2,081 research outputs found

    Agritourism flows to Italy: an analysis of determinants using the gravity model approach

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    Tourism represents one of the most important income sources for Italy. In recent years, apart from “traditional” destinations, tourism supply is widely changing in order to satisfy the customers “love for variety” and valorise marginal resources, then new formulas are emerging (e.g. agritourism). This work aims to elaborate and estimate an econometric model able to adequately explain the size of agritourists flows to Italy from main partner countries using the gravity model approach that has been broadly applied to the analysis of international flows. In this work, the “basic” model has been enlarged and improved with the introduction of other explicative variables. The results has allowed to confirm empirical validity of the gravity model in studying international flows of any nature. Furthermore, the estimated econometric model represents a useful analytical instrument to describe, and, eventually, predict demand of foreign visitors for agritourist vacations in Italy.Gravity Model, Agritourism, Rural tourism, Tourism flows, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    High-Throughput Design of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys: Critical Assessment of Empirical Criteria and Proposal of Novel Guidelines for Prediction of Solid Solution Stability

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    Refractory high-entropy alloys (RHEAs) are a new class of metallic alloys which have been extensively studied in the past decade due to their excellent high-temperature performances. However, the design of new lightweight and ductile RHEAs is a challenging task, since an extensive exploration of the immense compositional space of multicomponent systems is practically impossible. Aiming to reduce the experimental effort, several research groups have proposed different predictive criteria to design new high-performing HEAs. Nevertheless, the criteria proposed so far are often based on a limited amount of data and, generally, do not differentiate between refractory and nonrefractory HEAs. To overcome these limitations, herein, a comprehensive database of properties of 265 RHEAs reported in the open literature from 2010 to 2022 is developed. Such a database is used to assess the validity of predictive empirical criteria and new guidelines for the prediction of solid solution stability in RHEAs are proposed

    Light inhibition of nitrification in sea-surface films

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    Nitrifying bacteria (ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizers) were isolated from sea-surface films collected in the Gulf of California. Laboratory studies indicate substrate oxidation by these isolates is inhibited by light. Ammonia-oxidizers showed lower nitrifying activity and a longer lag time when held in an 8-hr light:16-hr dark regime compared to those held completely in the dark, and nitrite-oxidizers showed nitrifying activity only when held in the dark. Tracer studies using 15N-ammonia corroborate that little or no nitrification occurs in the surface films of subtropical seas

    Mixed Land Use as an Intrinsic Feature of Sprawl: A Short-Term Analysis of Settlement Growth and Population Distribution Using European Urban Atlas

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    This study investigates the land-use/population mix over time as the base to derive an indicator of urban sprawl. Land-use individual patches (provided by Urban Atlas, hereafter UA, with a detailed spatial geometry at 1:10,000 scale) were associated with the total (resident) population based on official statistics (census enumeration districts and other public data sources), providing a comprehensive mapping of the spatial distribution of population density by land-use class in a representative case study for the Mediterranean region (metropolitan Athens, Greece). Data analysis adopted a mix of statistical techniques, such as descriptive statistics, non-parametric curve interpolation (smoothing splines), and exploratory multivariate statistics, namely hierarchical clustering, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling and confirmative factor analysis. The results of this study indicate a non-linear gradient of density decline from downtown (dominated by compact settlements) to peripheral locations (dominated by natural land). Population density in agricultural land was locally high and increasing over time; this result suggests how mixed land use may be the base of intense sprawl in large metropolitan regions. The methodology implemented in this study can be generalized over the whole sample of European cities included in Urban Atlas, providing a semi-automatic assessment of exurban development and population re-distribution over larger metropolitan regions

    Entangled Two-Dimensional Coordination Networks: A General Survey

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    Many of the reported species exhibit the intriguing feature of interpenetration or other types of entanglements. The properties of these materials are related not only to their molecular structures but also to the topology of the individual networks as well as to the way in which the individual nets are entangled. Different synthetic procedures have been developed to attain a certain control of entanglement in coordination networks, and recently some reviews have appeared that are focused on factors governing the entanglements, having in mind their potential applications. However, these analyses are mostly devoted to 3D networks thanks to the great wealth of data on interpenetration. Simplification of a network that contains 2-loops can lead to complete disappearance of the entanglement, and therefore such networks were picked out into a separate group

    Use of Circumferentially Cracked Bar sample for CTOD fracture toughness determination in the upper shelf regime

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    In this work, the use of circumferentially cracked bar (CCB) sample to determine material fracture toughness in the upper shelf regime for carbon steels has been investigated. Since high fracture toughness materials are known to exhibit extensive crack tip blunting before ductile crack initiation, accurate specimen design is required to provide realistic fracture toughness measurement. Here, a CCB was designed to have similar loss of constraint as for SENT sample. Continuum damage mechanics was used to predict the occurrence of ductile crack initiation and propagation. Finite element analysis was performed to predict specimen response and to compare computed J-integral crack driving force with measured CTOD. Finally, experimental tests were performed on X65 carbon steel and the measured critical CTOD was compared with available fracture data obtained with SENT

    Umbilical Cord Knots: Is the Number Related to Fetal Risk?

