3,333 research outputs found
Help me describe my data: A demonstration of the Open PHACTS VoID Editor
Abstract. The Open PHACTS VoID Editor helps non-Semantic Web experts to create machine interpretable descriptions for their datasets. The web app guides the user, an expert in the domain of the data, through a series of questions to capture details of their dataset and then generates a VoID dataset description. The generated dataset description conforms to the Open PHACTS dataset description guidelines that en-sure suitable provenance information is available about the dataset to enable its discovery and reuse
Cloud information for FIRE from surface weather reports
Surface weather observations of clouds were analyzed to obtain a global cloud climatology (Warren et al, 1986; 1988). The form of the synoptic weather code limits the types of cloud information which are available from these reports. Comparison of surface weather reports with instrumental observations during the FIRE field experiments can help to clarify the operational definitions which were made in the climatology because of the nature of the synoptic code. The long-term climatology from surface weather observations is also useful background for planning the location and timing of intensive field experiments
Prioritizing your time (2001)
"9/01/5M.""Time effectiveness.""Information from Human Environmental Science Extension.
Dynamical decoupling efficiency versus quantum non-Markovianity
We investigate the relationship between non-Markovianity and the
effectiveness of a dynamical decoupling protocol for qubits undergoing pure
dephasing. We consider an exact model in which dephasing arises due to a
bosonic environment with a spectral density of the Ohmic class. This is
parametrised by an Ohmicity parameter by changing which we can model both
Markovian and non-Markovian environments. Interestingly, we find that
engineering a non-Markovian environment is detrimental to the efficiency of the
dynamical decoupling scheme, leading to a worse coherence preservation. We show
that each dynamical decoupling pulse reverses the flow of quantum information
and, on this basis, we investigate the connection between dynamical decoupling
efficiency and the reservoir spectral density. Finally, in the spirit of
reservoir engineering, we investigate the optimum system-reservoir parameters
for achieving maximum stationary coherences.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Prioritizing your time (1996)
Think of time as one of the tools that you have available to reach your goals. As with many tools, if you want to use time effectively, it may require some training (or retraining), determination and practice
Getting started : saving and investing (2003)
"Information from Human Environmental Sciences Extension.""Family economics."Reprinted 7/03/10M
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Generating a handbook for school adjustment counseling services in schools : a systemic perspective.
Although school adjustment counseling has existed in the schools of Massachusetts since 1952, there has been no resource guide or handbook which has guided the work. Because of the increased demands put upon schools to meet the complex emotional needs of our students, the job has grown, but without a clear sense of direction or approach to the work. The writer believed that there was a need for a handbook for persons studying to become school adjustment counselors, persons recently hired as school adjustment counselors, and perhaps even persons already in the field. A handbook was developed dealing with school adjustment counseling from a systemic perspective enhanced with some aspects of Carl Rogers\u27 philosophy. The handbook is not a comprehensive cookbook of all aspects of school adjustment counseling, but rather it is a discussion of an approach. Activities for dealing with individuals, groups, classrooms, staff, parents, and the general community are included from the writer\u27s personal experiences with these activities. Twenty-five people read the handbook, including new school adjustment counselors, experienced school adjustment counselors, people in training to become school adjustment counselors, school personnel in related fields and administrators. After reading the handbook, they completed a matrix and a questionnaire. Their responses were overwhelmingly positive. Based on the responses, the writer plans to revise and expand the handbook with hopes of it being a factor in enhancing the training for the field and preserving the uniqueness of the position
Teaching Experience: A Prerequisite for Effective Counselor Performance?
Purpose of the study
Previous teaching experience is one of the most discussed issues in today\u27s pupil personnel services. We find ourselves in the milieu of a controversy in which we have advocates of one camp who propose that teaching experience can be a handicap in the effectiveness of a counselor; and in the other camp, that teaching experience is a vital prerequisite for counselor effectiveness.
The controversy has reached such proportions that some states, which previously held teaching experience as a necessary requirement for counselor certification, have either changed certification requirements or have worked around the issue by accepting practice teaching, intern teaching, or substitute teaching as evidence that the requirement has been satisfied.
Method of procedure
The methods employed in this study were threefold: (1) a very thorough review of the current literature, (2) study of counselor certification requirements in the Southwest; namely, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and Utah, and (3) an independent survey of school administrators employed in major cities within each of the above mentioned states. The administrators included secondary school principals, directors of pupil personnel services, and superintendents of schools
A Diversity Initiative is Organizational Development: Anything Else is Just Window Dressing
When an organization, any organization, but in particular, higher education, decides to engage in a diversity initiative, the leadership of the institution must be aware that they are engaging in a complex change or organization development. Organization Development is defined as change initiated by the top leadership of an organization, the change must be organization-wide, it is planned; it is designed to improve organizational health and effectiveness, and is implemented with the assistance of skills and interventions based in the behavioral sciences
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