613 research outputs found

    Correlation between Selected Anthropometric Variables with Playing Ability among College Level Male Basketball Players

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    The purpose of the study was to correlate the playing ability in basketball from selected anthropometrical variables among college level male basketball players. To achieve the purpose two hundred and seventy nine Basketball players were randomly selected from various colleges in Tamilnadu state, India and their age ranged from 18 to 25 years. The subjects had past playing experience of at least three years in basketball and only those who represented their respective college teams were taken as subjects. As the performance is concerned, the anthropometrical variables play a vital role in overall performance. The researcher reviewed number of various journals, books, e-resources, unpublished theses, dissertations and coaching manuals in which they found that the standard skills of basketball may have relationship with selected anthropometrical, physical and physiological variables. Based on these observations, the investigator selected the following independent variables for this study. The Anthropometrical variables namely – Standing Height, Arm Length, Hand Length, Palm Length, Leg Length, Thigh Girth, Calf Girth, Arm Girth Relaxed Arm Girth Flexed. The playing ability is the dependant variable. It was taken as the performance factor, which was subjectively assessed by three qualified basketball coaches. The inter - relationship among the selected anthropometrical variables and basketball playing ability, were computed by using Pearson’ product-moment correlation coefficients. The results revealed that an Inter – relationship exists significantly between the anthropometrical, physical and physiological variables among male inter - collegiate basketball players

    Hydrogeochemical studies of ground waters in Neyveli basin along the Cuddalore coast, SE coast of India

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    A detailed study had been carried out on groundwater in Neyveli basin along the Cuddalore coast to establish the hydrogeochemistry and identify the various sources of contaminants as well assess the physical and chemical quality of the groundwater. The groundwater was found to vary considerably in terms of chemical and physical properties. Generally the water was alkaline, high chemical constituents near the coastal region and undersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals. The majority of groundwater clustered towards Mg-Cl, Ca-Cl and Na-Cl facies. Interpretation of data reveals that weathering and ion exchange through which major ions enter the groundwater system. Anthropogenic activities were found to have greatly impacted negatively on the quality of the groundwater

    Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater in Neyveli Basin, Cuddalore District, South India

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    In the light of progressive depletion of groundwater reservoir and water quality deterioration of the Neyveli basin, an investigation on dissolved major constituents in 25 groundwater samples was performed. The main objective was detection of processes for the geochemical assessment throughout the area. Neyveli aquifer is intensively inhabited during the last decenniums, leading to expansion of the residential and agricultural area. Besides semi-aridity, rapid social and economic development stimulates greater demand for water, which is gradually fulfilled by groundwater extraction. Groundwaters of the study area are characterized by the dominance of Na + K over Ca + Mg.HCO3 was found to be the dominant anion followed by Cl and SO4. High positive correlation was obtained among the following ions: Ca–Mg, Cl–Ca,Mg, Na–K, HCO3–H4SiO4, and F–K. The hydrochemical types in the area can be divided into two major groups: the first group includes mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Ca–Cl types. The second group comprises mixed Ca–Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 types. Most of the groundwater samples are within the permissible limit of WHO standard. Interpretation of data suggests that weathering, ion exchange reactions, and evaporation to some extent are the dominant factors that determine the major ionic composition in the study area

    Spurt in fish landings along north Tamil Nadu coast

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    In the sudden spurt of unusually heavy fish landings a movement of deep water fishes to the inshore areas were observed and of this unusual landings along the coast during this period are presented. The heavy fish landings were observed for 15 days in landing centres adjacent of Pondicherry whereas it for 2 days in Kovalam region and in Madras. A slight drop in surface water temperature with low oxygen concentration (1.10 to 1.37ml/L) and low temperature (26.2 to 27.2°C) during this period were examined. Analysis of plankton samples showed a a bloom of Chaetoceros sp.in this period

    Study of evaluation of groundwater in Gadilam basin using hydrogeochemical and isotope data

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    Gadilam river basin has gained its importance due to the presence of Neyveli Lignite open cast mines and other industrial complexes. It is also due to extensive depressurization of Cuddalore aquifer, and bore wells for New Veeranam Scheme are constructed downstream of the basin. Geochemical indicators of groundwater were used to identify the chemical processes that control hydrogeochemistry. Chemical parameters of groundwater such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca+), magnesium (Mg+), bicarbonate (HCO-3 ), sulfate (SO-4 ),phosphate (PO-4 ), and silica (H4SiO4) were determined. Interpretation of hydrogeochemical data suggests that leaching of ions followed by weathering and anthropogenic impact controls the chemistry of the groundwater. Isotopic study reveals that recharge from meteoric source in sedimentary terrain and rock-water interaction with significant evaporation prevails in hard rock region

