528 research outputs found

    Re-sequenciamento genômico da cultivar de feijoeiro comum Pérola (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

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    O objetivo desse estudo é realizar através dos dados de re-sequenciamento da cultivar Pérola as análises de montagem, anotação e identificação de variações nucleotídicas através do alinhamento com os genomas de referência das variedades BAT93 e G19833 de feijoeiro comum.Pôster - pós-graduação

    The Role of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Signaling in Healing Myocardial Infarcts

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to examine the role of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signaling in healing myocardial infarcts.BackgroundPlatelet-derived growth factor isoforms exert potent fibrogenic effects through interactions with PDGF receptor (PDGFR)-α and PDGFR-β. In addition, PDGFR-β signaling mediates coating of developing vessels with mural cells, leading to the formation of a mature vasculature. We hypothesized that PDGFR activation may regulate fibrosis and vascular maturation in healing myocardial infarcts.MethodsMice undergoing reperfused infarction protocols were injected daily with a neutralizing anti–PDGFR-β antibody (APB5), an anti-PDGFR-α antibody (APA5), or control immunoglobulin G, and were killed after 7 days of reperfusion.ResultsThe PDGF-B, PDGFR-α, and PDGFR-β mRNA expression was induced in reperfused mouse infarcts. Perivascular cells expressing phosphorylated PDGFR-β were identified in the infarct after 7 days of reperfusion, indicating activation of the PDGF-BB/PDGFR-β pathway. The PDGFR-β blockade resulted in impaired maturation of the infarct vasculature, enhanced capillary density, and formation of dilated uncoated vessels. Defective vascular maturation in antibody-treated mice was associated with increased and prolonged extravasation of red blood cells and monocyte/macrophages, suggesting increased permeability. These defects resulted in decreased collagen content in the healing infarct. In contrast, PDGFR-α inhibition did not affect vascular maturation, but significantly decreased collagen deposition in the infarct.ConclusionsPlatelet-derived growth factor signaling critically regulates postinfarction repair. Both PDGFR-β– and PDGFR-α–mediated pathways promote collagen deposition in the infarct. Activation of PDGF-B/PDGFR-β is also involved in recruitment of mural cells by neovessels, regulating maturation of the infarct vasculature. Acquisition of a mural coat and maturation of the vasculature promotes resolution of inflammation and stabilization of the scar

    Genetic diversity in Hucul and Polish primitive horse breeds

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    Pedigree and molecular data were used to evaluate genetic diversity in the Polish populations of the Polish primitive horse (also known as Polish Konik) and Hucul breeds over the time period of 30 years (1980– 2011). Based on genotypes in 12 microsatellite loci (for 3865 Polish primitive horses and 1627 Huculs), as well as on pedigree data derived from over 7000 individuals (both breeds), several indices describing structure of the analysed populations were estimated. For both analysed breeds, we observed an increasing trend of inbreeding since 1980 which seems to be much more stable (oscillating around 10% in the Polish primitive horse and 5% in Hucul) since the beginning of 2000s when they were included in conservation programs in Poland. We observed that generally, indices related to genetic diversity are higher in the Hucul breed. Our study indicated that genetic diversity in the Polish primitive horse and Hucul breeds in Poland is still relatively high and conservation programs should be continued to keep it on the “safe” level in the future

    Need for Aeromedical Evacuation High-Level Containment Transport Guidelines

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    Circumstances exist that call for the aeromedical evacuation high-level containment transport (AE-HLCT) of patients with highly hazardous communicable diseases. A small number of organizations maintain AE-HLCT capabilities, and little is publicly available regarding the practices. The time is ripe for the development of standards and consensus guidelines involving AE-HLCT

    Low-Cost Methods for Molecular Characterization of Mutant Plants: Tissue Desiccation, DNA Extraction and Mutation Discovery: Protocols

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    Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Biological Techniques; Nucleic Acid Chemistr

    Prediction of a neuropeptidome for the eyestalk ganglia of the lobster Homarus americanus using a tissue-specific de novo assembled transcriptome

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    In silico transcriptome mining is a powerful tool for crustacean peptidome prediction. Using homology-based BLAST searches and a simple bioinformatics workflow, large peptidomes have recently been predicted for a variety of crustaceans, including the lobster, Homarus americanus. Interestingly, no in silico studies have been conducted on the eyestalk ganglia (lamina ganglionaris, medulla externa, medulla interna and medulla terminalis) of the lobster, although the eyestalk is the location of a major neuroendocrine complex, i.e., the X-organ-sinus gland system. Here, an H. americanus eyestalk ganglia-specific transcriptome was produced using the de novo assembler Trinity. This transcriptome was generated from 130,973,220 Illumina reads and consists of 147,542 unique contigs. Eighty-nine neuropeptide-encoding transcripts were identified from this dataset, allowing for the deduction of 62 distinct pre/preprohormones. Two hundred sixty-two neuropeptides were predicted from this set of precursors; the peptides include members of the adipokinetic hormone-corazonin-like peptide, allatostatin A, allatostatin B, allatostatin C, bursicon α, CCHamide, corazonin, crustacean cardioactive peptide, crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), CHH precursor-related peptide, diuretic hormone 31, diuretic hormone 44, eclosion hormone, elevenin, FMRFamide-like peptide, glycoprotein hormone α2, glycoprotein hormone β5, GSEFLamide, intocin, leucokinin, molt-inhibiting hormone, myosuppressin, neuroparsin, neuropeptide F, orcokinin, orcomyotropin, pigment dispersing hormone, proctolin, pyrokinin, red pigment concentrating hormone, RYamide, short neuropeptide F, SIFamide, sulfakinin, tachykinin-related peptide and trissin families. The predicted peptides expand the H. americanus eyestalk ganglia neuropeptidome approximately 7-fold, and include 78 peptides new to the lobster. The transcriptome and predicted neuropeptidome described here provide new resources for investigating peptidergic signaling within/from the lobster eyestalk ganglia