is a biodiversity hotspot region that has a Mediterranean-type climate and numerous endemic plant and animal species, many of which remain to be properly delimited. We refine species limits in Anarthria, a Western Australian endemic genus characterised by the occurrence of the greatest number of plesiomorphic character states in the restiid clade of Poales. In contrast to many other groups of wind-pollinated Australian Poales, Anarthria was traditionally viewed as having well-established species limits. All six currently recognised species, which are conspicuous members of some Western Australian plant communities, were described in the first half of the 19th century. They are traditionally distinguished from each other mainly using quantitative characters. Methods We examined extensive existing herbarium specimens and made new collections of Anarthria in nature. Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy were used to study leaf micromorphology. Molecular diversity of Anarthria was examined using a plastid (trnL-F) and a low-copy nuclear marker (at103). This is the first study of species-level molecular diversity in the restiid clade using a nuclear marker. Results Material historically classified as Anarthria gracilis R.Br. actually belongs to three distinct species, A. gracilis s.str., A. grandiflora Nees and A. dioica (Steud.) C.I.Fomichev, each of which forms a well-supported clade in phylogenetic analyses. Both segregate species were described in the first half of the 19th century but not recognised as such in subsequent taxonomic accounts. Anarthria dioica was first collected in 1826, then wrongly interpreted as a species of Juncus (Juncaceae) and described as Juncus dioicus. We provide a formal transfer of the name to Anarthria and for the first time report its clear and qualitative diagnostic characters: an extremely short leaf ligule and distinctive pattern of leaf epidermal micromorphology. A long ligule is present in A. gracilis s.str. and A. grandiflora. These species differ from each other in leaf lamina morphology and anatomy and have mostly non-overlapping distribution ranges. The narrower definition of species provides a basis for future phylogeographic analyses in Anarthria. Our study highlights a need for more extensive use of nuclear DNA markers in Restionaceae. The use of the low copy nuclear marker at103 allowed a clade comprising all three ligulate species of Anarthria to be recognised. The ligule character is used here for the first time in the taxonomy of Anarthria and merits special attention in studies of other restiids. In general, our study uncovered a superficially hidden but, in reality, conspicuous diversity in a common group of wind-pollinated plants in the southwest of Western Australia