    A study on the hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry of groundwater from different depths in a coastal aquifer: Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India

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    Chemical characterization of groundwater is essential to bring out its nature and utility. Samples from shallow and deep ground water of the same location were collected and studied for their geochemical characteristics following standard procedures (APHA 1998). Sediment samples from different depths were collected and analysed for minerals using FTIR and SEM. Resisitivity logging was carried out in the bore well to understand the variations in depth to fresh water potential. The shallow ground water is dominated by Na-Cl-HCO3-SO4 and deeper groundwater by Na-HCO3-SO4-Cl types. It is observed that there is a significant ionic variation with depth. The ionic strength of the deeper samples is lesser than in the shallower samples. Wide pH variations in the shallow water samples are due to ion exchange process. Thermodynamic stability plot was used to identify the state of stability. It is inferred that there is no major significant difference in the thermodynamic state of stability in the shallow and the deeper aquifers as the aquifer matrix for the shallow and deeper aquifers are almost similar. Saturation index of Gibbsite, Kaolinite, Calcite, Dolomite and Anhydrite, were studied for shallow and deep aquifers, to identify the difference in hydrochemical signatures. The Si/Al ratios of shallow samples are less when compared with the deeper samples. Leaching of secondary salts was the chief mechanism controlling the ground water chemistry of the region

    Potential functions for hydrogen bond interactions. IV. Minimum energy conformation of the α-helical structure of poly-L-alanine

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    Making use of the empirical potential functions for peptide NH .. O bonds, developed in this laboratory, the relative stabilities of the right and left-handed α-helical structures of poly-L-alanine have been investigated, by calculating their conformational energies (V). The value of Vmin of the right-handed helix (αP) is about — 10.4 kcal/mole, and that of the left-handed helix (αM) is about — 9.6 kcal/mole, showing that the former is lower in energy by 0.8 kcal/mole. The helical parameters of the stable conformation of αP are n ∼ 3.6 and h ∼ 1.5 Å. The hydrogen bond of length 2.85 Å and nonlinearity of about 10° adds about 4.0 kcal/ mole to the stabilising energy of the helix in the minimum enregy region. The energy minimum is not sharply defined, but occurs over a long valley, suggesting that a distribution of conformations (ϕ, ψ) of nearly the same energy may occur for the individual residues in a helix. The experimental data of α-helical fibres of poly-L-alanine are in good agreement with the theoretical results for αP. In the case of proteins, the mean values of (ϕ, ψ) for different helices are distributed, but they invariably occur within the contour for V = Vmin + 2 kcal/mole for αP

    Potential functions for hydrogen bond interactions. III. Empirical potential function for the peptide N-H...O=C hydrogen bond

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    A careful comparison of the distribution in the (R, θ )-plane of all NH ... O hydrogen bonds with that for bonds between neutral NH and neutral C=O groups indicated that the latter has a larger mean R and a wider range of θand that the distribution was also broader than for the average case. Therefore, the potential function developed earlier for an average NH ... O hydrogen bond was modified to suit the peptide case. A three-parameter expression of the form Vℏδ = Vmin + p1 Δ2 + q1 ep3 Δ , θ2 with ∃ = R - Rmin, was found to be satisfactory. By comparing the theoretically expected distribution in R and θ with observed data (although limited), the best values were found to be p1 = 25,p3 = - 2 and q1 = 1 x 10-3, with Rmin = 2.95 Å and Vmin = - 4.5 kcal/mole. The procedure for obtaining a smooth transition from Vhb to the non-bonded potential Vnb for large R and θ is described, along with a flow chart useful for programming the formulae. Calculated values of ΔH, the enthalpy of formation of the hydrogen bond, using this function are in reasonable agreement with observation. When the atoms involved in the hydrogen bond occur in a five-membered ring as in the sequence a different formula for the potential function is needed, which is of the form Vℏδ = Vmin +p 1∃2 +q 1 x 2 where x = θ - 50° for θ ≥ 50°, with p1 = 15, q1 = 0.002, Rmin = 2.8 Å and Vmin = - 2.5 kcal/mole

    Major and minor fisheries harbours of India. 7. The fisheries harbours and fishery along the north Tamilnadu and south Andhra Pradesh coasts

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    There are four functional fisheries harbours in the north Tamil Nadu-south Andhra Pradesh coast, viz., Chennai (major), Nizampatnam, Cuddalore and Pazhayar (minor). A medium harbour in Pondicherry is under construction. There is a temporary jetty in Krishnapatnam and a fish landing platform in Pulicat