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    True knots of the umbilical cord (UC) are a rare occurrence and are reported in 0.4–1.2% of deliveries. The compression of true knot of the UC can cause obstruction of the fetal circulation, leading to intra‐uterine growth retardation or fetal death. Predisposing factors for the genesis of the true UC knot are numerous and include all the conditions, which lead to a relatively large uterine volume. This situation may predispose to free and excessive fetal movements. Although not all true knots lead to perinatal complications, they have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including fetal distress, fetal hypoxia, intra‐uterine growth restriction (IUGR), long‐term neurological damage, caesarean delivery and stillbirth. We present a rare case of operative delivery with vacuum in a multiparous woman at term of pregnancy with a double true knot of the UC. As in most cases, the diagnosis was made after delivery, as there were no fetal symptoms during pregnancy. Some authors assume that 3D power sonography may be useful in the diagnosis of true UC knots. However, 3D power Doppler cannot be considered as a definitive method. There are no specific prenatal indications to induce the physician to look for ultrasound signs suggestive of umbilical true knot. Some studies argue that cases of fetal death and fetal risk are directly related to the number of knots. We also support this thesis, even if further observational and retrospective studies are needed to demonstrate it

    Estimations of length-weight relationships and consumption rates of odontocetes in the Mediterranean Sea from stranding data

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    Stranding data provide fundamental information on biometric traits of cetaceans useful to increase knowledge on ecological traits and their consumption patterns. In this study, the length weight (L-W) relationships through the power regression model (W = a ×Lb ) were calculated for three dolphin species (the striped dolphin, the common bottlenose dolphin and the Risso’s dolphin) in several Mediterranean subregions and at the scale of the entire basin. Length (L) and weight (W) data were collected from stranding records during the period from 1983 to 2021 acquired from several databases and the literature. Starting from L-W relationships, a bootstrap method was applied to estimate the mean body weights, the daily ingested biomass (IB) and annual food consumption (AFC) rates of different dolphin species. In particular, four different equations were used to estimate the IB rates. Prey consumption by dolphin species was calculated through AFC rates and the available diet information (expressed in weight fractions) of dolphin species for different Mediterranean subregions. Considering the L-W relationships in the Mediterranean Sea, b coefficient values were equal to 2.578, 2.975 and 2.988 for the striped, the common bottlenose and the Risso’s dolphin, respectively. At the Mediterranean scale, the AFC values estimated were 3913 kg (CI 2469–5306) for the Risso’s dolphin, 2571 kg (1372–3963) for the common bottlenose dolphin and 1118 kg (531–1570) for the striped dolphin. Prey consumption pattern showed a clear partitioning among the investigated species, where the common bottlenose dolphin exploits neritic demersal and pelagic fishes (e.g. eel fishes, sparids), the striped dolphin exploits mesopelagic fishes and myctophids, and the Risso’s dolphin was specialized on bathyal cephalopods of Histioteuthidae family. The results obtained in this study provide new information for the investigated species in several Mediterranean subregions providing a first consistent baseline to support the population dynamics modelling. At the same time, the wide uncertainty ranges of some parameters, as well as the lack of information for some species, stress the necessity of improving the data collection associated to stranding events, especially in the southern Mediterranean areas

    The Industrial Pattern of Italian Regions: A Disaggregated Sectoral Analysis Based on Input–Output Tables

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    Italy joined the so-called ‘Industry 4.0’ European framework in 2016, which designed and approved a national plan to regulate this key issue for regional development. To better support such a framework, the present study attempts to quantify the contribution of the Italian regions to the output formation process. More specifically, a multi-sectoral Input–Output (IO) model that supports national policies was proposed to cumulatively consider 29 industries that partition the Italian economy into representative branches at the level of administrative regions. Elementary input data were derived from the inter-sectoral table of the economy released by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). The economic outcomes of the Italian regions were estimated using a non-survey procedure, based on Flegg Location Quotients, to determine the upstream and downstream positions of each industry at country and regional levels. Indices grounded on the Hypothetical Extraction Method (HEM) further delineated the role each industry plays in the regional economy. The empirical findings of this study demonstrate how non-survey IO regionalization and the resulting industry-based indices provide appropriate knowledge for regional development policies

    Building Orientation and Heat Treatments Effect on the Pseudoelastic Properties of NiTi Produced by LPBF

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    NiTi dominates the market of shape memory materials due to its optimal combination of mechanical, functional, and biocompatibility properties, which enabled its use for several applications, in particular for the biomedical and the aerospace sectors. However, due to its poor machinability, NiTi is a challenging material from the manufacturing standpoint. Therefore, in the last years, researchers have focused on the production of NiTi components by additive manufacturing processes, which also enable the manufacturing of complex shape parts that cannot be produced with conventional methods. The aim of this study is to provide insights on the optimization of the functional performances of NiTi produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, leveraging on the building orientation and post-processing heat treatments. Uniaxial mechanical tests have been performed in tension and compression, and the influence of heat treatments and building orientation on the mechanical behavior of pseudoelastic NiTi has been evaluated. Different heat treatment schedules have been evaluated, leading to transformation strains up to 2.7% in tension and 4.6% in compression. This study confirms that Laser Powder Bed Fusion is a promising additive manufacturing technology for the production of net-shape and near defect-free NiTi components, exhibiting remarkable functional properties