1,303 research outputs found

    Static and Dynamic Magnetism in Underdoped Superconductor BaFe1.92_{1.92}Co0.08_{0.08}As2_2

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    We report neutron scattering measurements on single crystals of BaFe1.92_{1.92}Co0.08_{0.08}As2_2. The magnetic Bragg peak intensity is reduced by 6 % upon cooling through TC_C. The spin dynamics exhibit a gap of 8 meV with anisotropic three-dimensional (3d) interactions. Below TC_C additional intensity appears at an energy of ∼\sim4.5(0.5) meV similar to previous observations of a spin resonance in other Fe-based superconductors. No further gapping of the spin excitations is observed below TC_C for energies down to 2 meV. These observations suggest the redistribution of spectral weight from the magnetic Bragg position to a spin resonance demonstrating the direct competition between static magnetic order and superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Revisiting the ground state of CoAl2_2O4_4: comparison to the conventional antiferromagnet MnAl2_2O4_4

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    The A-site spinel material, CoAl2O4, is a physical realization of the frustrated diamond-lattice antiferromagnet, a model in which is predicted to contain unique incommensurate or `spin-spiral liquid' ground states. Our previous single-crystal neutron scattering study instead classified it as a `kinetically-inhibited' antiferromagnet, where the long ranged correlations of a collinear Neel ground state are blocked by the freezing of domain wall motion below a first-order phase transition at T* = 6.5 K. The current paper expands on our original results in several important ways. New elastic and inelastic neutron measurements are presented that show our initial conclusions are affected by neither the sample measured nor the instrument resolution, while measurements to temperatures as low as T = 250 mK limit the possible role being played by low-lying thermal excitations. Polarized diffuse neutron measurements confirm reports of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations and diffuse streaks of scattering, but major diffuse features are explained as signatures of overlapping critical correlations between neighboring Brillouin zones. Finally, and critically, this paper presents detailed elastic and inelastic measurements of magnetic correlations in a single-crystal of MnAl2O4, which acts as an unfrustrated analogue to CoAl2O4. The unfrustrated material is shown to have a classical continuous phase transition to Neel order at T_N = 39 K, with collective spinwave excitations and Lorentzian-like critical correlations which diverge at the transition. Direct comparison between the two compounds indicates that CoAl2O4 is unique, not in the nature of high-temperature diffuse correlations, but rather in the nature of the frozen state below T*. The higher level of cation inversion in the MnAl2O4 sample indicates that this novel behavior is primarily an effect of greater next-nearest-neighbor exchange.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, acccepted for publication in Physical Review

    Kinetically Inhibited Order in a Diamond-Lattice Antiferromagnet

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    Frustrated magnetic systems exhibit highly degenerate ground states and strong fluctuations, often leading to new physics. An intriguing example of current interest is the antiferromagnet on a diamond lattice, realized physically in A-site spinel materials. This is a prototypical system in three dimensions where frustration arises from competing interactions rather than purely geometric constraints, and theory suggests the possibility of unusual magnetic order at low temperature. Here we present a comprehensive single-crystal neutron scattering study of CoAl2O4, a highly frustrated A-site spinel. We observe strong diffuse scattering that peaks at wavevectors associated with Neel ordering. Below the temperature T*=6.5 K, there is a dramatic change in the elastic scattering lineshape accompanied by the emergence of well-defined spin-wave excitations. T* had previously been associated with the onset of glassy behavior. Our new results suggest instead that T* signifies a first-order phase transition, but with true long-range order inhibited by the kinetic freezing of domain walls. This scenario might be expected to occur widely in frustrated systems containing first-order phase transitions and is a natural explanation for existing reports of anomalous glassy behavior in other materials.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, Introduction and discussion altered and expanded. Additional section and figure added to Supplementary Informatio

    Structural contributions to the pressure-tuned charge-density-wave to superconductor transition in ZrTe3: Raman scattering studies

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    Superconductivity evolves as functions of pressure or doping from charge-ordered phases in a variety of strongly correlated systems, suggesting that there may be universal characteristics associated with the competition between superconductivity and charge order in these materials. We present an inelastic light (Raman) scattering study of the structural changes that precede the pressure-tuned charge-density-wave (CDW) to superconductor transition in one such system, ZrTe3. In certain phonon bands, we observe dramatic linewidth reductions that accompany CDW formation, indicating that these phonons couple strongly to the electronic degrees of freedom associated with the CDW. The same phonon bands, which represent internal vibrations of ZrTe3 prismatic chains, are suppressed at pressures above ~10 kbar, indicating a loss of long-range order within the chains, specifically amongst intrachain Zr-Te bonds. These results suggest a distinct structural mechanism for the observed pressure-induced suppression of CDW formation and provide insights into the origin of pressure-induced superconductivity in ZrTe3.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Surface collective modes in the topological insulators Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi0.5_{0.5}Sb1.5_{1.5}Te3−x_{3-x}Sex_{x}

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    We used low-energy, momentum-resolved inelastic electron scattering to study surface collective modes of the three-dimensional topological insulators Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi0.5_{0.5}Sb1.5_{1.5}Te3−x_{3-x}Sex_{x}. Our goal was to identify the "spin plasmon" predicted by Raghu and co-workers [S. Raghu, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 116401 (2010)]. Instead, we found that the primary collective mode is a surface plasmon arising from the bulk, free carrers in these materials. This excitation dominates the spectral weight in the bosonic function of the surface, χ"(q,ω)\chi "(\textbf{q},\omega), at THz energy scales, and is the most likely origin of a quasiparticle dispersion kink observed in previous photoemission experiments. Our study suggests that the spin plasmon may mix with this other surface mode, calling for a more nuanced understanding of optical experiments in which the spin plasmon is reported to play a role.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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